2020 |
Financing Sustainable Development in the Era of COVID-19 and BeyondAn analysis and assessment of innovative policy options Briefing Author: Bodo Ellmers Published by Brot für die Welt, Global Policy Forum & MISEREOR Bonn, December 2020 |
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Gender Justice in global Supply ChainsDemands on policy-makers and business Published by ASW –Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt, Brot für die Welt, CorA-Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung, FEMNET, FIAN Deutschland, Global Policy Forum, Marie-Schlei-Verein, materra, Plan International Deutschland, TERRE DES FEMMES, TransFair, WECF. July 2020 |
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Statement of the Treaty Alliance Germany on the 2nd revised draft for a legally binding UN Treaty on Business and Human RightsPublished by the Treaty Alliance Germany Berlin, September 2020 |
Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2020 Shifting policies for systemic change: Lessons from the global COVID-19 crisisGlobal Civil Society Report on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs Beirut/Bonn/Ferney-Voltaire/Montevideo/New York/Penang/Rome/Suva, September 2020 ISBN 978-3-943126-50-1 |
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Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and BeyondA snapshot of the ongoing work at the United Nations in times of crisis Briefing Author: Bodo Ellmers Published by Global Policy Froum, Brot für die Welt and Misereor Aachen/Berlin/Bonn, August 2020 |
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2019 |
Statement of the Treaty Alliance Germany on the revised draft for a legally binding UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights (»Revised Draft«)Published by the Treaty Alliance Germany Berlin, October 2019 |
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Extractive Industries and Violation of Women’s RightsBetween partnerships and regulation – two diverging ways to tackle the problem at the UN Briefing Author: Karolin Seitz Berlin/Bonn/Suva/Toronto, October 2019 |
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Rules of engagement between the UN and private actorsTowards a regulatory and institutional framework Authors: Jens Martens and Karolin Seitz Aachen/Berlin/Bonn, September 2019 ISBN 978-3-943126-47-1 |
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Spotlight Report on Sustainability in Europe Who is paying the bill?(Negative) impacts of EU policies and practices in the world Brussels, July 2019 Published by SDG Watch Europe |
Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2019 Reshaping governance for sustainability: Transforming institutions – shifting power - strengthening rightsGlobal Civil Society Report on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs Beirut/Bonn/Ferney-Voltaire/Montevideo/New York/Penang/Rome/Suva, July 2019 ISBN 978-3-943126-46-4 |
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Briefing Paper on the Zero DraftUnpacking Arguments against a Treaty Authors: Armin Paasch, Karolin Seitz, Eva-Maria Reinwald, Maren Leifker, Julia Otten Published by: Global Policy Forum Bonn, January 2019 |
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A Fatal Attraction?Business engagement with the 2030 Agenda Working Paper Authors: Karolin Seitz, with substantial contributions from Barbara Adams, Laraine Mills and Jens Martens Aachen/Berlin/Bonn/New York, February 2019 ISBN 978-3-943126-45-7 Download the working paper here (pdf, 652KB). |
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What you get for your dollar
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2018 |
Philanthrocapitalism in global health and nutrition: analysis and implicationsDiscussion Paper Authors: Nicoletta Dentico and Karolin Seitz Published by Bischöfliches Hilfswerk MISEREOR/Brot für die Welt/Health Innovation in Practice/Global Policy Forum/medico international Aachen/Bonn/Berlin/Geneva/Frankfurt a.M., October 2018
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Statement of the "Treaty Alliance Germany" on the draft for a legally binding UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights (»Zero Draft«) Published by the Treaty Alliance Germany: Attac Deutschland, Brot für die Welt, BUND, CIR, CorA-Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung, FEMNET, FIAN- Deutschland, Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile- Lateinamerika, Forum Fairer Handel, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Germanwatch, Global Policy Forum Europe, Goliathwatch, INKOTA, Medico International, MISEREOR, Mission EineWelt, PowerShift, SÜDWIND, WEED.
September 2018
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Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018 Exploring new policy pathwaysHow to overcome obstacles and contradictions in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda Report of the Civil Society Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Published by Social Watch, Third World Network, Global Policy Forum, Arab NGO Network for Development, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, Society for International Development, Public Servies International, Center for Economic and Social Rights with support from Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Beirut/Bonn/Ferney-Voltaire/Montevideo/New York/Penang/Rome/Suva, July 2018 ISBN 978-943126-40-2 |
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Highjacking the SDGs?The Private Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals Report Authors: Marie-Luise Abshagen, Anna Cavazzini, Laura Graen, Wolfgang Obenland Berlin/Bonn, July 2018 |
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Procedure and FormatOptions for an UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights Briefing Author: Harris Gleckman |
The UN Foundation – A foundation for the UN?Working Paper Authors: Barbara Adams and Jens Martens ISBN 978-3-943126-38-9 Download the working paper here (pdf, 928 KB) |
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One step further towards global regulation of businessReport of the third session of the UN working group on a binding instrument on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights (“treaty”) Briefing Author: Karolin Seitz |
2017 |
TOWARD GLOBAL REGULATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND BUSINESSPosition paper of the Treaty Alliance Germany on the UN treaty process on transnational corporations and other business enterprises Published by Attac Deutschland, Brot für die Welt, Bund für Umwelt- und Naturschutz Deutschland, Christliche Initiative Romero, CorA-Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung, Femnet, FIAN Deutschland, Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika, Forum Fairer Handel, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Global Policy Forum, INKOTA-netzwerk, medico international, MISEREOR, PowerShift, SÜDWIND and WEED Berlin, December 2017 |
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SPOTLIGHT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2017Report of the Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable DevelopmentPrivatization, partnerships, corporate capture and their impact on sustainability and inequality - assessments and alternativesPublished by Social Watch, Third World Network, Global Policy Forum, Arab NGO Network for Development, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, Society for International Development, Public Servies International, Center for Economic and Social Rights with support from Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Beirut/Bonn/Ferney-Voltaire/Montevideo/New York/Penang/Rome/Suva, July 2017 ISBN 978-3-943126-33-4 |
Corporate influence on the G20The case of the B20 and transnational business networks Author: Jens Martens |
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2016 |
Options for Strengthening Global Tax GovernanceInternational Policy Analysis Published by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, MISEREOR and Global Policy Forum |
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FENSA - a fence against undue corporate influence?The new Framework of Engagement with non-State Actors at the World Health Organization Briefing Published by Brot für die Welt/Global Policy Forum/MISEREOR |
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The Struggle for a UN TreatyTowards global regulation on human rights and business Published by Global Policy Forum/Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office |
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2015 |
Philanthropic Power and DevelopmentWho shapes the agenda? Published by Brot für die Welt/Global Policy Forum/MISEREOR Download the Working Paper here. Download a German summary here. |
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Fit for whose purpose?Private funding and corporate influence in the United Nations Published by Global Policy Forum For single chapters, please see here.
