Links and Resourceson Gender and Inequality


MisFortune500 is a resource page that exposes how corporate activities violate women's human rights, workers' rights and the environment, highlighting what women worldwide are doing about it.

Women's Enews

A non-profit independent news service covering women's issues.

Use the UN Internet gateway on women to find information about the Beijing +5 Conference and other UN events, documents, news and regional resources on women issues.

Beijing +5
The UN's "Women 2000" (Beijing +5) Conference was held June 5-9, 2000 in New York to review progress since the Nairobi Conference (1985) and the Beijing Conference (1995).

CEDAW (The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women)
Adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly, it is often described as an international bill of rights for women. The Convention defines what constitutes discrimination against women and sets up an agenda for national action to end such discrimination.

CSW (Commission on the Status of Women)
Commission on the Status of Women prepares recommendations and reports to the Economic and Social Council on promoting women's rights in political, economic, civil, social and educational fields.

DAW (UN Division for the Advancement of Women)
As part of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, DAW acts as a focal point for coordination and mainstreaming of gender issues in the UN system. It has been the Secretariat of the four UN world conferences on women and Special Session of the General Assembly "Women 2000" (Beijing+5), and is responsible for servicing CSW and CEDAW.

Global Alliance for Women's Health
The Global Alliance for Women's Health is committed to advancing women's health in all stages of life and at all policy levels through health promotion, education, advocacy and program implementation.

International Women's Tribune Center
Information about the IWTC and its activities at Beijing. An important organization representing women's rights at the UN, with headquarters in New York.

UNIFEM (UN Development Fund for Women)
Promotes women's empowerment and gender equality primarily at the country level. It works to ensure the participation of women in all levels of development planning and practice, and acts as a catalyst.

UNFPA (UN Population Fund)
The UN Population Fund focuses on reproductive health, population and development strategies and other gender issues.

UNDP- GIDP (UN Development Programme- Gender in Development Programme)
The Gender in Development Programme supports UNDP's gender equality program and promotes the empowerment of women.

INSTRAW (International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women)
Assists, through research and training, the advancement of women. Makes women's contribution to development more visible.

WHRNet (Women's Human Rights Net)
A collaborative Information & Communication Technology (ICT) project developed by an international coalition of women's organizations.

WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom)
WILPF works to achieve world disarmament, full rights for women, racial and economic justice, an end to all forms of violence, and to establish those political, social, and psychological conditions which can assure peace, freedom, and justice for all.

WEDO (Women's Environment and Development Organization)
WEDO is an international advocacy organization that seeks to increase the power of women worldwide as policymakers at all levels and to achieve economic and social justice, a healthy and peaceful planet, and human rights for all.

Women's Net
A major network based at the Institute for Global Communication in San Francisco. This net includes much information about the Women's Conference at Beijing and some sites of major women's organizations working at the UN. See below.

WomenWatch - Link to UN Programs on Women
Links to all the UN's programs and activities on women, including the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW), Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), and the UN Development Fund for Women (INSTRAW).

Statistics and Indicators
Informative data from Women Watch, a section of the UN web site. Provides indictors of women's education, literacy, unemployment, income and economic activity, and political participation around the world. Also view data on women and employment at the UN.