UN Calls for Ethiopia-Eritrea Ceasefire

BBC Online
June 24, 1999

Both sides accept the OAU's ceasefire proposal - but only in principle

The United Nations Security Council has made another call for an immediate ceasefire in the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The 15 members of the Security Council said they "deplore" the ongoing conflict, which has escalated since early June along the 1,000km border.

The Security Council said it was "matter of great concern" that both countries were continuing to buy weapons while large numbers of their people were facing famine. It repeated its appeal for arms sales to the region to stop.

Around 500,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in the two countries, according to UN figures, while several million more face serious drought conditions.

Peace proposals

The Security Council also urged Ethiopia and Eritrea to implement an 11-point peace plan put forward by the Organisation of African Unity. The plan calls for the withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Ethiopian territory occupied after 6 May, 1998 and the deployment of a neutral force until the border is demarcated with UN assistance.

Security Council President Baboucarr-Blaise Jagne of Gambia said the OAU peace plan "remains a viable and sound basis for a peaceful resolution to the conflict".

Both sides accept the plan in principle, but differ on its implementation.

More Information on Ethiopia and Eritrea