By Adnan El-Ghoul
Daily Star - LebanonJanuary 17, 2005
Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Sunday that UN Security Council Resolution 1559 meets the Israeli demands to disband Hizbullah and drive the Syrian Army out of Lebanon. "Without accusing anyone of treason or jumping to hasty conclusions, I am simply saying Resolution 1559 serves the Israeli policies in inciting civil war and creating political chaos and turbulence," Nasrallah said. "We should be careful not to take positions that would harm Lebanon or push it again into disarray and instability," he said.
Nasrallah said the Syrian military and political presence has a moral influence over politicians in keeping peace and finalizing national reconciliation. "Primarily, it is the Lebanese Army and security forces that take charge of internal security issues with the Syrian Army aiding them in that task," he said. Acknowledging the defects in Syrian-Lebanese relations, Nasrallah insisted that they could be straightened through dialogue with Syrian officials.
He said Israel would like to see the Syrians ousted from the country. "But," he said, "the Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon will not lead inevitably to internal unrest or commotion between the various Lebanese parties and communities." The national unity and civil peace will stay as solid and sturdy as it is today, he added. "The continuous exchange of ideas between the Lebanese concerned parties is preserving national unity and stability; we should keep it that way."
Nasrallah was speaking at Shahed Hall in Beirut's Southern Suburbs commemorating the death of Sheikh Assad Berro's father. "Some claim that Hizbullah opposes Resolution 1559 to protect its presence and save its own neck," he said. "We fight to safeguard the country; had we been striving to save our heads, we would not have paid the heavy price of resistance in blood sacrificing our dearest sons, daughters, mothers and fathers."
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