July 21-23, 2000
Articles and Documents
UN Chief Disappointed at G-7 Inaction on Debt Relief (July 22, 2000)
Secretary General Kofi Annan criticized the G-8 leaders saying that "for four years, we have had too many promises and too little action." Debt relief is a huge issue which will have a dramatic impact on the lives of the poor if cancelled. Unfortunately, the G-8 is slow to act and has not specified a specific plan. (Xinhua News)
G-8 Has Moved Beyond Photo-Ops of the Past (July 20, 2000)
An article detailing the past, present, and future functions and challenges faced by the G-8.(Los Angeles Times)
Is American Indifference Making the G-8 Obsolete? (July 11, 2000)
Madeline Albright will not attend the meeting of foreign ministers of the G-8 nations this week, which leaves a lot of leeway for Russia and China to pursue their own agendas at the conference. (Stratfor.com)
International Debt Campaigners Vow "No Seattle" at G8 Summit (March 29, 2000)
Campaigners for poorest nation debt relief, are planning loud but peaceful protest at the G8 summit to be held in Japan this July. (Agence France Presse)
USAID Announces 12 African Nations To Receive Funds To Fight AIDS (January 10, 2000)
An article from Africa News Online regarding USAIDS additional funding to go towards the fight against AIDS in Africa this year.