The Movement of Movements: From Resistance to Climate Justice (December 10, 2009)
According to Anna White, the Climate Conference in Copenhagen reveals a new global justice movement. Compared to the "anti-globalization" protests of the late 1990s, the climate movement shows a maturing global civil society because it presents a united stand in spite of a very diverse range of interests. White believes that this new group of NGOs may succeed in pushing the negotiators to prioritize social and climate justice above the self-interest of states and big business. (Share the World's Resources)
Climate Protesters Descend on Copenhagen (December 8, 2009)
The Climate Conference in Copenhagen expects the arrival of up to 50,000 activists, despite government denial of civil society access to the meeting venue. Organizations advocate for an international agreement that is fair to the developing world, but fear that Western governments will dominate the talks and block an agreement. In hoping for a peaceful event, the Danish Government has financed a parallel civil society summit, called the Klimaforum09. (CNN)