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Goals for the RichIndispensible for a Universal Post-2015 Agenda Discussion paper | March 2015 Published by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives |
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2014 |
Hidden profitsThe EU's role in supporting an unjust global tax system 2014Report Coordinated by Eurodad |
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Corporate influence through the G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in AfricaWorking Paper Author: Wolfgang Obenland |
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Turning public budgets towards sustainabilityA guide to environmental-social budgeting
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Corporate Influence on the Business and Human Rights Agenda of the United NationsWorking Paper Author: Jens Martens |
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In whose name?A critical view on the Responsibility to Protect Report Authors: Lou Pingeot and Wolfgang Obenland |
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Contracting InsecurityPrivate military and security companies and the future of the United Nations Report Author: Lou Pingeot |
Corporate influence in the Post-2015 processWorking Paper Author: Lou Pingeot La influencia empresarial en el proceso post-2015Cuadernos 2015 y más Autora: Lou Pingeot |
Country-by-Country ReportingCountry-by-country reporting requirements for corporations – a contribution to strengthening public finances in countries in the Global South January 2014 |
2013 |
Fit for whose purpose?
Published by the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives |
Misdirecting finance – who benefits?Comments by the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives September 2013Published by the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives |
The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa: Is the initiative by the G8 countries suitable for combating poverty?A Policy Paper by the German NGO Forum on Environment & Development July 2013 |
Environmental tax reform in countries of the SouthInfo Steuergerechtigkeit #09e Policy brief - April 2013 |
Towards a Framework of Universal Sustainability Goals as Part of a Post-2015 AgendaDraft discussion paper Published by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives 迈向普遍可持续目标 框架:后2015议程Download the Chinese version (pdf - 640 KB) |
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Taxes and human rightsInfo Steuergerechtigkeit #08e Policy brief - February 2013 |
2012 |
From the ore to the car
Dangerous Partnership: Private Military and Security Companies and the UN (July 10, 2012)GPF’s investigative report examines how the UN has dramatically increased its use of these companies in recent years, hiring them for a wide array of “security services” and giving them considerable influence over its security policies. An executive summary of the report is also available here. For more information on the report’s reception, including responses from PMSCs and the UN, click here. |
Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives: No future without justice – Report of the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectivesdevelopment dialogue no. 59, June 2012 Download the report (pdf - 12.5 MB) The executive summary of the report is published by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in its International Policy Analysis series (June 2012). Download the executive summary (pdf - 0.5 MB) Download the sumário executivo: Não há futuro sem justiça (pdf - 0.5 MB) |
Open letter to Harvard University on the Issue of Land Grabbing (April 19, 2012)GPF and other NGOs sent this open letter to Harvard University to urge it to reconsider its institutional investments in land grab deals. The letter questions Harvard’s participation - along with other universities, public sector pension funds and charitable foundations- in a three day conference in New York City on “Global AgInvesting.” A similar letter was sent out to Princeton and Yale. In early May, we received aresponse from Yale President Carl Levin. |
Comments on Agriculture and Food Security in the Rio+20 Draft Text (February 2012)In response to the Rio + 20 draft resolution “The Future We Want,” GPF Senior Fellow Doreen Stabinsky writes that the Rio conference is an important opportunity for the international community to reform the current global food system towards sustainable production and equitable consumption. She calls on all governments to reaffirm the universal right to food and urges developed countries to take the lead in adopting agroecological practices that will be sustainable and resilient in the face of climate change. Stabinsky also states that governments must regulate commodity exchanges “to ensure that private profit does not come at significant risk of large public loss or increased poverty and hunger.” |
Fishermen, Pirates, and Naval Squadrons (February 2012)With endorsement by the Security Council, a powerful multi-national fleet of warships patrols the seas off the coast of Somalia to protect the shipping lanes from local pirates. But neither the Council nor the naval powers address other serious crimes in these waters – foreign illegal fishing and the illegal dumping of toxic wastes. This GPF special report looks at how the fishing and dumping is related to the piracy and how the Security Council systematically ignores these issues, calling for further “studies” while ignoring the ample evidence. The authors call for a coast guard to replace the warships, for immediate action on the fishing and dumping scandal, and for far stronger global regime to protect the world’s seas from abusive, criminal activities that harm coastal peoples. |
Perpetual Crisis:A Timeline of 40 Years of Economic Instability (January 2012)Today’s global economic crisis has been preceded by a history of constant, systemic instability. This timeline, created by Global Policy Forum’s Anahi Wiedenbrüg and Alexander Post, shows a forty year record of disequilibria, meltdowns, panics and other forms of crises, beginning in 1970. The picture it provides is of crises as a norm – far from the “equilibrium model” ordinarily taught in economics classes. There appear here, in this on-line presentation, the collapse of major firms, extreme currency speculation, real estate and financial bubbles, Ponzi schemes, and stock market meltdowns, sometimes harming hundreds of millions of people. The reader can see that as markets have become more global and as regulations have been abolished, the system has become more prone to devastating crisis on a worldwide scale. |
2011 |
Civil Society and the United Nations (December 2011)This paper from Global Policy Forum describes and analyzes the relationship between civil society and the UN. The essay charts the struggle since 1945 to enlarge NGO access, from the first steps in the 1940s and ‘50s, to the blossoming of new organizations in the 1970’s, the dynamism of the 1990s, and the increasing difficulties of 2000 and beyond. (Global Policy Forum) |
Heidi Feldt/Axel Müller:Transparency - an initial step towards resource justice. An interim balance of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in the Central African RegionSeptember 2011 Published by Brot für die Welt, Misereor and Global Policy Forum Europe Heidi Feldt/Axel Müller: La transparence – un premier pas vers la justice
