In January 2010, the UN announced it would hire a British private security firm to protect its staff in Afghanistan. This contradicted past statements made by UN officials that condemned PSCs and argued against their use. As the UN's relationship with PSCs changes, some crucial questions need answering: how many private security contractors does the UN hire? What does the UN hire PSCs for? What means are being used to monitor them? And more generally, can the UN be used as a vehicle to make PSCs accountable for their actions?
The Draft International Convention on the Regulation, Oversight and Monitoring Of Private Military and Security Companies has been circulating since 2009, with a UN working group prepared to announce the results of its consultations in September 2010. But even if the UN is able to ratify a convention, does it have the capacity to enforce it?
You can listen to the event as a six-part podcast. Either go through our website or download them at iTunes by following these simple steps:
Alice Powell, the GPF organiser of the event, introduces the speakers |
James Cockayne, our first speaker |
Jeremy Scahill, our third speaker |
Scott Horton, our second speaker |
Members of the audience included diplomats, academics,NGOs and journalists |
Head of UNDP Security |
Cora Weiss, Co-organiser of the event |
Dr. Rebecca E. Johnson, Acronym Institute for Disarmament Policy |
Emmanuel Bichet, First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Switzerland |
Doug Hostetter, Menonite Central Commitee |