Global Policy Forum

List of Signatories


A Call for Action on the UN Financial Crisis

Organizations listed for identification purposes only


James A. Paul, Executive Director, Global Policy Forum
William Pace, Executive Director, World Federalist Movement
Johannah Bernstein, UN Representative, Earth Action


Patrick Baudouin, President, FIDH (International Federation of Human Rights)

Edith Ballantyne, President, Women's International League for Peace & Freedom

Erskine Childers, Author and former Senior Advisor to the UN Director-General for Development

elmira Nazombe, Director, Office for World Community, National Council of Churches (USA)

Eberhard Brecht, Member, Bundestag; Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs; Chair, Committee on the UN & International Organizations

Desmond Tutu, Anglican Archbishop of Capetown,

David Lange, Member of Parliament, New Zealand; former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister

Anne Walker, Executive Director, International Women's Tribune Center

Klaus Huefner, Honorary President, World Federation of United Nations Associations; Professor, Freie Universitaet Berlin

Edith Loane, President, World Federation of Methodist Women

Roberto Bissio, Executive Director, Instituto del Tercer Mundo

Robert Harris, President, Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations (CONGO)

John Buehrens, President, Unitarian Universalist Association

Chee Yoke Ling, Asia Pacific Peoples' Environment Network

Poul Hartling, former UN High Commissioner for Refugees; former Prime Minister of Denmark

Hanne Christensen, Programme Coordinator, Independent Bureau for Humanitarian Issues

Gordon Klopf, President, DPI/NGO Executive Committee

Francisco Soberon, Director General, Asociacion Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH)

Afaf Mahfouz, Vice-President, CONGO; UN Representative, Arab Lawyers Union

Preminder Jain, Vice-President, DPI/NGO Executive Committee; UN Representative, International Mahavir Jain Mission

Theodore Hesburgh, President Emeritus, Notre Dame University; President, Board of Overseers, Harvard University; Director, U.S. Institute for Peace

Colin Archer, Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau

Francesco Rossolillo, President, Union of European Federalists

Fred van Leeuwen, Secretary-General, Education International

Rainer Lingscheid, Director, UN Liaison Office, World Council of Churches

Peter Low, Clerk, New Zealand Quakers

Magdi Ibrahim, Program Coordinator, ENDA Maghreb

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Asia Indigenous Women's Organization

Geoffrey Grenville-Wood, Attorney; former President, UNA of Canada

Bella Abzug, Co-Chair, Women's Environment & Development Organization

Kjeld Akjaer, Chairman, United Nations Association-Denmark

Marie-Christine Aulas, President, Panos Institute, Paris

Mient Jan Faber, Director, Helsinki Citizens' Assembly

Maikel Kiwuram, General Secretary, Pacific Indigenous Youth Forum

Cora Weiss, International Representative, Peace Action

Erfried Adam, Director, Development Policy Program, Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Clifton Curtis, Political Advisor, Greenpeace International

Magda Aelvoet, Member, European Parliament

Ted Turner, Chairman, Turner Broadcasting (CNN)

Jakob von Uexkull, Chairman, Right Livelihood Award Foundation

Mia Adjali, Director, United Methodist Office for the UN

Serge Wourgaft, World Veterans Federation

Shazia Rafi, Director, Democracy & Development, Parliamentarians for Global Action

Pedro Dalcero, Senior Researcher, IBASE

Awa Ouedraogo, Secretary General, Women's NGO Network of Burkina Faso

Robert Muller, Chancellor, University for Peace; Vice-President, World Federalist Movement

Chandra Muzaffar, President, Just World Trust

Alice Slater, Executive Director, Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (ECAAR)

Geoffrey Atkinson, National Solicitor, National and Aboriginal & Islanders Legal Services Secretariat

Marianne Andersson, Member of Parliament, Sweden

Michael Renner, Senior Researcher, Worldwatch Institute

Etienne De Jonge, Executive Director, Pax Christi International

Janet Bloomfield, Chair, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Virginia Leary, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor, SUNY Buffalo School of Law

Michael McCoy, Director, Citizens' Network for Sustainable Development

Paul Aarts, Professor of Political Science, University of Amsterdam

Richard Falk, Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law & Practice, Princeton University

Hans Singer, Professor, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex

Ruth Steinkraus-Cohen, UN Representative, National Council for International Visitors

Peter Weiss, Chair of the Board, Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy

Maria-Elena Hurtado, Campaigns Director, Consumers International

Peter Eigen, Chairman, Transparency International

Betty Bumpers, President, Peace Links

Craig Murphy, Professor of Political Science, Wellesley College & Co-Editor, Global Governance

