Global Policy Forum

Corona Lobby Watch - Opportunistic lobbyists abuse the EU’s unprecedented health crisis

corona-lobbywatch-1Lobbyists for many industries are opportunistically repackaging old demands, or developing new ones, and using the Corona Crisis to justify them, even though in many cases there is no clear link to the health emergency. Corporate Europe Observatory has set up Corona Lobby Watch, in order to ensure that civil society can continue to monitor the moves of 'Coronawashing' lobbyists.


Corona Lobby Watch

Opportunistic lobbyists abuse the EU’s unprecedented health crisis

Europe is in the midst of an unprecedented and extremely difficult situation. Tens of thousands of people have lost their lives to a deadly virus, while across the continent states have locked down their societies and economies in an effort to avoid further deaths. The corona virus has led to a state of emergency across Europe, and had a profound impact on politics in member states as well as in the EU institutions. European economies are also in crisis, with thousands of companies being kept afloat by massive and unprecedented public financial support.

It is to be expected, in such a context, that many companies and economic sectors will receive special treatment. Numerous industries have asked for, and been given, a range of supports due to the special circumstances, some of which is justified. But, we see another phenomenon developing in EU politics that poses a significant risk: lobbyists for many industries are opportunistically repackaging old demands, or developing new ones, and using the Corona Crisis to justify them, even though in many cases there is no clear link to the health emergency.

These opportunistic campaigns – now being referred to as ‘Coronawashing’ by some – must be exposed and stopped. If corporate lobbyists are allowed to use the current destabilisation of politics and the EU-wide health, social and economic crisis as an opportunity to win the upper hand while no-one is looking, we could see major steps back in areas such as taxation, the fight against climate change, and even health policies.

That is why Corporate Europe Observatory has set up Corona Lobby Watch, in order to ensure that civil society can continue to monitor the moves of Coronawashing lobbyists, even while under lockdown. Based on a variety of sources, we will strive to register all lobbying attempts that use the pandemic as cover to seek reduced regulation.

To get an overview of chronological stories click here.
For further background information on how corporate lobbyists are exploiting the crisis click here.

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