UN Tribunal Convicts Media Leaders of Genocide (December 3, 2003)
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda convicted three Rwandan media personalities of genocide, incitement to genocide, conspiracy and crimes against humanity. The convicted have misused the power of media and so caused the death of thousands of civilians. (UN Integrated Regional Information Networks)
Key Rwandan Genocide Trial Begins (November 6, 2003)
The ICTR puts four former Rwandan ministers on trial. By doing so the ICTR continues its efforts to convict guilty members of the former Rwandan leadership that started with the conviction of former Rwandan Prime Minister, Jean Kambanda. (BBC)
War Crimes Tribunals Unlikely to Meet Deadline (October 10, 2003)
The war crimes tribunal prosecuters for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, Carla Del Ponte and Hassan Jallow, doubt the likelihood of complete trials by end of 2008. A lack of cooperation from regional governments at the ICTY, and work overload for the ICTR causes the delay. (UN Wire)
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: Time for Pragmatism (September 26, 2003)
The International Crisis Group has issued a report calling on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) to become more pragmatic. The following is an executive summary of the report, including recommendations to the ICTR, the government of Rwanda and the United Nations Security Council.
Del Ponte Says UN Caved to Rwandan Pressure (September 17, 2003)
By replacing Carla Del Ponte as chief UN prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the UN jeopardizes the impartiality of the tribunal. (National Post)
Letter from Rwanda (September 1, 2003)
Seeking to try thousands of defendants, Rwanda has turned to a traditional, village-based judicial system known as Gacaca. This method, while at times chaotic, invests the entire community in the adjudication of crimes. (Nation)
New Rwandan Prosecutor Named (August 29, 2003)
Hassan Jallow, a former Justice of the Gambian Supreme Court, will replace Carla del Ponte as the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. (BBC)
Prosecution Asks For Maximum Sentence in Media Trial (August 19, 2003)
The ICTR prosecutor will seek lifetime imprisonment for three people accused of using radio networks to incite genocide, claiming they have more blood on their hands than those who actually performed the killings. (allAfrica)
Controversy Over Rwanda Tribunal has Geopolitical Overtones (August 11, 2003)
The Security Council is expected to replace Carla del Ponte as lead prosecutor of the ICTR, citing administrative reasons. But human rights groups worry her successor will face pressure to not prosecute members of the current Rwandan government, given that country's increasingly close alignment with Washington. (OneWorld)
Leading Rights Groups Urge Security Council to Ensure Management Reforms do not Undermine Rwanda Tribunal (August 7, 2003)
The Security Council, widely expected to replace the current prosecutor of the ICTR, must ensure that the tribunal remains fair and independent. (Lawyers Committee for Human Rights)
War Crimes Prosecutor: Is She Ineffective or Unfairly Targeted? (August 4, 2003)
The Security Council will most likely not renew Carla del Ponte's post as lead prosecutor of the ICTR in September. Are their genuine reasons to dismiss the Swiss lawyer or is she a casualty of the politics surrounding the Court? (East African)
Rwanda Is Said to Seek New Prosecutor for War Crimes Court (July 28, 2003)
The Rwandan government has stymied UN prosecutor Carla Del Ponte's efforts to hold its members accountable for crimes relating to the 1994 genocide. Now Rwanda, backed by the US and UK, seeks to remove Ms. Del Ponte, threatening the tribunal's credibility. (New York Times)
ICTR Finds Two Former Officials Guilty of Genocide (May 15, 2003)
Former Rwandan information minister Eliezer Niyitigeka was convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity and sentenced to life in prison by the International Criminal Tribunal Rwanda. Laurent Semanza, a former mayor in Rwanda's Kigali Rural province, was also sentenced to 25 years in jail, marking only the 11th tribunal judgement in 8 years. (Integrated Regional Information Network)
Registrar Appeals to African Community to Support Rwanda Tribunal's Mission (May 9, 2003)
ICTR Registrar Adama Dieng appealed to African human rights ministers, gathered in Kigali, to support the tribunal's efforts to bring those responsible for the 1994 Rwandan genocide to justice. Dieng also urged the international community to establish a special fund for the victims of the Rwandan genocide to help alleviate their trauma. (UN News)
Defendants Convicted in Rwanda Genocide May Serve Their Sentences in France (March 17, 2003)
The French Government agreed to hold criminals convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda as part of its commitment to international peace. This article provides a brief history of the Rwandan conflict of 1994 and the ensuing trials. (Associated Press)
UN Tribunal Convicts Pastor and Doctor of Aiding and Abetting in Rwanda Genocide (February 19, 2003)
A pastor and his son were convicted by the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda for aiding and abetting in the murder of a large number of Tutsis who had taken refuge from their attackers in a church. (UN Press)
Witness Gives Detailed Account of the Planning of Genocide (November 28, 2002)
Judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) obtained a detailed account of meetings and activities showing how the 1994 genocide was planned and executed. (Internews)
Rwanda: Deliver Justice for Victims of Both Sides (August 9, 2002)
In a letter to the Security Council, Human Rights Watch stresses the importance of bringing to justice not only those behind the genocide, but also members of the Rwandan Patriotic Army who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in 1994.
