Links and Resources on WTO


The World Trade Organization

Investment Watch

This site monitors the Multilateral Investment Agreement, which aims to expand the mandate of the WTO to foreign investment, significantly reducing the abilities of poorer WTO members to manage foreign investments effectively.

News Bulletins

Link to a site of publications from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and other trade policy monitoring organizations, including a WTO News site.

Global Trade Watch

Public Citizen's site provides information on the organization's work to promote democracy by challenging corporate globalization.

G-8 Information Centre

A site based at the University of Toronto that post extensive information about the regular meetings of the leaders of the seven richest countries in the world -- meetings that now include Russia. Of particular interest is the Lyons Summit of June 1996 where there was a special meeting with the heads of the UN, the World Bank, the IMF and the WTO. Critics have been gathering in the G-8 cities to hold what is called "The Other Economic Summit" (TOES).

Harvard Center for International Development's Global Trade Negotiations Home Page

Extensive research materials and resources on global trade negotiations. Includes issue summaries, academic papers, government papers on trade policy, position papers from NGOs plus a comprehensive list of links to other trade resources.

ZNet Global Economics

A source for understanding global economics and trade issues, especially regarding the anti-WTO demonstrations in Seattle.

EU-China WTO Accession Negotiation

Following two days of negotiations in Brussels, EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy and Chinese Trade Minister Chi Guangsheng have now resolved the outstanding bilateral issues between the and China with a view to China's accession to the WTO.

WTO Watch