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Chistopher Hitchens, among many others, has accused former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger of war crimes for his involvement in covert operations, coups, and armed conflict in states across the globe. Despite widespread knowledge of the details of his guilt, some garnered from recently declassified CIA documents, Kissinger continues to be an admired public figure whose presence and commentary is much sought after by mainstream media.
2008 | 2007 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
Kissinger Efforts to Prevent Allende Taking Office in 1970 (September 11, 2008)
In 2008, twenty-five years after former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger conspired to overthrow Chile's president Salvador Allende, the US national security archive has published phone calls between Kissinger and US president Richard Nixon. The recordings show that Kissinger knew about General Augusto Pinochet's plans to overthrow the Allende government, 9 weeks before the coup took place. (Mercopress)
Saying Nothing, But Still Power-Hungry (June 5, 2007)
Even at the age of 84, former US Secretary of State and current advisor to President Bush on Iraq Henry Kissinger tirelessly addresses crowds as an act of self-promotion. John MacArthur of Providence Journal asserts that it is Kissinger's "vigorous" personality that lets him get away with war crimes in Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, Indonesia and East Timor while he was Richard Nixon's national security advisor.
After Pinochet, Prosecute Kissinger (December 15, 2004)
Former Dictator Augusto Pinochet changed "one of the most vibrant democracies in the world" into a fearsome dictatorship. Judicial action against Pinochet begs the question: What about former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who allegedly helped bring Pinochet to power? AlterNet says that until Kissinger faces justice, "the rest of the world has a right to be incredulous when [US] leaders proclaim they want to spread democracy and human rights abroad."
Kissinger Declassified (December 2004)
In light of "newly released records," Christopher Hitchens describes in detail how former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was involved in the horrifying activities of South American dictators during the 1970s. He points out that today, Argentina has prosecuted its former dictator General Jorge Rafaél Videla and Chile continues to pursue General Augusto Pinochet. Kissinger, however, remains protected by the US government, prompting Hitchens to wonder "which country is the real banana republic?" (Vanity Fair)
Kissinger Cool to Criticizing Juntas in '76 (October 1, 2004)
According to recently released National Archive documents, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had a "behind-the-scenes hostility" toward US diplomats who cautioned Latin American dictators on upholding civil liberties and human rights. This New York Times article discusses a few of the transcripts in which Kissinger demonstrated such hostility, though Kissinger and his supporters claim opponents exaggerated the issue.
The Other 9/11: The United States and Chile, 1973 (November/December 2003)
With the help of a National Security Archives campaign to release secret government documents, Peter Kornbluh wrote a book about the US role in the coup to bring down Chilean President Salvador Allende and install dictator Augusto Pinochet in power. This book review of The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability builds the case against former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and criticizes "the effort—the resources committed, the risks taken, and the skullduggery employed—to bring a Latin American democracy down, and the meager efforts since to build democracy back up." (Foreign Affairs)
Kissinger Approved Argentinian 'Dirty War' (December 6, 2003)
Declassified US State Department documents reveal that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger approved of the Argentinean military regime's activities during its 'Dirty War' in the 1970s. Many believe that the regime, which depended on US financial and military aid, would not have continued to carry out atrocities without the tacit approval of the US. (Guardian)
Kissinger Gave Israel Tacit Approval to Flout 1973 Truce: Documents (October 9, 2003)
Newly declassified documents indicate that Henry Kissinger gave Israel approval for the truce violation in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.(DAWN)
Triumph of the Media Mill (September 14, 2003)
This ZNet article questions why the US media keeps treating Henry Kissinger as a respected elder statesman. Mainstream journalists generally ignore his human rights violations and war crimes in Vietnam and Chile.
Powell Regrets 1973 US Actions in Chile (April 16, 2003)
As 11 residents of Chile filed a complaint against Kissinger and the US government seeking damages for deaths and other rights abuses, Secretary of State Colin Powell says that the 1973 military coup in Chile "is not a part of American history that we are proud of." (Associated Press)
Reviewing the International Law of Accomplice Liability: Henry Kissinger in Pinochet' Chile (January, 2003)
Three elements of International Criminal Law have particular relevance to Kissinger's culpability for war crimes during the Pinochet regime. The article analyzes legal precedent for the interpretation of these elements and applies it to the facts in the Kissinger case. (Kissinger Watch)
Henry's Revenge (November 29, 2002)
The Guardian explains how Henry Kissinger, internationally regarded as a war criminal, finds a surprising level of support among US citizens who have largely forgotten his criminal adventures around the world.
