Links and Resources on the G-8


The Group of 7/Group of 8

The G-8 Summit Online

Web site providing interactive dialogs with G8 ministers and on-site reporting during G8 meetings. Developed by and the G8 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

G-8 Information Centre

A site based at the University of Toronto that post extensive information about the regular meetings of the leaders of the seven richest countries in the world -- meetings that now include Russia (G8). Of particular interest is the Lyons Summit of June 1996 where there was a special meeting with the heads of the UN, the World Bank, the IMF and the WTO.

TOES/USA - "The Other Economic Summit"

An international nongovernmental forum for the presentation, discussion, and advocacy of the economic ideas and practices upon which a more just and sustainable society can be built. TOES' major ongoing activity is a yearly forum/exposition held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the G8.