NGO Working Group on Food & Hunger - Events & Meetings


Public Events | NGO Working Group Meetings

This subsection is no longer being updated. A new internet presence of the Working Group will shortly be established.

Public Events

2012 l 2011 | 2010 | 2009



Nora McKeon

The Committee on World Food Security: Civil Society Participation and Recent Policy Developments (November 8, 2012)

On November 8, 2012, GPF and the Working Group on Food & Hunger invited Nora McKeon from Terra Nuova (Rome) to discuss the  Committee on World Food Security. Ms. McKeon addressed the role of civil society in the process and discussed the recent policy developments in Rome, arguing for better cooperation between Rome in New York in this UN process. The policy luncheon was a part of ‘The Future of Global Food Policy’- forum series at the United Nations and was heavily attended by both delegations and members of civil society.

ActionAid Representatives and Jim

Land Grabbing - A Grassroots Perspective: A Discussion with ActionAid Representatives (September 13, 2012)

On September 13, 2012, GPF and the Working Group on Food and Hunger organized a policy luncheon on land grabbing with ActionAid representatives from Senegal, Tanzania and Bangladesh. The representatives provided examples of cases of land grabbing from their countries, highlighting the existing challenges concerning land tenure. In addition to the specific country representatives, Ruchi Tripathi and Marie Brill from ActionAid International introduced the different ways ActionAid is working on land tenure issues globally. The policy luncheon was a part of the 'Future of Global Food Policy' - forum series at the United Nations and was heavily attended by both delegations and members of civil society.

Noelle and Jim

Advancing Farm Workers’ Rights in the Corporate Food Supply Chain: A discussion with Rev. Noelle Damico (May 10, 2012; New York)

Haroon Akram-Lodhi

The Land Grabbing Disaster and the Global Food System: A discussion with Haroon Akram-Lodhi (April 11, 2012; New York)

Hedge-funds, governments, and agro-industrial industries have been buying or leasing large blocks of agricultural land around the world in a process widely known as "land grabbing." Land grabbing has displaced tens of millions of small producers, who have lost their livelihoods as a result. Global Policy Forum invited Professor Haroon Akram-Lodhi of Trent University to speak about the issue.

Pat Mooney, David Weaver and Dena Hof

The Movement for Food Sovereignty: A discussion with La Via Campesina (March 26, 2012; New York)

La Via Campesina coined the term, "Food Sovreignty," in 1996. The term refers to a policy framework advocated by small-scale farmers that allows them to define their own agricultural system

Marion Nestle presents

Corporate Influence on Food Policy - A discussion with Marion Nestle (February 15, 2012; New York)

This discussion with Professor Marion Nestle examined the increasing influence of corporations on food policy. Through the deregulation of Wall Street, a sharp rise in lobbying power and billions being poured into marketing, giant corporations have taken over the food system. Nestle warned against public institutions partnering with food companies and advocated for tighter regulation of corporations.

Paul Mikov, James Paul and Doreen Stabinsky
Climate Change & Agriculture: Looking towards Rio + 20 – A discussion with Doreen Stabinsky (January 18, 2012)

This discussion featured Doreen Stabinsky, Professor of Global Environmental Politics at College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbon, Maine. With Rio + 20 coming up in June, this timely discussion was focused on the link between climate change and agriculture. Professor Stabinsky warned that “business as usual is not an option” and advocated for a reform of the overall agriculture and food system: a paradigm shift away from industrial agriculture and towards sustainable production and consumption. She warned that unless we address the current model of development, we will be unable to achieve global food security. Delegates, UN staff and members of the NGO community participated.


Picture Credit:

Recent Developments on the Right to Food - A Conversation with UN Special Rapporteur Olivier de Schutter (November 16, 2011; New York)

In this discussion, UN Special Rapporteur Olivier de Schutter gave an update on the Right to Food since the start of his second term as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. De Schutter talked about the urgent need to curb commodity speculation, end subsidies and for the WTO to change trade rules that privelege exporting countries. De Schutter also touched upon the negative impacts of biofuels, land grabbing, and the need to recognize and support small-scale farmers.