NGO Working Group on Food & Hunger at the UN Policy Statement to the General Assembly (September 2011)Nearly a billion of people are hungry, hundreds of millions more lack adequate nutrition and the numbers are rising. The NGO Working Group on Food & Hunger Policy Statement calls upon the United Nations General Assembly to adopt a strong resolution addressing world food insecurity. Policymakers must abandon the current interest-driven industrial food system that privileges market economics over food for all. Food security will only be achieved through ecological farming methods that preserve rural communities, protect resilience and promote environmental sustainability. Governments must protect and strengthen smallholders and recognize that the supply shortfalls leading to massive hunger and malnutrition are not the result of natural forces but instead are primarily the result of human choices that can and must be changed. (Global Policy Forum) |
On the Long Road Towards Security Council Accountability: Assessing and Renewing the Ombudsperson (June 2011)This paper by GPF Associate Nicol Herbert sees the new sanctions Ombudsperson as a unique step towards legal oversight of the Security Council. For the first time, there is some degree of due process for individuals blacklisted by the 1267 Al Qaeda-Taliban sanctions committee. Based on a year of practice and comments by the Ombudsperson herself, the paper recommends a number of changes to make the office more responsive to legal standards of due process and more effective at delivering justice. (Global Policy Forum) |
Statement by GPF Director James Paul on “International Cooperation in Tax Matters” (April 26, 2011)In April 2011, GPF Director James Paul was invited by ECOSOC to give a statement as part of one its meeting on international ccoperation in tax matters. Jim stressed the need for greater international coordination to prevent tax evasion and destructive tax competition, which deprive many countries of much needed resources. (Global Policy Forum) |
Heidi Feldt/Axel Müller: We talk about petrol - Interim assessment of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in the Central African RegionExecutive Summary - March 2011 Heidi Feldt/Axel Müller: Parlons pétrole - Bilan intermédiaire de l'Initiative pour la Transparence dans les Industries Extractives (ITIE) dans la région d'Afrique CentraleRésumé - Mars 2011 |
2010 |
Jens Martens: Thinking Ahead - Development Models and Indicators of Well-Being Beyond the MDGsDecember 2010 |
Steps Out of the Global Development Crisis: Towards an Agenda for Change (June 2010)Jens Marten advocates for a comprehensive program to tackle the global development crisis at its roots. A fundamental change of the dominant development paradigm is needed to move away from the modernization approach that confuses economic growth with social progress. A more holistic model of development based on the following six cornerstones must be considered: environmental sustainability, social justice, economic efficiency, democratic participation, cultural diversity and international responsibility. (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung) Jens Martens: Steps Out Of the Global Development Crisis - Towards an Agenda for Change |
2008 |
The Future of Civil Society Participation at the United Nations
The MDG Project in Crisis "Midpoint Review and Prospects for the Future" (September 2008)Jens Martens and Tobias Debiel point out that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are much less ambitious than previous international development goals. Even so, the UN, World Bank and NGOs agree that most countries will not achieve most of the MDGs on time. The authors further argue that the MDGs fail to deal with the structural root causes of poverty, such as unequal distribution of wealth, land and political power, as well as unfair global trade rules.(Institute for Development and Peace) Jens Martens /Tobias Debiel: MDG Project in Crisis. |
A New Era of World Hunger? – The Global Food Crisis Analyzed (July 2008)This paper discusses the main causes of the steep run-up in global food prices and the resulting spread of hunger to nearly a billion people worldwide. Authors James A. Paul and Katarina Wahlberg conclude that biofuels and the agro-industrial approach to food production are the main culprits of the food crisis. The paper looks at a wide range of factors endangering nutrition for all, including population growth, unsustainable consumption, international trade policy and climate change. The authors argue for effective and generous short-term aid as well as longer-term transformation of the agricultural system to make it more justly distributive, resilient, and sustainable for the future. (Global Policy Forum/Friedrich Ebert Foundation) |
Problematic Pragmatism (June 2008)Global Policy Forum's Jens Martens gives a critical analysis of the 2008 report by UN Special Representative for Business and Human Rights John Ruggie – "Protect, Respect and Remedy: a Framework for Business and Human Rights." Martens calls the report "a description of the status quo" that does not leave the door open for developing new ideas on international law and corporate responsibility. Martens offers concrete steps, based on Ruggie's recommendations, towards increasing corporate accountability, such as creating an International Advisory Center, using Security Council sanctions and strengthening national complaints mechanisms. Jens Martens: Problematic Pragmatism. The Ruggie Report 2008: Background, Analysis and Perspectives |
Causes and Strategies on World Hunger: Green Revolution versus Sustainable Agriculture (May 2008)Global Policy Forum's Katarina Wahlberg criticizes the World Bank's proposal to create a Green Revolution in Africa. By focusing on boosting agricultural production through scientific development of more productive crops, the Bank disregards the fact that the Earth's biological systems cannot be exploited forever. The supporters of the new Green Revolution also fail to address the major causes of the global food crisis, including biofuel production and unsustainable global consumption of meat. The author calls for a shift from industrial agriculture of export crops to sustainable agriculture for local consumption. (World Economy & Development in Brief) |
The "Surge" of Iraqi Prisoners (May 7, 2008)Amid all the talk about the US military "surge" in Iraq, little has been said about the accompanying "surge" of Iraqi prisoners, whose numbers rose to nearly 51,000 at the end of 2007. Global Policy Forum's Ciara Gilmartin states that "US forces hold nearly all detainees indefinitely without charge, an arrest warrant or the opportunity to defend themselves." Human rights monitors, including the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), are denied access to detention centers in Iraq by US officials. This lack of oversight not only increases the likelihood of detainee abuse, but also violates international human rights law. (Foreign Policy in Focus) |
Letter to the Security Council on the Issue of Detainees in Iraq (April 22, 2008)On April 28, 2008 the Security Council will discuss Iraq and receive a report from the US on the Multinational Force (MNF). In anticipation of this debate, Global Policy Forum and International Federation for Human Rights call for greater attention to the extrajudicial and arbitrary detention of large numbers of Iraqis held by the MNF, including some 20,000 held in a vast prison camp in the southern desert. |
