
Notes On The Discussion Held April 28 With Members of The ECOSOC Committee On NGOs (April 28, 2000)

Several points from the Committee's previous January 26th meeting were rehashed and new concerns were voiced. These included the issue of the UN's managing of funds for Southern NGOs and NGO access concerns. Additionally, the question of "what can NGOs contribute to the work of ECOSOC?" was addressed.

ECOSOC Concludes NGO Review (November 1996)

The NGLS Roundup covers the ECOSOC review of arrangments for consultation with NGOs from 1993 to June 1996. An article by the UN's Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) summarizing the ECOSOC decision on new rules for consultative status for NGOs.

NGO Arrangements for Consultation with ECOSOC

Posts press release issued upon completion of the negotiations for new consultation arrangements on 25 July 1996, as well as the two new documents that emerged, a list of organizations in consultation, and more.

ECOSOC Review (E\1993\80)

Review of the Arrangements for Consultation with Non-Governmental Organizations

ECOSOC Resolution (E\1996\31)

This Resolution reviews arrangements for a consultative relationship between the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and non-governmental organizations.

ECOSOC Decision on Non-Governmental Organizations (E\1996\297)

This Resolution calls on the General Assembly to examine, at its fifty-first session, the question of the participation of NGOs in all areas of the work of the United Nations.