Kissinger's Back...As 9/11 Truth-Seeker (November 27, 2002)
The appointment of Henry Kissinger as the head of an independent commission to investigate September 11th has generated much criticism. Recalling the dubious past of the former US Secretary of State, The Nation deplores the nomination of Kissinger, who represents for many a "symbol of US arrogance and the misuse of American might."
The Kissinger Factor and US Policy on the International Criminal Court (November 15, 2002)
The US has recently failed to persuade many European governments to sign agreements that would secure exemption from the ICC for its government officials. Even though the ICC could not indict Henry Kissinger, the "Kissingers" of tomorrow will now be at risk. (Crimes of War)
Kissinger May Face Extradition to Chile (June 12, 2002)
Kissinger is wanted in Chile for "questioning as a witness in the investigation into the events surrounding the overthrow of the socialist president, Salvador Allende, by General Augusto Pinochet." Having ignored all petitions for cooperation by Chilean lawyers, Judge Guzman may have no choice but to file extradition charges. (Guardian)
Is Henry Kissinger a War Criminal? (June 11, 2002)
Thirty years after Henry Kissinger's time as US Secretary of State, investigators, judges and citizens from all over the world continue to accuse him of crimes against humanity. These accusations spotlight Washington's contentious stand on many aspects of international justice. If international courts prosecute US government officials like Kissinger, Washington's historical complicity with many murderous regimes would come to light. (Globe and Mail)
Why Milosevic, But Not Kissinger? (April 25, 2002)
The author contends that Former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger must be held responsible for killing and torturing innocent civilians in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. He explains how Kissinger should not be "above the law." (Guardian)
For Chilean Coup, Kissinger Is Numbered Among the Hunted (March 28, 2002)
A new era is beginning for individual accountability, as shown with the Pinochet case and the soon-to be establishment of the International Criminal Court. Among others, Henry Kissinger should start to worry. (New York Times)
Holding Leaders Responsible for Violations of International Law: The Bombing of Laos and Cambodia (December 2001)
This paper discusses the culpability of individuals under customary international law. Henry Kissinger's role in the bombing of Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War is used as the main case study for the analysis. (Colombia Human Rights Law Review)
1975 East Timor Invasion Got US Go-Ahead (December 7, 2001)
Newly declassified documents from the US National Security Archive reveal that Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger gave Indonesian President Suharto permission for the 1975 invasion of East Timor which resulted in 200,000 deaths. (Washington Post)
Henry Kissinger, US Involved in 1970 Chilean Plot (September 9, 2001)
CBS television's program "60 Minutes" shows evidence of Kissinger's involvement in the Chilean coup. (Associated Press)
Manhattan's Milosevic (August 15, 2001)
The Village Voice discusses the Kissinger controversy and concludes that he might be indicted for war crimes in Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Chile and East Timor. But due to the lack of political will, he is unlikely to be arrested anytime soon.
Henry Kissinger Has Become a Very Nervous Person (July 4, 2001)
Jonathan Powers argues Kissinger's recent criticism of universal jurisdiction for war crimes in Foreign Affairs betrays his fear that one day he may be prosecuted by an international court as a war criminal. (TFPFP)
The Pitfalls of Universal Jurisdiction: Risking Judicial Tryanny (July / August 2001)
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger trembles at the recent development of universal jurisdiction for war crimes in national courts and the soon to be established International Criminal Court. (Foreign Affairs)
The Fugitive (June 25, 2001)
Chistopher Hitchens is puzzled by US media silence on a French judge's summoning Kissinger to testify on Operation Condor. How, he asks, can the US demand others to cooperate with UN tribunals while it protects Kissinger from having to cooperate with other forums of international justice? (The Nation)
This web site examines the specific case of impunity and provides information about Kissinger's role in the violation of human rights worldwide.
Thirld World Traveler
This web site puts up magazine articles and book excerpts on Henry Kissinger and international war crimes tribunals.