Are We Approaching a Global Food Crisis? (March 3, 2008)Global Policy Forum's Katarina Wahlberg warns that for the "first time in decades, worldwide scarcity of food is becoming a problem." Increasing demand of cereals for food consumption, cattle feeding and in particular biofuel production, is driving food prices to record levels. Especially the poor, who spend a majority of their income on food, will suffer. To make matters worse, the food price hike is also affecting the amount of food aid available, as governments have not increased funding for the UN's World Food Programme. (World Economy & DevelFood_Aid_for_the_Hungry_January_2008.pdf opment in Brief) |
Food_Aid_for_the_Hungry_(January_2008)This Global Policy Forum report critically reviews the global food aid system. Author Katarina Wahlberg argues that food aid donors fall short in prioritizing the needs of the poor and hungry. Instead, donor countries use food aid to promote their own national strategic and commercial interests. Such food aid not only fails to reduce hunger, it can also harm long-term food security in recipient countries. |
2007 |
The Security Council and Iraq: Should the Council Renew the MNF Mandate for 2008? (November 25, 2007)The UN mandate authorizing the Multinational Force in Iraq is up for renewal in late 2007. In this memorandum, Global Policy Forum argues that the Security Council should not renew the mandate. The memo recalls the many ways that the MNF violates international law and human rights. It points out that the political and humanitarian situation in Iraq is worsening and the great majority of Iraqis see the MNF as an occupying force that prevents national reconciliation. The Iraqi parliament has called for a withdrawal timetable and insisted on its right to ratify any MNF renewal request. A renewal would weaken the UN, promote a US protectorate in Iraq, and damage security in the Middle East region. |
Iraqi Parliament and the UN Security Council (November 5, 2007)In late 2007, the UN Security Council will consider renewal of the mandate that authorizes the presence of the US-led multinational force (MNF) in Iraq. Global Policy Forum outlines the little-known demands of the Iraqi parliament to ratify any new agreement on the MNF. The Iraqi constitution requires the cabinet to submit such agreement for ratification and the parliament has already passed a law demanding conformity with this provision. A majority of parliamentarians also wrote a letter to Security Council members about the matter, calling for a timetable for MNF withdrawal. If Prime Minister al-Maliki again submits a request to the Security Council without parliamentary approval, a constitutional crisis in Iraq would surely follow. GPF argues that the Council should take into account the concerns of the parliament and of the great majority of the Iraqi people, so that a withdrawal plan can be set. |
Whose Partnership for Whose Development? – Corporate Accountability in the UN System Beyond the Global Compact (August 2007)One day before UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon chaired the second "Global Compact Leaders Summit" in Geneva, a group of NGOs sponsored a hearing to assess the UN corporate initiative. Speakers addressed the failure of the Global Compact to hold its signatories accountable for basic human rights, as well as environmental and labor standards. The speakers also discussed how many translational corporations exploit their Global Compact memberships to advance their public relations, and oppose initiatives calling for binding international regulation and "effective independent monitoring and auditing" of corporate activity. (Global Policy Forum Europe) |
War and Occupation in Iraq (June 2007)Since the March 2003 invasion, the US-UK occupation of Iraq has utterly failed to bring peace, prosperity and democracy, as originally advertised. This major report assesses conditions in the country and especially the responsibility of the US-led Coalition for violations of international law. In twelve detailed chapters, brimming with information, the authors provide a unique and compelling analysis of the conflict, concluding with recommendations for action. Among the topics covered are: destruction of cultural heritage, killing of civilians, attacks on cities and long-term military bases. The report has been written and produced by Global Policy Forum and co-sponsored by thirty NGOs. |
The Precarious State of Public Finance (January 2007)To decrease their dependency on rich countries and achieve long-term development, poor countries must raise revenue domestically. In this paper, author Jens Martens looks at a range of different obstacles that prevent governments of poor countries from raising sufficient public revenue and spending it on development. For example, governments of rich countries pressure poor countries to liberalize trade, thus reducing customs revenues. Also, ineffective tax systems exempt transnational corporations, landowners and rich individuals from paying taxes to poor countries. (Global Policy Forum, DGB Bildungswerk, terre des hommes ) Jens Martens: The Precarious State of Public Finance |
Multistakeholder Partnerships – Future Models of Multilateralism? (January 2007)This Global Policy Forum-Friedrich Ebert Foundation joint paper analyzes how UN relations with NGOs as well as the corporate sector affect international policymaking and multilateralism. The author, GPF-Europe's Jens Martens, warns that "despite the image of greater flexibility and efficiency," such partnerships could increase businesses' influence in politics while impeding long-term development strategies. Martens therefore calls for a system to regulate the UN's interaction with corporations, ensuring that profit-driven initiatives do not overshadow public interests. Jens Martens: Multistakeholder Partnerships–Future Models of Multilateralism? |
2006 |
The Reform of the UN Economic and Social Council: A Never Ending Story? (November 16, 2006)In light of the need for an international body with sufficient legitimacy and authority to make inclusive and effective decisions on world social and economic affairs, Global Policy Forum's Jens Martens outlines the history of proposals to reform ECOSOC. Due to its lack of decision-making power and inappropriate size, reforming ECOSOC or establishing an alternative has been a recurrent issue of debate. Martens concludes this piece with hopeful expectations for the proposal to establish a "Global Leaders Forum" within the framework of ECOSOC, as set forth by the High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence in its November 2006 report. (World Economy & Development/Global Policy Forum) |
United Nations Management Reform (June, 2006)This paper discusses the "collective responsibility" of UN member states to engage in the divisive management reform process. Author Mohammad Tal criticizes the rich nations for misusing their financial clout to manipulate reform. But he also chides the developing countries for exploiting the process to acquire "special status in the organization." In addition, Tal discourages all member nations from politicizing negotiations and urges them instead to prioritize genuine dialogue to strengthen the UN. (Global Policy Forum) |
NGO Letter to the Security Council (May 19, 2006)A group of 27 NGOs points out that the US-led Multinational Force (MNF) in Iraq has seriously violated international law, including bans on the use of torture, illegal detentions, siege tactics against population centers, and "indiscriminate and especially injurious" weapons. Furthermore, the MNF is responsible for failing to address patterns of corruption and mismanagement in Iraq's development fund and reconstruction programs. Citing numerous official reports and legal texts, the letter urges Council members to "substantially reconsider, revise or terminate" the MNF's mandate to bring it into conformity with international law. (Global Policy Forum) |