Rwandan to Resurrect Traditional Justice System (June 17, 2002)
Rwandan President Kagame will "officially launch the nationwide revival of Gacaca courts" – traditional village courts- to begin trying civilians for their alleged role in the 1994 genocide. "Confession and repentance are the cornerstones of the system," which will provide a high degree of reconciliation. (Agence France Presse)
Trials Test the Faith of Rwandans (May 12, 2002)
Five Christian clergymen charged with genocide will stand trial before the Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal. Human rights groups call on churches to address related issues, like the church's "near passivity" during the conflict and the clergy's political ties. (New York Times)
UN Tribunal Struggles to Be Model of International Justice in Remote African Town (May 4, 2002)
Associated Press examines the drawbacks of holding the Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal in a small town in Tanzania. Critics cite the tribunal's isolation from Rwanda and constant delays in the proceedings as the main contributors to its ineffectiveness.
Second Class Justice (April 10, 2002)
Rwandans have lost faith in the Tribunal, primarily citing incompetence, years of delays and a general feeling that the court is too lenient on the accused. Critics also point out that the UN and the chief prosecutor have focused much more attention on the Yugoslavia Tribunal. (Guardian)
The Only Way to Bring Justice to Rwanda (April 7, 2002)
ICTR's budget exceeds tenfold the budget of Rwanda's entire justice system but, in its eight-year history, the ICTR has indicted less than a hundred people. Rwanda calls on the US government to financially support the traditional gacaca courts, which would quickly bring justice and national reconciliation. (Washington Post)
Trial Centers on Role of Press During Rwanda Massacre (March 3, 2002)
The International Tribunal for Rwanda is examining the case of three journalists accused of genocide and incitement to genocide through newspapers and radiobroadcasts during 1994 massacres. (New York Times)
The UN Tribunal (December 5, 2001)
The numerous problems of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda show the UN lack of consideration. The Perspective points out the role the international community has to play to give justice to the 800 000 Rwandans who died during the 1994 genocide.
UN Judges Laugh At Rape Victim (December 3, 2001)
Human Rights groups have once again questioned the credibility of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, as judges laughed during the testimony of a woman who was raped during the 1994 genocide. (The Monitor)
The ICTR's Call Upon the UN for more Judges (November 27, 2001)
The President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda urges both the General Assembly and the Security Council to appoint more judges, as the current detainees might not be tried before the year 2007. (Internews)
Rwanda Tribunal Saw More Work, Better Results in Past Year, UN Reports (October 29, 2001)
According to the UN, the work of the Interantional Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda has improved and played a significant role in developing international humanitarian and criminal law. An international criminal justice system, as an alternative to the use of force, appears to be even more necessary. (United Nations)
Former Governor of Rwanda Sent to UN Tribunal (October 22, 2001)
The Interantional Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda is charging a former Rwandan governor for genocide and extermination during the massacres that occurred in 1994. (Associated Press)
Rwanda Speeds Up Genocide Trials (October 4, 2001)
The Rwandan government reaches back to an ancient tradition of people's courts to serve justice and promote national reconciliation following the 1994 genocide.(BBC)
Registrar to Press France to Take Acquitted Mayor (July 31, 2001)
Former Rwandan Mayor Baglishema, despite being acquitted of charges nearly two months ago, is still being held in custody at the UN's tribunal in Rwanda due to conditions imposed upon his release at the request of Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte. He is seeking aslyum in France where those conditions would be met. (IRIN)
Belgium Arrests Genocide Suspect (July 27, 2001)
Police in Belgium have arrested Protais Zigiranyirazo, who is wanted on charges of taking part in the Rwandan genocide. (BBC)
Tribunal Prosecutor Files Notice of Appeal (July 16, 2001)
Carla Del Ponte's notice of appeal against the acquittal of former mayor Ignace Bagilishema may have been filed too late. (Internews)
