Links and Resources on Global Taxes


Web Resources on Global Taxes and Charges

Currency Transaction Taxes


ATTAC (Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens) was founded in France in June 1998 by a group of citizens, associations, trade unions, and newspapers. The international network consists of independent national and local groups in over 30 countries.

Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)

The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) was established to promote democratic debate on important economic and social issues that affect people's lives.

CTT Campaigns

This website managed by members of the Network Institute for Global Democratization (NIGD) and ATTAC Japan, came about as a result of discussions at the European Social Forum in London in November 2004. It was launched in connection with the seminar on The Currency Transactions tax - A Necessity Against Neoliberalism" at the World Social Forum, Porto Alegre in January 2005.

Currency Transaction Tax

This website, a project of the Halifax Initiative, provides comprehensive information on the currency transaction tax ranging from research and policy papers to media coverage and governmental responses.

Halifax Initiative

A coalition of Canadian NGOs who advocate the fundamental reform of the international financial institutions, and lobby for the imposition of a Tobin tax.

International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity (CIDSE)

CIDSE is an international coalition of 14 Catholic development organisations. Among other things, CIDSE is working on the issue of a currency transaction tax.

Stamp Out Poverty

Stamp Out Poverty is a UK network of charities, faith groups and trade unions campaigning for additional sources of development finance, especially the currency transaction tax.

Tobin Tax Initiative

This project is a collaboration of a number of movements and initiatives who are in favor of currency exchange taxes.

World Economy, Ecology and Development (WEED)

WEED works on global economic development and environmental issues including global taxes.

World Parliamentarians Call for Tobin Tax

The World Parliamentarians Call for Tobin Tax was launched in April 2000 to call on parliamentarians all over the world to support the Tobin tax.

Energy Taxes

Center for Economic Justice

This site advocating a "Green Tax Shift" to greater environmental taxation includes both policy papers and links to various other organizations.

Environmental Tax Program

The Environmental Tax Program fosters public discussion on environmental tax reform on the local, national and international levels.

Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy (USA)

ME3 aims to restructure Minnesota's tax system so that it is based in part on environmental taxes. Its web site includes an extensive set of resources on ecological tax reform, not only in Minnesota but around the world.

Redefining Progress

A US public policy organization; its web site contained detailed policy papers on environmental tax reform.

Transport and Environment

Transport and Environment is Europe's principal environmental organisation campaigning on sustainable transport.

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy

The Wuppertal Bulletin on Ecological Tax Reform reports on studies on Ecological Tax Reform and political processes worldwide.
Other Recommended Sources

Alternative Finance and Global Taxes (including the Tobin Tax)

Prohibition on United Nations Taxation Act of 1999 (January 6, 1999)

The US Congress threatens the UN that the US will stop paying its dues if the UN discusses any form of global taxation!

P Arestis and M. Sawyer, "How Many Cheers for the Tobin Tax?" Cambridge Journal of Economics, Volume 21, Issue 6: November 1997.

Harlan Cleveland, Hazel Henderson & Inge Kaul, The United Nations: Policy and Financing Alternatives, Washington, Global Commission to Fund the United Nations, 1996.

Hans D'Orville and Dragoljub Najman, "A new system to finance the United Nations," Security Dialogue, vol. 25, no. 2 (June, 1994)

David Felix, "The Tobin Tax Proposal: background, issues and prospects," New York, UNDP Policy Paper, 1995.

Mahbub ul Haq, Inge Kaul and Isabelle Grunberg, (eds.), The Tobin Tax: Coping with Financial Volatility, New York, Oxford University Press, 1996.

Alan F. Kay and Hazel Henderson, "UNSIA Progress Report -- from concept to organization and test cases," Internal Paper, Global Commission to Fund the United Nations, August 24, 1995.

Ruben P. Mendez, "Financing the United Nations and the International Public Sector: Problems and Reform," Global Governance, 3 (1997), 283-310.

Ruben P. Mendez, "Paying for Peace and Development," Foreign Policy, Number 100 (Fall, 1995), pp. 19-31.

Ruben P. Mendez, "Harnessing the global currency market for the global common good," Choices, vol. 4, no. 1 (1995).

Ruben P. Mendez, "Financial Reform for the International Public Sector," Paper presented at the Wilton Park Conference, June, 1994.

Ruben P. Mendez, International Public Finance, New York, Oxford University Press, 1992.

Dragoljub Najman and Hans D'Orville, Towards a New Multilateralism: Funding Global Priorities, Paris/New York, Independent Commission on Population and Quality of Life, 1995.

Sherle R. Schwenninger, "How to Save the World: The Case for a Global Flat Tax" The Nation, May 13, 1996.

Parthasarathi Shome, "Global Incentive Policies: the case for environmental taxes," UNDP/Office of Development Studies Discussion Paper, 1996.

J. G. Smith, "Commentary: Exchange Rate Instability and the Tobin Tax," Cambridge Journal of Economics, Volume 21, Issue 6: November 1997.

Environmental Taxes/Subsidies (including carbon taxes)

William Cline, The Economics of Global Warming, (Washington DC: IIE, 1991).

Antonia Cornwell, Environmental Taxes and Economic Welfare : Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions, New Horizons in Environmental Economics Series, Cheltenham, UK, 1997.

Andre de Moor and Peter Calamai, Subsidizing Unsustainable Development: Undermining the Earth with Public Funds (Earth Council Institute of Canada, 1997).

Henry Lee (ed.), Shaping National Responses to Climate Change (Washington DC: Island Press, 1995).

Richard D. Morgenstern, "Environmental Taxes: Is There a Double Dividend?" in Environment, 38:3, April 1996.

Frank Muller, "Mitigating Climate Change: The Case for Energy Taxes" Environment 38:2; March 1996.

OECD, Environmental Taxes and Green Tax Reform (Paris: OECD, 1997).

OECD, Subsidies and the Environment: Exploring the Linkages (Paris: OECD, 1996).

James Poterba and Dornbusch (eds.) Global Warming: Economic Policy Responses (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991).

David Malin Roodman, Getting the Signals Right: Tax Reform to Protect the Environment and the Economy, Worldwatch Paper 134 (Washington, DC: WorldWatch Institute, May 1997).

David Malin Roodman, Paying the Piper: Subsidies, Politics, and the Environment, Worldwatch Paper 133 (Washington, DC: WorldWatch Institute, December 1996).

Selected UN Documents

10 June 1996 - "New and Innovative Ideas for Generating Funds" (E/1996/CRP.1)(16 pages)
ECOSOC paper summarizing major proposals and giving documentary references.

April 1996 - report of debate at the Commission on Sustainable Development.

6 March 1996 - "Financial Resources and Mechanisms" (E/CN.17/1996/28)(17 pages)
Chairman's Summary of the Third Expert Group Meeting on Financial Issues of Agenda 21, held in Manilla, Philippines, 6-8 February 1996 - to be considered at the Commission on Sustainable Development (item 4).

24 February 1995 - "Financial Resources and Mechanisms" (E/CN.17/1995/29)(pages)
Chairman's Summary of the Second Expert Group Meeting on Financial Issues of Agenda 21, held in Glen Cove, USA, 15-17 February 1995.

See also the following reports of the Secretary General that are relevant to the issue: A/50/1, A/50/666, A/47/277-S/24111, A/48/935, and A/49/665.