Paper on NGO Participation at the United Nations (March 28, 2006)A group of NGOs, including Global Policy Forum, has submitted a letter to the General Assembly President calling for improved NGO access and participation at the UN. The list of ten recommendations includes access to the new Human Rights Council, Peaceuilding Commission and the General Assembly, as well as better support for NGLS and the appointment of a high-level person on NGO affairs in the Executive Office of the Secretary General. The text emphasizes that while NGO hearings by UN bodies may have a value, they should not be used "as a fig leaf to conceal the lack of more extensive forms of NGO participation." |
The Challenges of UN Finance (March 22, 2006)A US-backed spending cap threatens to put the UN in a financial crisis by July 2006, unless the organization implements management reform. This report summarizes the high-level discussion on "The Challenges of UN Finance," organized by Global Policy Forum and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The meeting brought together NGOs, UN officials and diplomats to share information, discuss key issues, and consider action to strengthen the UN's finances and head off the crisis. |
NGO Letter to the Security Council on Iraq (March 14, 2006)On the eve of the Security Council's quarterly discussion on the situation in Iraq, a group of NGOs has written the Council to voice their concern. Several disturbing reports have been released by Secretary General Kofi Annan, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), and human rights organizations. These reports have highlighted significant violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, especially in the area of detention practices. In response, the NGOs ask the Council to break its pattern of pro forma review, "accept its responsibility" and "substantially review the mandate it has given to the MNF." (Global Policy Forum) |
What If Developing Countries Could Finance Poverty Eradication from Their Own Public Resources (2006)In this contribution to the 2006 Social Watch Report, Jens Martens of Global Policy Forum calls for a "paradigm shift in the international discourse on development financing." Martens draws up concrete policy recommendations to enable poor countries to mobilize "enough domestic resources to guarantee universal access to reasonable quality essential public goods and services." Presently, a tax "race to the bottom" in attracting foreign investment, ineffective tax administrations, and pressure towards tariff reductions deprive poor countries of billions of dollars in potential income every year. In addition to tackling these income challenges, policies must ensure poor countries spend less on debt service, harmful subsidies and military budgets. |
Jens Martens: The Future of NGO Participation at the United Nations after the 2005 World SummitJanuary 2006 |
2005 |
Progress on Global Taxes? (December 2005)In recent years, political leaders and influential institutions have taken important steps toward global taxes, and have succeeded in making the topic less of a taboo in international relations. While welcoming these developments, Katarina Wahlberg of Global Policy Forum argues that the recent high-level proposals neglect the vital role global taxes can play in steering global environmental and financial policy. Moreover, these proposals fail to guarantee that the tax revenue will be additional to Official Development Assistance (ODA) and spent in a democratic way to finance real development. |
Crude Designs: the Rip-off of Iraq's Oil Wealth (November 22, 2005)Greg Muttitt's bombshell paper confirms what many have long suspected -- the big US and UK companies have enormous interest in Iraq's giant untapped oilfields. He shows clearly how the companies have been angling to gain control of those fields and now, under the occupation, they are closing in on their goal. Production Sharing Agreements, the companies' favorite legal ploy, have already been negotiated with pliant Iraqi officials. Likely to be rushed-through after the December 2005 elections, these contracts may lock Iraq into decades-long arrangements that siphon as much as $200 billion from the Iraqi government into company coffers. (Platform, Global Policy Forum and others) |
The Development Agenda after the 2005 Millennium+5 Summit (November 2005)This briefing paper analyzes the outcome document of the Millenniun+5 Summit and the role of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The proposal to make ECOSOC a sort of "MDG Council" could contribute to strengthen the institution. However, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and the World Bank still exert more power over global economic issues. (Global Policy Forum and Friedrich Ebert Foundation) Jens Martens: The Development Agenda after the 2005 Millennium+5 Summit - A Checklist of uncompleted tasks |
A Compendium of Inequality (October 2005)The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) published the 2005 Human Development Report just a week before the Millenium+5 Summit. The release was intended to influence governments to promote a more incisive approach to development, aid and security policies. This briefing paper analyzes the report and agrees with the UNDP's concern that in the current path towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the lack of distribution and social justice policies is leading to a "blind spot." (Global Policy Forum and Friedrich Ebert Foundation) Jens Martens: A Compendium of Inequality: The Human Development Report 2005 |
A Question of Political Will (August 2005)This briefing paper analyzes the report "Mobilising Political Will," published by the Finnish government in the context of the "Helsinki Process on Globalisation and Democracy" conference. The Helsinki Process tries to bring more democracy into the global governance system, through a "multi-stakeholder approach," involving not only governments but also NGOs and business representatives. While participants generally expressed support for the multi-stakeholder approach, some NGO representatives hinted that sharp differences of opinion among the participants led to "too timid" suggestions on privatization, debt relief and international taxes. (Global Policy Forum and Friedrich Ebert Foundation) Jens Martens: A Question of Political Will. |
Stingy Samaritans (August 2005)Since 2001, the nominal amount of global development assistance has grown steadily, reaching its highest level ever in 2004. Yet the poorest people of the planet have benefited from the increase only to a limited extent. The amount of aid still lags far behind the UN target of 0.7 percent of rich countries' gross national income, and donors continue their practices of using development assistance to support their geopolitical and economic goals. (Global Policy Forum) |
Theses Towards a Democratic Reform of the UN Security Council (July 13, 2005)James Paul and Céline Nahory argue that adding more permanent members to the Security Council would enlarge a discredited oligarchy rather than build for a democratic future. They also oppose the addition of elected members, arguing that an expanded Council would be too large to function effectively and not substantially more representative. Instead, they propose a process of stronger regional representation as a future-oriented approach that can develop in stages and without the headache of Charter change. (Global Policy Forum) |