Ken Davies & Jim Paul

Purchase for Progress - Connecting Smallholder Farmers to Markets in Africa and Central America: A discussion with Ken Davies (October 28, 2011; New York)

This discussion featured Ken Davies, Coordinator of UN World Food Programme’s “Purchase for Progress” (P4P) initiative. This five-year pilot program began in September 2008 and is based in 21 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Davies spoke about the structure of the program and efforts by WFP to buy staple crops from farmers’ organizations in these countries, through direct or forward contracts. P4P trains small and medium traders in farming techniques and crop quality control. P4P is primarily funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and has connected over 500,000 small farmers to markets.


David Pimentel & Jim Paul

Energy and Eating - How biofuels affect the world's food supply and what we should do about it: A discussion with David Pimentel (March 16, 2011; New York)

The diminishing supply of oil and high energy prices encourages the conversion of grain and other food products into biofuels. This luncheon discussion with David Pimentel, Emeritus Professor at Cornell University, addressed the negative impacts of biofuels on the environment and economy. Delegates, NGOs and UN staff participated. Pimentel talked about the challenge of energy conservation and how grains should be used to feed the 4.5 billion people who are currently malnourished worldwide.


Martin Lees & Jim Paul

The Food Crisis and the Limits to Growth: A discussion with Martin Lees (February 9, 2011; New York)

This discussion featured Martin Lees, former Secretary General of the Club of Rome and former top UN official. In a world where one in three people are under-nourished in sub-Saharan Africa, and where 80 per cent of income is spent on food in African countries, a dialogue on the food crisis and limits to growth is essential.  The current model of growth is failing to eradicate hunger and is failing to provide opportunities for people to find productive work. Additionally, economic growth is destabilizing the climate and ecological systems and is ignoring the interests of future generations.


Frederick Kaufman & Jim Paul
Speculation and Food: price instability and the food reserve option - a discussion with Frederick Kaufman and Karen Hansen-Kuhn (January 20, 2011; New York)
In this discussion, investigative journalist Frederick Kaufman addressed wheat market prices, grain futures and the "financialization of food", as well as the "subversion" of market. Karen Hansen-Kuhn, International Program Director at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy discussed government food reserves as a method to confront price volatility.


Danny Chingimbu presents
Luncheon with Danny Chingimbu, a smallholder farmer from Zambia (December 15, 2010; New York)
The NGO Working Group on Food and Hunger met with Danny Chingimbu, a smallholder farmer from Zambia, at a luncheon cosponsored by IFAD - the International Fund for Agricultural Development. The conversation considered the experience of rural farmers in Zambia, as well as ideas about holistic solutions to promote the growth of household agricultural production.

Olivier de Schutter and Jim Paul
Realizing the Right to Food - A Conversation with UN Special Rapporteur Olivier de Schutter (Luncheon, December 1, 2010; New York)
This discussion with Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, addressed landgrabbing, speculation, biofuels and other topics. Delegates, NGOs and UN staff participated. De Schutter talked about the challenge to mobilize public opinion and the very grave implications of current trends in terms of growing poverty and hunger.

Forum, "Must We Change the Global Economic System in Order to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty?" (September 22, 2010; New York)
This forum, organized by Church World Service and co-sponsored by the NGO working Group on Food and Hunger, was held in connection with a UN summit to assess progress on the eight Millennium Development Goals to cut extreme poverty in half by 2015. The participants, coming from a range of humanitarian, church and advocacy groups, discussed what systemic change is needed to empower impoverished people around the world. The event was followed by a reception at GPF's office.

Noel de Luna
Public Meeting with Noel de Luna, Chairman of the Committee on Food Security (Luncheon, July 19; New York)
The CFS is the world's most important intergovernmental policy organ on food and agriculture issues.  Mr. de Luna, a Philippine diplomat, will be able to talk about the important recent reform of the CFS and the possible links between the Rome process and food policy activities in New York.

