Targeted Sanctions - Terrorism


This is a list of Security Council resolutions that have attempted to address the issue of terrorism, especially related to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Many of these resolutions have taken punitive action against Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and associated individuals, and others have established processes to combat terrorism and address the controversies that have arisen as consequences of previous resolutions. For a summary of actions taken to this end at the Security Council and to learn more about the issues and controversies surrounding these actions, please visit the website of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to Resolution 1267. A list of the individuals and groups that the sanctions target is also available here.



Date Passed

Measures taken


June 11, 2011

This resolution extended the mandate of the Ombudsperson through December 2012.


December 17, 2009

Reform of decade-old sanctions regime imposed on Al-Qaeda, Usama bin Laden and the Taliban, including through the establishment of an ombudsperson who could mediate requests from individuals, organizations and companies to be taken off the sanctions list. See the UN Press Release


June 30, 2008

Reaffirms and clarifies sanctions approved in previous resolutions. Modifies listing procedures by instructing the Committee to release a narrative summary explaining why an individual has been added to the list, and asks that states, when recommending individuals to be added to the list, provide as much information on these individuals as possible. Welcomes de-listing procedures outlined in Resolution 1730, and directs Committee and states to take steps to facilitate these procedures.


December 22, 2006

Wide-ranging resolution to enhance the identification of terrorists by tightening its listing and de-listing procedures and urging States to redouble efforts to freeze the terrorists' funds, prevent their entry into or transit through their territories and ban the supply to them of weapons or ammunition.


December 19, 2006

Adopts a de-listing procedure and requests the Secretary-General to establish within the Secretariat a focal point to receive de-listing requests. Instructs the focal point to communicate with appropriate national government(s) to determine if the petitioner should be de-listed.


August 8, 2006

Requests that states cooperate with INTERPOL to combat terrorism.


July 29, 2005

Extends the current travel ban and arms embargo against al-Qaeda and the Taliban, for the first time specifying those who are considered associates of these terrorist groups and therefore subject to the sanctions. The resolution, noting that no member states had reported violations of the travel ban, also calls for a monitoring team to assess member states' compliance with sanctions implementation.


January 30, 2004

Freezes the assets and property of specified individuals and groups, while imposing upon them a travel ban and prohibiting the sale of arms to them. Strengthens the mandate of the committee established in Resolution 1267 and creates an Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Committee that is to periodically report to the 1267 Committee with recommendations and analytic information. "Improves" measures imposed by paragraph 4 (b) of resolution 1267 (1999), paragraph 8 (c) of resolution 1333 (2000), and paragraphs 1 and 2 of resolution 1390 (2002).


January 20, 2003

Adopts a ministerial declaration on the issue of combating terrorism. Condemns all acts of terrorism and stresses the need for international, multilateral efforts to combat terrorism, building upon existing legal frameworks and institutions designed for that purpose. Emphasizes the need for greater understanding between "civilizations"


January 17, 2003

Prolongs sanctions for an additional 12 months and decides to improve implementation of the measures. Requests the Sanctions Committee report back to the Council at least every three months and asks of the Secretary General that he establish a new panel of 5 experts to monitor sanctions.


December 20, 2002

Decides that the asset-freeze provisions of paragraph 4 (b) of resolution 1267 (1999), and paragraphs 1 and 2 (a) of resolution 1390 (2002), do not apply to funds and other financial assets or economic resources that are necessary for basic expenses (like food, rent, medical care etc.) or "extraordinary expenses". Relevant state(s) must inform the Committee before approving exceptions to asset movement restrictions.


January 16, 2002

Extends existing sanctions on Al Qaeda and the Taliban for another 12 months and calls on all Member States to respect previous resolutions by freezing all funds and financial assets owned or controlled by either of the organizations. Further extends the arms embargo and urges Member States to cooperate in the travel ban imposed on Al Qaeda or the Taliban members.


January 15, 2002

Following the US invasion in Iraq and the removal from power of the Taliban, the Security Council ended the sanctions that applied to Ariana Afghan Airlines, noting that the Taliban no longer owned, leased or operated the company. The US called for sanctions aimed specifically at Al Qaeda and the Taliban to grant the new interim administration relative freedom and end the suffering of ordinary Afghanis. (The provisions of paragraph 4 (a) and (b) of resolution 1267 (1999) no longer apply and the measures provided for by paragraph 8 (b) of resolution 1333 (2000) are terminated.)


July 30, 2001

Strengthens the enforcement of UN sanctions imposed on the Taliban authorities in Afghanistan. Requests the Secretary-General to establish a mechanism to monitor the implementation of the measures imposed by resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1333 (2000). Establishes a small team of up to 15 monitors, which will be based mainly in Islamabad. In addition, five people will act as a watching eye in New York and will report back to the Council on the Taliban's compliance with sanctions.


December 19, 2000

Adds an embargo on the direct and indirect supply, sale and transfer of arms to the territory of Afghanistan under Taliban control to existing UN sanctions related to Al-Qaeda. In recognition of the critical humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, the Council emphasizes that the measures do not apply to non-military equipment "intended solely for humanitarian or protective use" and urges the Taliban to "provide safety, security and freedom of movement" for humanitarian personnel. See the UN Press Release


October 15, 1999

Demands that the Taliban cease its activities in support of international terrorism and insists that the Afghan faction turn over Osama Bin Laden to the appropriate authorities to bring him to justice. To enforce these demands, the Council imposes a flight ban on any aircraft "owned, leased or operated by or on behalf of the Taliban" and freezes all financial resources that the organization controls. The Resolution also announces the establishment of a Sanctions Monitoring Committee, which will include all Security Council members.


This page is an adaptation of information found throughout the United Nations website.