Dalmer Hoskins, Secretary-General, International Social Security Association

Mehreen Samee, Research Coordinator, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (Islamabad)

James Otley, Bishop, Anglican Observer at the United Nations

Jonathan Mann, Professor & Director, Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health & Human Rights, Harvard University

Cecile Goldet, former Member of the French Parliament; longtime President, United Nations Association of Frence

Bruce Kent, Director, Forum for UN Renewal; Vice-President, Pax Christi-UK

Jens Martens, Member of the Board, World Economy, Ecology & Development Association (WEED)

Aaron Tovish, Director, Peace & Security, Parliamentarians for Global Action

Lennart Lindgren, Chairman, Radda Barnen (Save the Children-Sweden)

Diane Sherwood, Director, Global Commission to Fund the UN

Manfred Kulessa, Joint Conference, Church and Development (Bonn)

Clarence Dias, President, International Center for Law in Development

David Krieger, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Roberto Savio, Secretary General, Inter Press Service

Christian Sterzing, Member of Parliament, Germany

Dawud Assad, President, Council of Mosques of USA

Chung Ok Lee, Head Minister, Won Buddhism

Patricia Mische, President, Global Education Associates

Michael Irwin, Vice-Chairman, United Nations Association-UK; former UN Medical Director

Elke Schmidt-Ranke, Member, German UNICEF Committee; International Council of Women

Robert Johansen, Professor & Director of Graduate Studies, Krok Institute of International Peace Studies, Notre Dame University

Verna Uthman, Office of Church & Society, United Church of Christ

Jan Loenn, Secretary-General, International Student & Youth Movement for the UN

John Forbes, Director, Coalition for a Strong UN

Susanne Paul, President, Global Action on Aging

Daniel Durand, National Secretary, Mouvement de la Paix

Hermod Lannung, Attorney, Copenhagen; member of Danish delegration to the UN General Assembly, 1946-1970; awarded UN Peace Medal in 1986

Malcolm Harper, Director, United Nations Association-UK

John Washburn, United Nations Association, New York

Renate Wilke-Launer, Editor-in-Chief, Der Ueberblick

Saul Mendlovitz, Dag Hammarskjold Professor of Law, Rutgers University; Co-Director, World Order Models Project

David Cortright, President, Fourth Freedom Forum

Rene Wadlow, Editor, Transnational Perspectives

Carina Hagg, Member of Parliament, Sweden

Lena Klevanas, Member of Parliament, Sweden

Ethel Howley, School Sisters of Notre Dame

Clovis Maksoud, Director, Center for the Study of the Global South, American University

Joel Kreiger, Norma Wilentz Hess Professor of Political Science, Wellesley College

Deborah Moldow, World Peace Prayer Society

Stephen Marks, Director, United Nations Studies Program, Columbia University (New York City)

Phyllis Bennis, UN Correspondent, Pacifica Radio

Frances Farenthold, Attorney, Houston

Margaret Brenman-Gibson, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Women's International Peace Initiatives

Harry Lerner, Co-Founder, Conference for a More Democratic UN (CAMDUN)

Katie Dewes, New Zealand Foundation for Peace Studies

Don Kraus, Director, Partners for Global Change, World Federalist Association

Stanley Scheinbaum, Attorney, Los Angeles

Sue Nichols, International Association for Religious Freedom

Roberto Castaldi, Secretary-General, Gioventu' Federalista Europea

Beverlee Bruce, Chair of the Board, Women's Commission for Refugee Women & Children

Sylvan Barnet, UN Representative, Rotary International

Margaret Crane, Executive Director, Economic & Social Rights Advocacy Network (ESHRAN)

Mario Tasquier, Jeunesse Europeenne Federaliste

Deborah Winter, Professor of Psychology, Whitman College

Mary Toumayan, UN Representative, Armenian International Women's Association

Tariq Banuri, Executive Director, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (Islamabad)

S. Chestnutt, Executive Director, YWCA of Papua New Guinea

Alexander Graf York, former German Ambassador to the UN

Jonathan Dean, Advisor on International Security Issues, Federation of American Scientists

Emilia Iacobucci, Alternate Office Technology Coordinator, Food and Agriculture Organization

Ulrich Duelchrow, Professor of Theology and Board Member, Kairos Europa

Douglas Holdstock, Member, Executive Committee, Medical Action for Global Security

Meyhnad Desai, Professor, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics

Adam Curle, Professor, Department of Peace Studies, Bradford University

Arlette Laurent, former Deputy Head, European Community Delegation to the UN

Juha Rekola, Chairman, Maailman Sivu ry (Finnish Association for Development Journalism)