Chavannes Jean-Baptiste
Achieving the MDGs in Haiti: Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Agriculture (June 14, 2010; New York)
The Presbyterian UN Office, together with the NGO Working Group on Food and Hunger, invited Chavannes Jean-Baptiste to speak to a New York audience on Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Agriculture in Haiti. Chavannes has been on the front lines of struggle for Haitian farmers for many years as Head of the Peasant Movement of Papaye (MPP) and Coordinator of the Joining Hands Initiative in Haiti. Chavannes founded the MPP in 1974 and has been the director for the past 34 years. Chavannes is also a founding member of La Via Campesina, the largest worldwide movement of farmers and peasants.


Ricardo Sanchez presents
Luncheon on Agriculture, Food and Climate Change: the challenge of sustainable food production (September 22, 2009; New York)
This event, held during the day-long United Nations Summit on Climate Change, brought attention to the close connection of climate change with food & agricultural production.  Already, climate change is having a serious negative effect on food production, as droughts, floods and water scarcity affect yields.  At the same time, agriculture is contributing a substantial proportion of all greenhouse gases.  The luncheon brought together experts from the UN, NGOs, faith communities and academia to examine this pressing topic and to consider options for policy.

Gerda Verburg presents
Global Policy Reform of Food and Agriculture (May 11, 2009; New York)
Side Event during the Commission on Sustainable Development, co-sponsored with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Church World Service, the NGO Working Group on Food & Hunger and others.  Speakers included Alexandra Spieldoch of IATP, Gerda Verburg the Netherlands Agriculture Minister and CSD Co-Chair, Monika Kalra Varma, Erika Rosenthal, Arthur Getz, Barbara Adams and others.

Enabling Equitable and Sustainable Development: the IAASTD (May 7, 2009; New York)
A Side Event at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, featuring speakers who were authors of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development.  Organized jointly with many others, including FAO, UNESCO, the IAASTD, the Governments of Switzerland and France, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Third World Network and Church World Service.

Molly Anderson presents
Breakfast Roundtable on the Global Food Crisis and the Right to Food (April 6, 2009; New York)
Special guests: Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food and Molly Anderson, Coordinating lead author for the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development and Fellow at the Wallace Center.  Organized jointly with the NGO Working Group on Food & Hunger.

NGO Working Group Meetings
(Not including advocacy meetings)

2012 l 2011 |2010 | 2009 | 2008


December 6, 2012: Meeting of the Working Group

December 5, 2012: Policy Luncheon with Molly Anderson on the IAASTD report

November 13, 2012: Briefing on “Building on the consensus: FAO’s first steps after endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure” (organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)*

November 12, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

November 8, 2012: Policy Luncheon with Nora McKeon on “The Committee on World Food Security: Civil Society Participation and Recent Policy Developments”

November 8, 2012 Meeting of the Working Group

October 22, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

October 18, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

October 17, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

October 15-16, 2012: 39th Session of the Committee on World Food Security*

October 13-14, 2012: Civil Society Forum preceding the 39th Session of the Committee on World Food Security*

October 10, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

October 10, 2012: WhyHunger – Food Sovereignty Prize awards*

September 27, 2012: UN Women, FAO, IFAD and WFP: empowerment of women in rural areas is pre-requisite for global food security*

September 27, 2012: High level meeting on Scaling up Nutrition (SUN)*

September 26, 2012: US Secretary of State Clinton, event on the New Alliance Against Hunger*

September 26, 2012:Meeting with Ugandan Civil Society Representatives

September 26, 2012: Save the Children and World Vision: A panel discussion on undernutrition and child survival*

September 25, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

September 18, 2012: Meeting of the working group

September 13, 2012: Policy Luncheon with four ActionAid representatives on “Land Grabbing – a grassroots perspective"