Church Hides Rwandan Priest in Tuscany (July 16, 2001)
On the morning he was scheduled to give a sermon explaining why he has been indicted for war crimes by the Interantional Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Father Athanase Seromba vanished and is being hidden with the help of the Catholic hierarchy. Italy's refusal to cooperate with the tribunal may be the result of pressure from the Vatican. (Guardian)
Rwanda Praises Europe Arrests (July 13, 2001)
Rwanda praised Switzerland, Belgium and Holland for recent arrests of individuals indicted for war crimes at the UN tribunal in Arusha. Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte, however, criticized Italy for postponing an arrest. She claimed the duty to execute the arrest warrant is an international obligation without need of an internal law. (BBC)
Ex-Rwanda Official Nabbed in Belgium (July 12, 2001)
Former Rwandan finance minister Emmanuel Ndindabahizi sought refugee status in Belgium but was instead hauled off to the international tribunal in Tanzania. (Associated Press)
Attorney Claims Rwanda Government is Intimidating Defense Investigators (July 9, 2001)
A defense counsel claimed that the government of Rwanda is intimidating defense investigators at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. A suspect alleged allegations have become an instrument to persecute ethnic those who are opposed to the totalitarian regime in Kigali. (Internews)
ICTR/Media Trial: Prosecution Witness Declines to Testify (June 25, 2001)
Just weeks after charges of defense counsel intimidating prosecution witnesses, one such witness refuses to testify after "deep prayers." (Internews)
Neighbours Accuse a Prisoner in Gacaca "Trial Run" (June 22, 2001)
Rwandan authorities say that a new system of "gacaca", based on a form of traditional justice, could begin at the end of this year, after successful results with a trial run. (Hirondelle)
Rwanda Ex-Mayors on Genocide Charge (June 21, 2001)
Two former Rwandan officials wanted on charges of involvement in the 1994 genocide have been arrested in Tanzania at the request of the ICTR. (BBC)
International Tribunal to Curb Abuse of Legal Aid Regime (June 18, 2001)
Adama Dieng, Registrar for the ICTR, has introduced measures to prevent the practice of defense counsel sharing their legal feels with their clients, including enhanced scrutiny of applications for counsel positions. (TOMRIC)
Nine Sentenced Over Rwandan Genocide (June 16, 2001)
The Rwandan government has sentenced nine more individuals to death. (BBC)
Genocide Suspect Claimed Power Over Life And Death, Says Witness (June 15, 2001)
A witness testified that Hassan Ngeze had participated in manning roadblocks to intercept and kill fleeing Tutsis. While in hiding the witness overheard Ngeze say, "We now have the power over life and death." (Hirondelle News Agency)
Defense Investigators Posed as ICTR Reps, Prosecutor Claims (June 15, 2001)
Prosecutors filed a motion alleging defense investigators posed as ICTR officials to learn the identities of witnesses in order to intimidate those witnesses from testifying at trial. (Internews)
Rwandan Woman Charged With Rape and Genocide (June 13, 2001)
Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, minister of family and women's affairs in the former Hutu-led government, was among six defendants who appeared before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda as it began its largest-ever mass trial of genocide suspects. (Toronto Star)
Vatican Puzzled by Verdict Against Rwandan Nuns (June 10, 2001)
The Vatican's statement that it is surprised to see the "grave responsibility ... in this tremendous genocide in the heart of Africa heaped on so few people" casts new doubts over its willingness to distance itself from war criminals within its own organisation. (afrol News)
UN Team Blasted Over Rwandan Verdict (June 8, 2001)
Carla Del Ponte, the UN's chief war crimes prosecutor, will dismiss seven prosecutors for their mishandling of the Bagilishema case. Her spokesman stated there was more than sufficient evidence to convict former mayor Ignace Bagilishema. (National Post)
Nuns Jailed for Genocide Role (June 8, 2001)
Four Rwandans were sentenced by a Belgian court to life in prison for committing war crimes in Rwanda. Human-rights groups hope the trial will set a precedent making it harder for war criminals to seek sanctuary abroad. (BBC)
Rwandan Nuns Await Verdict of War Crimes Trial (June 8, 2001)
