The 87-88 double issue of the South Bulletin titled "Business and Human Rights: Commencing discussions on legally binding instrument", which was released by the South Centre, publishes a number of detailed reports on the first meeting of the Human Rights Council's Working Group on a legally binding instrument on TNCs and other business enteprises with respect to human rights in July 2015. The reports in this Bulletin include general overviews; the scope of application of the instrument; the obligations of states and businesses; standards for legal liability and building mechanisms for access to remedy. The opening speeches of the Chairperson and a Special Rapporteur are also included.
November 25, 2015 | South Centre
Business and Human Rights: Commencing discussions on a legally binding instrument
Read the Bulletin here
This double issue of the South Bulletin focuses on an important issue – human rights, transnational corporations and other business enterprises.
More specifically, it publishes reports on the first meeting of the Human Rights Council’s Working Group on a legally binding instrument on TNCs and other business enterprises with respect to human rights.
This issue, and the working group, have attracted the attention of hundreds of civil society groups around the world, as getting redress for the adverse effects of businesses, especially TNCs, is a long-standing topic.
The reports in this Bulletin include general overviews; the scope of application of the instrument; the obligations of states and businesses; standards for legal liability and building mechanisms for access to remedy. The opening speeches of the Chairperson and a Special Rapporteur are also included.
Read the Bulletin here