Blenheim and Bangalore: A Tale of Subsidies in Two Communities (July 5, 2005)The Duke of Marlborough, a British aristocrat, receives over half a million pounds sterling in agricultural subsidies for his Blenheim estate near Oxford. At the same time, desperate Indian peasants, overwhelmed by subsidized imports and free-market reforms, commit suicide in large numbers. Rahul Rao, an Oxford-based scholar, connects Blenheim with his home city of Bangalore in India, showing a global web of institutions, policies and responsibilities that simultaneously creates wealth and destitution. (Global Policy Forum) |
"In Larger Freedom" The Report of the UN Secretary General for the Millennium+5 Summit (April 2005)This Global Policy Forum and Friedrich Ebert Foundation Briefing Paper examines Secretary General Kofi Annan's UN reform agenda and notes that "for some, the initiatives are not sufficiently far-reaching, [yet] others view them as too radical and unsuitable to implement politically." The paper criticizes Annan for his weak stance on alternative development financing, including global taxes on currency transactions. It also draws attention to the need for greater civil society participation in the preparations for the Millennium+5 Summit in September 2005. Jens Martens: “In Larger Freedom”: The Report of the UN Secretary-General for the Millennium+5 Summit 2005 |
Jens Martens: UN Reform and the Millennium Goals 2005. Opportunities for New Initiatives in Development Finance and Global Governance?Working Paper on international debates on the preparation process for the United Nations Millennium+5 Summit |
Report of the UN Millennium Project "Investing in Development" (February 2005)After more than two years of work, the United Nations Millennium Project published its final report, "Investing in Development," in January 2005. This Global Policy Forum and Friedrich Ebert Foundation briefing paper provides a more accessible analytical summary on the massive report and places it in a political context. Jens Martens: Report of the UN Millennium Project “Investing in Development.” |
Command Responsibility: The Mens Rea Requirement (February 2005)"Command responsibility" is a legal doctrine under which a military officer may be held responsible for war crimes committed by subordinates. The paper traces the evolution of the doctrine from post-World War II jurisprudence to codification in modern international criminal courts and tribunals. The debate surrounding the doctrine focuses on the level of knowledge a commander must possess before a court will consider him or her responsible for crimes committed by a subordinate. This essay argues that a commander is liable when he or she "should have known" about subordinates' criminal actions. (Global Policy Forum) |
2004 |
NGO Letter on Natural Resources and Conflict to the UN Secretary General's High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (October 11, 2004)This open letter by Global Witness, World Vision and Global Policy Forum calls on the Panel to consider how natural resource exploitation fuels conflict worldwide. The letter urges the UN to create a working definition of "conflict resources" and to establish a Secretariat office or permanent inter-agency task force on natural resources issues. |
CAFTA from a Nicaraguan Perspective (August 2004)Nicaraguan NGOs, labor and agriculture associations fear the effects of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) on Nicaraguan society. If implemented, Katarina Wahlberg argues, CAFTA will threaten food security, increase unemployment and worsen labor conditions. (Global Policy Forum) |
The Bush Foreign Policy Revolution, Its Origins, and Alternatives (August 2004)In this book excerpt, John Langmore argues that the Bush administration has been responsible for an aggressive and dangerous turn in US foreign policy. He sees the Bush "revolution" as rooted in public fears of terror and a widespread national belief that the US is a uniquely benevolent power. A Kerry election victory, while welcome, would not alter the deep structure of US policy and power. (Global Policy Forum) |
Joint Civil Society Statement on the Global Compact and Corporate Accountability (July 2004)23 organizations call on governments and the UN "to examine critically the Global Compact and the corporate partnership approach it represents, and to deliver real corporate accountability in a legal framework." (Global Policy Forum) |
The Global Compact Counter-Summit (June 23, 2004)This counter-summit was organized to question the expansion of corporate influence at the UN. These minutes from the meeting outline the pros and cons of the Global Compact, ultimately highlighting its inefficacy and calling for its cancellation. (Global Policy Forum) |
The Hidden Veto (May 2004)Global Policy Forum's Céline Nahory argues that the decline in number of vetoes in recent years is deceptive. Permanent members continue to pressure the Security Council through the "hidden veto" - the quiet threat that they may use their veto power. |
Offshore Finance, Onshore Complicity (March 2004)Offshore financial centers provide secret havens for money laundering and tax evasion. In this Global Policy Forum policy paper, Jason Garred pierces the veil of these mysterious places, showing how they provide services for corporations and wealthy individuals, enabling escape from onshore tax and regulatory authorities. Garred shows that offshore centers exists with the complicity of major money-center governments and banks. They assist criminal activities, pose serious problems of international financial stability and undermine long-established tax and social welfare systems. |
The Iraq Oil Bonanza: Estimating Future Profits (January 2004)This short paper estimates potential long-term profits by private oil companies in Iraq. By using different estimates for four key variables, including price and company/government share out of oil rents, the paper arrives at total profit estimates ranging from approximately $600 billion to $9 trillion. The "most probable" estimate yields annual profits from Iraq production of $95 billion per year for 50 years, a rate three times greater than the 2002 worldwide profits of the five largest international companies. (Global Policy Forum) |
NGOs and the UN Security Council (2004)This article details the growing engagement of NGOs with the UN Security Council in the period after 1990. As the Council grew more active, NGOs began to seek out Council members and argue for better policies. Global Policy Forum took the lead in setting up the NGO Working Group on the Security Council in 1997 with the help of forward-looking ambassadors. Some positive results have followed, but great power interests set firm limits to what NGOs can achieve. |
2003 |
GPF Statement to the Cardoso Panel (November 2003)This paper, submitted to the Panel of Eminent Persons on UN-Civil Society Relations, raises many issues of concern to NGOs. (Global Policy Forum) |
Oil Companies in Iraq: A Century of Rivalry and War (November 2003)James A. Paul analyzes the power and influence of US and UK oil companies. He discusses their century-long interest in Iraqi oil and the likelihood that control of Iraq's huge oil reserves drove seven wars, including the 2003 conflict. (Global Policy Forum) |
Fall of the Dollar (August 2003)The US dollar has dropped dramatically against the Euro in 2003, but few analysts point to the shaky economic fundamentals spelling trouble for both the dollar and for the US economy. This Global Policy Forum paper takes a critical look at the soaring US trade deficit and possible global implications of the dollar's decline. |
