Peacekeeping Tables and Charts

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Troop Contributions to UN Peacekeeping Operations

The Peace and Security Section of the Department of Public Information in cooperation with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations publish monthly data on contributions to UN peacekeeping operations. The monthly data can be found here.

Countries' Troop and Other Personnel Contributions to Peacekeeping Operations - According to Size of Contributions

These tables show all countries' contributions of troop and other personnel to UN peacekeeping operations according to the size of each country's troop and other personnel contribution.

2012 -- 2011 -- 2010 -- 2009 -- 2008 -- 2007 -- 2006 -- 2005 -- 2004 -- 2003 -- 2002 -- 2001 -- 2000 -- 1999 -- 1998 -- 1997 -- 1996


Countries' Troop and Other Personnel Contributions to Peacekeeping Operations - Listing Countries Alphabetically

These tables show all countries' contributions of troop and other personnel to UN peacekeeping operations. The countries are listed alphabetically.

2012 -- 2011 -- 2010 -- 2009 -- 2008 -- 2007 -- 2006 -- 2005 -- 2004 --2003 -- 2002 -- 2001 -- 2000 -- 1999 -- 1998 -- 1997 -- 1996

Size of UN Peacekeeping Operations


Size of Individual Peacekeeping Operations

These tables show monthly data on the size of individual peacekeeping operations (including troops, military observers and police).

2012 -- 2011 -- 2010 -- 2009 -- 2008 --2007 -- 2006 -- 2005 -- 2004 -- 2003 -- 2002 -- 2001 -- 2000 -- 1999 -- 1998 -- 1997 -- 1996


Total Size of UN Peacekeeping Operations 1993 - 2012 (Monthly Figures)

This tables and graph show the total size of UN peacekeeping operations for each month, including civilian police, peacekeeping troops, and military observers.

Graph 1993 - 2012 or Table 1993 - 2012


Total Size of UN Peacekeeping Operations 1947 - 2012 (Yearly Figures)

This table and graph show the total size of UN peacekeeping operations, by the highest month for each year.

Table and Graph 1947 - 2011


Uniformed Personnel in UN Peacekeeping (1991 - 2012)

Tables and Charts on UN Peacekeeping Finance


Tables and Charts on the UN Peacekeeping Operations Budget

These tables and charts illustrate UN members' debts to the UN peacekeeping operations budget and other related financing issues.