Reference document prepared by the office of the President of the Millennium Assembly at the 55th session of the General AssemblyComments Regarding NGOs at the 54th Session of the General Assembly(September 20 - October 2, 1999)
References to NGOs excerpted from addresses made by member states during the general debate of the 54th sessionLinks to All Speeches Delivered at the 52nd Annual DPI/NGO Conference (September 15, 1999)
This page provides access to all of the speeches given at the 1999 DPI/NGO Conference on Globalization.Antonio Monteiro to the 53rd General Assembly (October 21, 1998)
Comments on the role of NGOs by the Permanent Representative of PortugalRazali Ismail to the DPI/NGO Conference (September 10, 1997)
Speech delivered at the 50th Annual DPI/NGO Conference by the President of the General Assembly.Kofi Annan to the DPI/NGO Conference (September 10, 1997)
At the 50th Annual DPI/NGO Conference, the Secretary General calls United Nations/NGO Partnership 'Not an Option But a Necessity' for Effectively Addressing New Global Agenda.Juan Somavia: Humanitarian Responsibilities of the Security Council (June 26, 1996)
A speech delivered by the Permanent Represenative of Chile for the 1996 Gilbert Murray Memorial Lecture. Ambassador Somavia stresses the importance of increased NGO participation in Security Council activities.