2002 |
Oil in Iraq: the Heart of the Crisis (December, 2002)International oil companies stand to profit enormously from control over Iraq's high-quality, plentiful oil supply and lucrative gas reserves. James A. Paul argues that a US-dominated Iraq would support US and UK oil companies' claims on Iraq's state-owned oil and nullify Iraqi contracts with France and Russia. (Global Policy Forum) |
Great Power Conflict over Iraqi Oil: the World War I Era (October, 2002)Western interests in and conflicts over Iraqi oil predate World War I. This article by James A. Paul describes how major international powers have combined military force and private and government pressure to control Iraq's oil. (Global Policy Forum) |
Iraq Sanctions: Humanitarian Implications and Options for the Future (August 6, 2002)A comprehensive report on UN sanctions against Iraq, issued by Global Policy Forum and eleven NGO partners on the twelfth anniversary of the original sanction resolution in the Security Council. The report discusses sharp differences in the Council over the sanctions, issues in humanitarian law, and the battle for the future of Iraq's oil riches. |
Iraq: the Struggle for Oil (August, 2002)James A. Paul analyzes the influence of Iraq's oil on UN sanctions policy. Behind the threatened war on Iraq, there is a US drive for "free access" to Iraqi oil and control by US and UK companies over Iraq's vast riches in oil and gas resources. (Global Policy Forum) |
Global Taxes for Global Priorities (March 2002)A comprehensive analysis of global tax proposals, with special focus on the carbon tax and the currency transaction tax. The paper considers the political progress of these proposals and their potential for revenue raising, policy steering and redistribution, as well as other common themes. (Global Policy Forum) |
The Old 'New Partnership' (June 28, 2002)"At Kananaskis, disappointment was the order of the day". While many hoped for a major breakthrough in the development plan for Africa, the summit ended with empty promises filled with vague initiatives. (Global Policy Forum) |
Hidden in the Mountains (June 27, 2002)The remoteness of Kananaskis Village has sucessfully kept G8 leaders tucked away from protesters. Anti-G8 activists in Calgary are far fewer than in Genoa in 2001, because many people held protests in their home cities instead. (Global Policy Forum) |
Dissent and Alternatives (June 26, 2002)As the G8 begins its meeting in Kananaskis, surrounded by tanks and swarms of security forces, in nearby Calgary the counter-summit protests have begun. The G8 Summit Group of Six Billion People's Summit (G6B), a civil society parallel forum, looks at socially responsible alternatives to the policies of G8 countries. (Global Policy Forum) |
NEPAD: The Plan in Fashion (June 25, 2002)Is NEPAD, as many claim, the plan that will save Africa? A closer look at this "one-size-fits-all solution" shows that the proposal fails to address some of Africa's most urgent problems such as AIDS and exploitation, and excludes African civil society from the process. (Global Policy Forum) |
The G8 and Everyone Else (June 24, 2002)G8 leaders are convening in Kananaskis, Canada to discuss "the state of the global economy, the progress of the war on terrorism, and a new development partnership with Africa." As nine heads of state and many prominent "special guests" will be present, police forces are stepping up "stringent security arrangements… against terrorism and enterprising anti-G8 activists". (Global Policy Forum) |
2001 |
NGO Problems Attending UN Meeting (November 21, 2001)Letter from Anne Walker, Executive Director of the International Women's Tribune Centre, describing her problems while attending a meeting at UN headquarters. |
Rev. Moon and the United Nations: A Challenge to the NGO Community (November 2011)A background paper by Harold Paine and Birgit Gratzer on the organization of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon seeking a major role in the NGO community at the United Nations. |
The Reform of the International Monetary Fund (October 2001)This paper, by Rainer Falk and sponsored by WEED, Global Policy Forum and the Heinrich Boell Foundation, focuses on the renewal of tasks and institutional structure. It concludes that the IMF needs to be both strengthened and weakened, depending on the Fund's future role. The paper was presented at an NGO Strategy Workshop in Washington, October 2001. |
Rethinking ODA: Towards a Renewal of Official Development Assistance (April 2001)A discussion paper for the United Nations for Development Process by Jens Martens of Global Policy Forum Europe. |
Some Preliminary Assessments of Powell's Iraq Trajectory (March 13, 2001)Phyllis Bennis from the Institute for Policy Studies reviews what we know - and what we do not know - about the emerging Bush strategy toward Iraq, including the divergences between Powell and Cheney. |
NGOs and Transnational Finance (February 2001)Global Policy Forum's Jason Garred presents a general introduction to NGOs, and then looks at how NGOs can influence the murky world of transnational finance. |
The Military Staff Committee: A Possible Future Role in UN Peace Operations (February 2001)Following the Brahimi report, Felicity Hill from Women's International League for Peace and Freedom wrote an analysis on the role of the inactive Military Staff Committee for UN peacekeeping |
The Arria Formula (revised Febuary 2001)The special informal briefings by which the Council gets information and advice from outside parties. This link tells about the origins of the formula and how it is used. (Global Policy Forum) |
2000 |
Making Corporations Accountable (December 2000)This paper discusses voluntary codes and regulatory approaches to the accountability of global corporate investment. A background paper for the UN Financing for Development process, written by James A. Paul and Jason Garred of Global Policy Forum. (Global Policy Forum) |
The Road to the Global Compact (October 2000)Global Policy Forum takes a position on corporate power and the battle over global public policy at The United Nations. |
Small States and Territories (July 2000)In this essay, Global Policy Forum's Director James Paul considers unusual aspects and special problems of these micro-members of the international community. |
NGOs and Global Policy Making (June 2000)An analysis by Global Policy Forum's Director James Paul, provides historical background and emphasizes NGOs growing contemporary importance, diversity, impact on policy, etc. |
The Religious Right at the Beijing+5 PrepCom (June 2000) |
1999 |
NGO Access at the UN (July 1999)A narrative account of NGO access covering the period from 1996 to 1999 with many links to further information. (Global Policy Forum) |
NGOs and the United Nations (June 1999)A comprehensive and critical 28-page report reviewing recent progress and problems of NGOs at the UN. Prepared as input to the second report of the Secretary General. (Global Policy Forum) |
A Brief History for the Quest of Peace: Pacifism and Just War Theory in Europe from the 16th to the 20th Centuries" (June 1999)This paper provides a clear summary of European ideas on international peace during the past five centuries. The paper helps to situate the UN as a product of a long and ongoing search for a peaceful world. (Global Policy Forum) |
