Elections of Members to the Security Council: 2007


Highly Recommended ArticleSpecial Research Report, Security Council Elections 2007 (September 12, 2007)
The General Assembly will hold elections for the Security Council on October 16, 2007 for five of the ten non-permanent rotating memberships. This paper by Security Council Report includes useful information on the candidates and the election process.

Libya and Vietnam Elected to Two-Year Terms on UN Security Council (October 16, 2007)
The five newly elected two-year members of the UN Security Council include two former US nemeses, Vietnam and Libya, bringing different perspectives to the Council. Although these countries have been building relations with the US, for example recent oil deals with Khadafi's Libya. The two countries may differ with the US on certain Council policy issues. Vietnam, for example, may not approve sanctions against Iran or Burma. The General Assembly also elected Burkina Faso, Costa Rica and Croatia. (Washington Post)

India, Brazil, South Africa – The Power of Three (October 14, 2007)
India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) will meet on October 17, 2007 to discuss their candidacy as permanent members of the UN Security Council. These three countries joined together in 2003 to oppose the G-8 and to advocate for South-South cooperation. Having similar economic and political profiles, the IBSA countries view themselves as major actors within their respective regions. The author suggests that this Southern consortium could strengthen their possibilities of achieving memberships. However, this alliance may also alienate neighboring countries. (Inter Press Service)

US Not Campaigning Against Libya for Security Council Seat (October 1, 2007)
Libya seeks a seat as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in the 2007 election. It must be elected by the General Assembly. Since the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am flight, Libya has faced Security Council sanctions, as well as a 15-year US opposition to its membership in the Council. Although the US hasn't supported Libya's 2007 candidacy, it hasn't opposed it either, so Libya may possibly be elected. (Agence France Presse)

PM Pushes Key UN Seat Bid (September, 2007)
Vietnam has pursued a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council since 1997. Seen as the "rising Asian star" by other countries, Vietnam represents the best Asian candidate for the mandate of 2008-2009, according to the author. Its basic commitments would be to endorse national sovereignty and assist in global peace issues. (Vietnam Investment Review)

Iran Seeks Seat on UN Security Council (September 10, 2007)
The Security Council will hold an election for five of its ten rotating seats in 2009. The Asian region has one seat open with Iran and Japan as aspiring candidates. However, the US and other western countries will most likely block Iran's candidacy because of its nuclear energy enrichment plan. (Haaretz)

More Information on Security Council Membership
More Information on Previous Security Council Elections
Table of Security Council Membership 1946 to Present
Tables of Ambassadors on the Security Council and Sanctions Committees