Two nuns, a professor, and a former minister charged in a Belgian court for committing war crimes during the massacre of Tutsi refugees await the court's verdict in the first such case to be heard by a civilian jury rather than a judge. (The Independent)
The Rwanda Tribunal: Justice Delayed (June 7, 2001)
After seven years and 90 million dollars the International Criminal Tribunal has handed down verdicts for only nine suspected war criminals. This report offers reccomendations to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the tribunal. (International Crisis Group)
Rwanda Trial Opens Belgians' Eyes (June 7, 2001)
The trial of four Rwandans for war crimes in a Belgian Court has forced the public to examine its role as a former colonial power in bringing about the atrocities that have wrecked the nation of Rwanda.(BBC)
First ICTR Acquittal: But Prosecution Wants Ex-Mayor Detained (June 7, 2001)
Ignace Bagilishema was acquitted of genocide and crimes against humanity by two of the three judges of the ICTR. The prosecution filed an appeal and a request to detain Bagilishema fearing he will not return to the Court if the acquittal is overturned. (Internews)
Rwanda Genocide Suspect Arrested While Working Inside UN Tribunal (May 21, 2001)
The ICTR arrested one of the most wanted men for the 1994 genocide. He was working at the international tribunal as an investigator for the defense when recognized by a witness. (Guardian)
Racism Controversy at UN Rwanda Tribunal (May 17, 2001)
Seven African and Asian prosecutors from the ICTR accuse Carla Del Ponte of being racist for not reappointing them. Del Ponte denies this and explaining the dismissal as a move to reorganize the court towards greater efficiency. (Afrol News)
An Awful Task: Assessing 4 Roles in Death of Thousands in Rwanda (April 30, 2001)
The Belgian trial on the Rwandan genocide opens a new chapter in the use of human rights law with "the principle that justice has no borders and that every country has the right and the moral duty to investigate the worst atrocities," says Human Rights Watch. (New York Times)
Bishop Charged With Genocide (April 27, 2001)
The indictment of an Anglican bishop for genocide poses the question of the role of the church in the Rwandan genocide. (BBC)
Nuns Face Rwanda War Crimes Trial (April 17, 2001)
Four alleged genocide criminals are about to be judged in Belgium, for their role in Rwanda in 1994. (CNN)
Rwanda to Cooperate With ICTR in Investigation (April 9, 2001)
After an arrest warrant for genocide was issued for the former prime minister, President Kagame said his government will fully cooperate with the ICTR to investigate war crimes allegedly committed by Rwandan officials. (Panafrican News Agency)
UN Confirms Secret Probe of Tutsi War Crimes (December 15, 2000)
After trying only Hutus and their collaborators to date, the Rwandan war crimes tribunal has indicted an ethnic Tutsi. But has the tribunal made a deal with the Rwandan president to limit its investigation of Rwanda's Tutsi government? (Toronto National Post)
UN Increases Judges for Rwanda, Former Yugoslavia Tribunals (December 1, 2000)
The war crimes tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia have been progressing slowly through their caseload, leading the Security Council to ask for the appointment of more judges. (PANA)
ICTR Aims for a Busy End of Year (November 24, 2000)
The judges on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda are not totally pleased with the court's progress so far, which includes only seven convictions, but hope that all cases will be heard before the end of the judges' mandate in three years. (IRIN)
Rwandan Ex-Premier Kambanda's Life Sentence Upheld (October 19, 2000)
The UN War Crimes Tribunal sends former Prime Minister Jean Kambanda to prison for life. (Deutsche Presse-Agentur)
UN's Rwanda Tribunal Calls for Compensation of Unjustly Detained, Prosecuted (October 9, 2000)
A proposal to amend the court's statute to enable the Tribunal, to compensate people who have been wrongfully detained is now under Security Council consideration. It comes shortly after a similar proposal for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). (UN News)
Infighting Cripples Rwandan Tribunal (August 16, 1999)
"In five years the court has spent $209m and dealt with five cases." The mission of International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda has been thwarted by costly bureaucracy and bitter power struggles. (Associated Press)
More Information on International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
More Information on Special International Criminal Tribunals