UN and the Bretton Woods Institutions: Is More "Coherence" Needed? (February 23, 1999)A speech by James Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum, reviewing the changing relationship between the U.N. and the Bretton Woods Institutions and calling for new ways of making those institutions more responsive to democratic processes. |
1998 |
NGO Access: a Narrative (November 1998)A narrative account of NGO access covering the period from 1996 to 1999 with many links to further information. (Global Policy Forum) |
NGO Working Group on the Security Council - Information Statement (November 1998)Statement setting out the purposes and activities of the NGO Working Group on the Security Council. (Global Policy Forum) |
The Negative Effects of UN Reform (October 1998)By Anja Kallmeyer (Global Policy Forum) |
Informal Consultations (October 1998)What are informal consultations? Why are they important? More importantly, why are they controversial? By Natalie Reid. (Global Policy Forum) |
Sanctions: An Analysis (August 1998)Written by James A. Paul and Senwan Akhtar of Global Policy Forum. |
The Coffers are Not Empty: Financing for Sustainable Development and the Role of the United Nations (July 1998)A policy paper by James Paul (Global Policy Forum) and Jens Martens (WEED) that seeks to outline the recent trends of financing for development and to formulate a few recommendations for further studies and activities of the UN. |
Global Taxes and Charges: A Brief Introduction (May 1998)Brief introduction for those unfamiliar with the issue of global taxes and charges by Kevin Baumert of Global Policy Forum. |
Global Taxes and Fees: Recent Developments and Overcoming Obstacles (May 1998)Major analytical paper written by Kevin Baumert of Global Policy Forum. |
Sixteen Policy Recommendations on Sanctions (March 1998)James A. Paul of Global Policy Forum made these recommendations at a forum of German parliamentarians in Bonn on March 31, 1998. |
1997 |
The Arria Forumla (November 1997)The special informal briefings by which the Council gets information and advice from outside parties. This link tells about the origins of the formula and how it is used. (Global Policy Forum) |
Downsizing States (October 1997)By James Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. |
Micro States (October 1997)By James Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. |
Citizenship for Sale (October 1997)Surprising information about how citizenship can be bought, for those who want to avoid taxes in the place where they primarily live and do business. (Global Policy Forum) |
Alternative Financing for Global Peace and Development (September 1997)This paper summarizes the main issues and trends in the worldwide debate on alternative financing for the UN. (Global Policy Forum) |
Ambiguous States: Comments and Lists (August 1997)By James Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. |
How Effective How Many How Enduring (July 1997)By James Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. |
Permanent Membership: Objective Criteria (May 1997)A comparative look at how certain states fulfill the criteria for the great-power status inferred by 'permanent' membership. (Global Policy Forum) |
What's in a Name? A Proposal for a Change in Membership Terminology for the Security Council (April 1997)Why we should refer to "elected" rather than "non-permanent" members. (Global Policy Forum) |
1996 |
The United Nations and Global Social-Economic Policy (November 1996)An analytical essay written by Global Policy Forum Executive Director James A. Paul. |
Increasing the Transparency and Accountability of the Security Council: an NGO Briefing Paper (November 1996)Prepared by Global Policy Forum and the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy for a meeting between NGOs and Delegations. |
Africa and the Security Council (November 1996)Comments by Nigerian Ambassador to the UN Ibrahim Gambari to a meeting of Africa Amicale at UN Headquarters. |
Charter on Industrial Hazards and Human Rights (October 1996) |
Published jointly with the Council on International and Public Affairs, a substantial document issued in 1996 that outlines human rights claims to protect people from industrial pollution, toxic wastes, and the like. Inspired by tragedies like Bhopal and Chernobyl. |
Sanctions: Arguments about their Use and Abuse (October 1996)Written by James Paul of Global Policy Forum. |
UN Reform: an Analysis (August 1996)By James Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. |
Nations and States: What's the Difference? (July 1996)By James Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. |
Statement on Innovative Funding (July 1996)Statement made to ECOSOC by James A. Paul on behalf of ISMUN, Global Policy Forum, WEED, and the World Federalist Movement. |
History of the UN's Financial Troubles (June 1996)A history of the crisis beginning in the UN's early years, covering the Reagan and Bush Administrations and the early Clinton years. (Global Policy Forum) |
How Money Talks: The Funding Crisis at the UN ( June 1996)World Federalists of Canada issued this Briefing Paper which provides a history and analysis of the crisis and calls on the Canadian government to support alternative funding for the UN. |
The World Bank and Russian Oil: a Human and Environmental Catastrophe (June 1996)A major policy paper published jointly with WEED of Germany, showing how the World Bank under Wolfensohn continues to grossly disregard the environment in its headlong race for privatization and profits. |
NGOs, Civil Society and Global Policy Making (June 1996)By James Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. |
NGOs and the World Bank (June 1996)A brief analysis by James Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum, about the relations between the World Bank (and other International Financial Institutions) and NGOs. |
Towards the 1997 Special Review Session on Environment & Development: Core Issues (May 1996)Statement by German NGO leaders about the UN General Assembly Review of the Rio Environmental Accords. Issued in 1996, the statement later proved to be on the mark. It was highly critical and raised important questions about the role of NGOs. [published jointly with WEED] |
The Security Council and Nuclear Weapons (May 1996)Ambassador Nabil Elaraby of Egypt considers the Security Council and nuclear weapons issues at a meeting of the NGO Working Group on the Security Council. |
The Security Council and Nuclear Weapons (May 1996)Speech by Lucy Webster delivered at the NGO Working Group on the Security Council. |
Article 26: the Security Council and Disarmament (April 1996)By Dr. David Krieger, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. |
Civil Society and the Security Council (April 1996)Chilean Ambassador to the UN Juan Somavía speaking at a meeting with the NGO Working Group on the Security Council. |
German NGO Forum: For a Stronger UNCTAD (April 1996)[published jointly with WEED] Statement by German Non-Governmental Organizations on UNCTAD IX. |
The United Nations and Global Institutions (March 1996)Speech by Erskine Childers delivered at a "Conference on The Fate of Democracy in the Era of Globalization" organized by Wellesley College Department of Political Science, Campaign for Peace and Democracy, Global Policy Forum and United Nations University. |
1994 |
Empowering the Peoples in their United Nations (December 1994)By Erskine Childers. |
Proceedings of the NGO Conference on Security Council Reform (May 1994)Together with the Geneva-based International NGO Network on Global Governance, Global Policy Forum organized a conference on Security Council reform. |