Global Policy Forum

The EU-US trade deal - TTIP could cause more harm than good

brave_new_atlantic_partnershipAs talks for the proposed EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP/TAFTA) continue, the European Commission has released a document describing the economic benefits of a trading partnership between the EU and the US. Other reports however suggest that the expected economic benefits from such a partnership have masked the fact that the real impetus behind a deal comes from major EU and US corporations that have joined forces to remove as many labour, health and environmental standards as possible. The environmental and social hazards resulting from this are seen as a in a devastating race to the bottom and the deal could do more harm than good. Some of the more recent articles on this topic can be found below...

10 October 2013 | Corporate Europe ObservAtory, SOMO, Seattle to Brussels Network

A Brave New Transatlantic Partnership: the social & environmental consequences of the proposed EU-US trade deal

As the second round of negotiations on the EU-US trade agreement kick off in Brussels next week, a new report published by members of the Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B), including CEO, reveals the true human and environmental costs of the proposed deal. The report shows that the promises of job creation and growth are illusions; and that the real impetus behind a deal comes from major EU and US corporations that have joined forces to remove as many labour, health and environmental standards as possible in a devastating race to the bottom.

to read the rest of the article click here:

TTIP documents released by the European Commission

The European Commission has released several documents on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) talks on the economic benefits that both the European Union and the US would gain from such a partnership.

These documents from the European Commission were also released last week on the contacts it had with industry's representatives on the EU-US trade deal (TTIP).

BusinessEurope & Chamber of Commerce proposal on regulatory cooperation

European Commission internal assessment of the proposal

Minutes from a meeting of Commission officials with the two lobby groups on the issue

EU-US trade deal is race to the bottom - Only big business will win
Kim Bizzarri, Pia Eberhardt, Luis Rico and Myriam Vander Stichele Oct 07, 2013

As the second round of negotiations on the proposed EU-US trade agreement kick off in Brussels next week, a new report published by the Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B) today reveals the true human and environmental costs of an EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP/TAFTA). The report shows that the promises of job creation and growth are illusions; and that the real impetus behind a deal comes from major EU and US corporations that have joined forces to remove as many labour, health and environmental standards as possible in a devastating race to the bottom.’

To read the full article click:


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