John McAuley, Assistant to the Secretary-General, World Conference on Religion & Peace

Michael Wessells, President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility

David Menkes, Professor of Psychological Medicine, University of Otago (New Zealand)

Linda Petrucelli, United Church Board for World Ministries

Wendy Lambourne, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies, University of Sydney

George Farebrother, World Court Project-UK

Erich Mathias, Joint Ministry in Africa, Disciples of Christ/United Church of Christ

Pauline van den Tempel, University of Amsterdam

Robin Pistorius, University of Amsterdam

Nancy Finneran, Loretto Community

Jerome Frank, MD; author

Joseph Makaje, Director, Citizen Social Care Center (Kenya)

Keith Hindell, Member, Executive Committee, United Nations Association-UK

Jean Krasno, Associate Director, UN Studies, Yale University

Monique Prindezis, Secretary-General, World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace

Wolfgang Edelstein, Professor, Max Planck Institute for Human Development

Helen Romero, Asia-Pacific Credit Cooperative Society

Harry Cohen, President, Medical Association for Prevention of War-Australia

Robert Smylie, Director, Presbyterian UN Office

Alice Tepper Marlin, Director, Council on Economic Priorities

Heather Silverberg, Shaler Adams Foundation

Michael Prosser, Kern Professor of Communications, Rochester Institute of Technology

Daniele Archibugi, Researcher, Italian National Research Council

Charlotte Bunch, Director, Center for Women's Global Leadership

Berit Lofstedt, Member of Parliament, Sweden

Edwin Sutherland, Brig. General, US Army (ret.)

Elisabeth Borgese, Professor, Dalhousie University; Founder, International Ocean Institute; Founder, Pacem In Maribus Conferences; Recipient of UN Environmental Prize

Laura Orlando, Executive Director, ReSource Institute for Low Entropy Systems

Marek Hagmajer, former Secretary-General, World Federation of United Nations Associations

Schuyler Rhodes, Pastor, Washington Square Methodist Church

Renate Bloem, UN Representative, World Federation of Methodist Women

Margaret Houlihan, Psychologist, Counseling Center, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Anna Rehin, Coordinator, Forum for UN Renewal-UK

Richard Hudson, Executive Director, Center for War/Peace Studies

Alan Dowty, Professor, Notre Dame University

Ward Morehouse, President, Council of International and Public Affairs

Joseph Eger, Conductor, Symphony for UN

Daniel Christie, Professor of Psychology, Ohio State University

Thomas Lannin, Professor of English, Winthrop University

Lucy Webster, Program Coordinator, Global Education Associates

Barbara Frame, Librarian, Knox College (New Zealand)

Lenore Newman, Economists Allied for Arms Reducation

Claire Greensfelder, Women's Network, Plutonium Free Future

Dorothy M. Paul, Executive Director, United Nations Association-USA, Iowa Division

Brenda Belokrinicev, University of Alberta

Joan Meierotto, Member, Women's International League for Peace & Freedom

Liz Scott, Baltimore Housing Roundtable

Craig Vivas, Exercise Physiology, American College of Sports Medicine

Isagani Serrano, Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement

Marilyn Ashley, Campaign for the Earth Greg Bischak, NCECD

Richard Ponzio, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Pat Aller, International Union for Land Value Tax

Arati Vasan, Women, Law & Development International

Esty Dinur, Feminist Voices

Michel Beurret, De Bilt, Netherlands

Muriel Llinares, Ottawa University

Anne Yedowitz, UN Representative, soroptimist International

Martha Griffin, Member, United Nations Association-USA

Rod Morris, President, Center for Global Citizens

Larry Gell, Director-General, International Agency for Economic Development

Leonard Rubin, UN Representative, Communications Coordinating Committee

Vince Comisky, UN Representative, Pax Christi International

Joseph Moerman, Cannon, Founder, IYC

Ellen Mouravieff-Apostal, UN Representative, International Federation of Social Workers; President, NGO Committee on UNICEF

Leandro Desponi, UN Human Rights Expert

Bruno Rohazzotti, International Movement to Aid the Fourth World

Helene Sackstein, Secretary General, International Abolitionist Federation

Leila Siegel, International Council of Jewish Women

Pamela Bailhie, Brahma Kiwaris World Spiritual University

Nicole Piaget, UN Representative, International Federation of Business & Professional Women

The list on this page contains 200 names. As of early April, more than 600 people had signed. Please click here for a list of more signatories

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