Links and Resources on the World bank


The World Bank

The World Bank's main website which includes a page on current "hot topics" in the Bank.

World Bank President

Following a heated debate, former US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz rose to head the World Bank in June 2005. This independent website covers the much-criticized selection process that led to his nomination.

The Bank Information Center (BIC)

BIC is an independent, non-profit, NGO that provides information and and well researched papers on the projects, policies and practices of the World Bank and other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). BIC advocates for greater transparency, accountability and citizen participation at the MDBs.


The Development Group for Alternative Policies, often referred to as "D-GAP" has produced some of the best critical analysis of the Bretton Woods Institutions, particularly the World Bank.

International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)

An institution that arbitrates trade disputes between states and foreign investors. States that have signed the ICSID Convention cannot appeal the decisions made by this court, which is closely affiliated with the World Bank and is co-sponsored by International Chamber of Commerce and other business associations.

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers

The World Bank and IMF use these policy reports submitted by governments as a basis for lending. PRSP are hailed as government-civil society collaborations outlining appropriate social-economic policy to fight poverty. Oddly enough, PRSP content resembles structural adjustment programs of international financial institutions.

PovertyNet Library

Poverty alleviation reports and papers.

World Development Reports

The World Development Reports provide information on international economics and development in the world. Every year the World Bank's president select a particular aspect of development on which the report focuses.

World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty

This World Bank report gives an official view on poverty reduction. The US Treasury Department rejected the original draft by lead author Ravi Kanbur. Kanbur resigned, creating a censorship scandal that damaged the credibility of the report and cast a shadow over the Bank itself.