September 5, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

August 1, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

July 20, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

July 10, 2012: Meeting of the Working Group

July 3, 2012: “Promoting Decent Work in Rural Areas to Achieve Food Security”, High Level Segment ECOSOC*

July 3, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

June 22, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

May 23, 2012: “Resilience, Crisis and Food Security: A Path to Stability?” at IPI*

May 16, 2012: Meeting of the Working Group

May 10, 2012: Policy Luncheon with Rev. Noelle Damico on “Advancing Farm Workers’ Rights in the Corporate Food Supply Chain”

April 23 -25, 2012: Global AgInvesting Conference, NYC – help with protest and (letter to Presidents of Harvard, Yale and Princeton)

April 19, 2012: Advocacy Meeting with Delegation

April 11, 2012: Policy Luncheon with Haroon Akram-Lodhi on Land Grabbing

April 3, 2012: Meeting of the Working Group

March 26, 2012: Policy Luncheon with Dena Hoff and Pat Mooney on "La Via Campesina and the Movement for Food Sovereignty"

February 23, 2012: Meeting of the Working Group

February 15, 2012: Policy Luncheon with Professor Marion Nestle on "Corporate Influence on Food Policy"

January 18, 2012: Policy Luncheon with Professor Doreen Stabinsky on "Climate Change and Agriculture: Looking towards Rio + 20"

January 11, 2012: Meeting of the Working Group


December 6, 2011: Meeting of the Working Group

November 16, 2011: Policy Luncheon with UN Special Rapporteur Olivier de Schutter on Recent Developments on the Right to Food

October 28, 2011: Policy Luncheon with Ken Davies of World Food Programme on “Purchase for Progress”

October 5, 2011: Meeting of the Working Group

September 7, 2011: Meeting of the Working Group

July 26, 2011: Meeting of the Working Group

June 23, 2011: Meeting of the Working Group

April 1, 2011: Meeting of the Working Group

March 30, 2011: Meeting with Aparjita Mazumdar, PhD Candidate, School of International Studies, Jawaharal Nehru University, New Delhi

March 16, 2011: Luncheon Event on "Energy & Eating" with David Pimentel, Emeritus Professor, Cornell University

February 22, 2011: Luncheon Meeting with Martin Entz, agroeconomist

February 16, 2011: Meeting of the Working Group

February 9, 2011; Luncheon Event on "Food and the Limits to Growth" with Martin Lees, Former Secretary General, the Club of Rome

January 20, 2011: Luncheon Event on "Speculation and Food" with journalist Frederick Kaufman and Karen Hansen-Kuhn of the Institute for Agriculture and Food Policy

January 11, 2011: Meeting of the Working Group



December 15, 2010: Luncheon Event with Danny Chingimbu, farmer from Zambia

December 1, 2010: Luncheon Event with Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

November 18, 2010: Meeting with Nora McKeon and Kathy Ozer of Via Campesina

November 9, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group

October 7, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group

August 3, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group

July 19, 2010: Special Luncheon with Noel de Luna, Chairman of the Rome-based Committee on World Food Security

July 8, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group

June 14, 2010:
Side event of the UN MDG Consultation Summit with Civil Society "Achieving the MDGs in Haiti" with Chavannes Jean-Baptist, director of MPP

June 10, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group

May 26, 2010:
Meeting of the Working Group

May 20, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group

April 29, 2010: Metting of the Working Group

April 21, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group

April 15, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group

March 4, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group

February 11, 2010: Meeting of the Working Group


December 15, 2009: NGO Working Group Meeting

October 16, 2009: NGO Working Group Meeting

August 4, 2009: NGO Working Group Meeting

May 12, 2009: NGO Working Group Meeting

April 8, 2009: NGO Working Group Meeting

April 7, 2009: Special Meeting with Thomas Forster (New School) and Flavio Valente (FIAN)

March 8, 2009: NGO Working Group Meeting

January 8, 2009: NGO Working Group Meeting


December 5, 2008: NGO Working Group Meeting

* These events were not organized by the Working Group but attended by the members