Links and Resources TNCs


Transnational Corporations


Business and Government Alliances on Trade and Finance
This page links to websites of business and government alliances.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
As a partner of Amnesty International and academic institutions, this non-profit organization provides an online library composed of links to a wide range of materials published by companies, NGOs, governments, intergovernmental organizations, journalists, and academics on corporate misconduct, as well as "best practices" by companies.

Business for Social Responsibility
This is an organization with a membership made up of corporations like K-Mart, Reebok and Starbucks. It seeks to promote 'ethical social behavior' in the business community and includes a large resource center.

Corporate Accountability Project
A project of the ACTION Center (Activists' Center for Training In Organizing and Networking) which includes extensive information and resources on how to research individual corporations.

The Corporate Library
Offers information on companies, CEO contracts, bankruptcies, mergers and corporate governance

Both a website and a text-based electronic conference, designed to provide activists, journalists, and policy makers with information and analysis on the social, ecological and economic impacts of transnational corporations. A project of the Institute for Global Communications (IGC) and the Transnational Resource and Action Center (TRAC).

Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index
For all those wanting to invest responsibly check out this site. Dow Jones has created a sustainable development index and as more investors monitor corporations' commitment to the environment and human rights, socially conscious investment funds are performing well.

Focus on the Corporation
Link to Russell Mokhiber's and Robert Weissman's articles on corporations and analysis of corporate power.

LobbyWatch maintains a listing of the corporate and political affiliations of prominent lobbyists, PR firms, front groups, political networks and industry-friendly scientists. It tracks their works and viewpoints along with their financial obligations.

Marketshare Matrix
The Marketshare Matrix is a project that maps the global food system. The matrix provides country-specific data that answer important questions like; which companies process the bulk of US beef, where do corporations such as Nestle, Cargill, or Monsanto operate and who are the big soybean processors in Brazil?

MisFortune500 is a resource page that exposes how corporate activities violate women's human rights, workers' rights and the environment, highlighting what women worldwide are doing about it.

The Multinational Monitor
Hosts about 30 US anti-corporate NGOs.

PBS's Media Giants Site
Details the complex web of business relationships that now defines America's media and popular culture.

Activist and Research Organization which collects and freely distributes detailed commercial, financial, social and ecological information on over 3000 transnational corporations through their Site, information available in French, English and Spanish.

Transnationals & Bribery/Corruption
Site of Transparency International in Berlin, leader in the worldwide effort to stem bribery and corruption by transnational corporations. Some major countries still allow TNC's to deduct bribes from their income tax as a "business expense."

Transparency International

The United Nations and Business
UN website on the organization's relationships with business.

UN Draft Norms of Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Regard to Human Rights

The World Business Organization
The official site for the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Znet Global Economics
A source for understanding global economics and trade issues, particularly in preparation for ongoing demonstrations about economic justice.