By A.G. Doulian*
New Times - KigaliOctober 9, 2005
In mid September 14-16, a summit of member-countries of the United Nations took place in New York, devoted to the 60th anniversary of creation of this Organization - one of the brightest symbols of the Victory over fascism. Some have branded the summit a "failure", others are inclined to consider it a success.
Let us look at the facts. The final document adopted in New York was a fruit of laborious work and difficult compromise. One can hear assertions, that it turned out to be emasculated, causing disappointment. But, perhaps, expectations were too excessive. Actually, on the whole, the document with all its shortcomings and omissions was a surprising display of unity of the world community on a broad range of issues. The document contains decisions on strengthening the potential of the UN in the field of peace maintenance, peacekeeping and peace building, including a detailed scheme of creation of a new commission on peace building. It condemns unconditionally by all members-states, for the first time in the history of the United Nations, the terrorism "in all its forms and displays whoever, wherever and with whatever goals is carrying it out", and also includes an urgent call to finish the elaboration of a Universal Convention on terrorism within 12 months and an arrangement on working out of global strategy to fight terrorism.
A clear understanding is fixed by all UN members of a collective duty to protect civilians from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansings and crimes against humanity. The idea of creation of a UN Council on Human Rights as replacement of the present Commission is approved - the mandate and modalities of work of this new body are still to be defined. Commitments of donors, as well as of developing countries are fixed with regard to the measures that are needed for achievement by 2015 of the "Millennium Development Goals".
Provisions on creation of the world system of early warning on natural calamities, on mobilization of new resources to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria are included. Problems of counteracting organized crime, corruption, drug trafficking have not remained without attention.
It was expected, that the Summit would give a "blessing" to the ripened reform in the UN Security Council, which for many is associated with the reform of the Organization as a whole, while is far from being identical. The final document obliges member-countries to continue efforts with a view of elaboration of the decision and calls to carry out the review of progress in this field at the end of 2005. There is nothing extraordinary in such a decision, if one takes into account that the UN reform is not a one moment act but a creative process. As they say in Russia, "take measure seven times before one cut".
Such is far from the exhaustive list of "assets" of the summit reflected in the final document. As it might appear from this enumeration, the results of work of leaders from over 170 states, which took part in the forum, were not reduced to simple formalities. A backlog has been created for promotion of work on all basic directions of activity of the Organization, including its own reforming.
During the summit the problem of terrorism came at the forefront. In this sphere real, practical results have been achieved. One started signing of the Convention on struggle against acts of nuclear terrorism, which had been earlier approved by the General Assembly upon the Russian project. The President of Russia V.V.Putin was the first to put his signature on this document. Many other leaders did the same. At the same moment the UN Security Council approved the resolution which for the first time criminalized instigation to terrorism.
Unfortunately, it was not possible yet to come to consent on defining the term "terrorism". It is to be expected, that the problem could be solved within the framework of elaboration of the Comprehensive Convention on struggle against international terrorism. Russia has a clear position on this point: any non-selective violence directed against innocent, peaceful inhabitants, carried out with any purpose by whomever and wherever, is terrorism. It is still to be agreed on a consolidated list of terrorists: they include not only members of sadly known "Al-Qaeda", but whoever this way or the other is involved in terrorist activities.
Another acute theme is the reform of the United Nations. Here the question of changing the composition of the SC was predominating. It is noticeable, that prior to the settlement of the issue of quantitative composition of the Council, quite a number of countries put forward their candidatures. Thus, started bargaining over sharing of "a skin of non-killed bear". Besides, non trifling passions arouse, very sensitive strings, questions of the state prestige found to be concerned. In these conditions it became unreal to reach a compromise.
Absence of decision on this track was quite often represented in comments as a crisis. From Russia's view, the point is just the opposite. According to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V.Lavrov, "there would have been a crisis in the UN, if such resolutions which don't rely on broad support in the UN, would have been put on voting and, therefore, would have split members of the Organization".
In our opinion, there is nothing dramatic or tragic, that this question is not solved by the 60th anniversary of the UN. The declaration of the Summit, which was approved by leaders of all states, provides for continuation of this work, and Russia is ready to participate in it so constructively. S.V.Lavrov has declared in an interview to the Russian TV channel "NTV" on September, 15: "Russia does not have any internal or other reasons, on which we would oppose someone from those states, which apply for constant "registration" in the Security Council. I expect, that a consensual solution of all this problem will be found in due time. But to achieve this, it is necessary to continue negotiations patiently, without nervous failures. This is a complicated question. The future of the UN depends on it, and to hasten here is inadmissible."
What is the reason of the slippages displayed in New York? As a whole, the final document of the "Summit - 2005" reflects real balance of approaches of the states to the solutions and challenges of problems and tasks that the world community is facing. It concerns the reform of the UN, as well as disarmament, and non-proliferation of arms of mass destruction, etc. Disagreements on these questions are obvious. They, in turn, result from differences in conceptual approaches to the world order between those who, support the multipolar world - Russia belongs to their number, and those who prefer one-sided polarity.
As it appears, the UN activity, by definition symbol and tool of multilarity, objectively conflicts with unipolar world order, entitling all sovereign states to a voting right, involving them in a joint responsibility for destinies of the world. Proceeding from this, Russia does not see an alternative to the United Nations, consistently supports increase of efficiency of its activity. Our country is ready to respond positively to an appeal by the Secretary General to all member-states to join actively in collective efforts during the present session of the General Assembly aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions of non-settled problems, at filling up the decisions approved by the world leaders. However, in Russia's view, this work should be carried out without unnecessary force, artificially thrusted time frameworks. The main thing is to achieve lasting, effective, suitable to all, transformations.
Russia intends to stick to its line aimed at increasing the role of the UN in the modern world. Our country is convinced, that, as well as 60 years ago, only by joint efforts mankind can successfully resist threats and challenges it is facing, if it acts leaning on the United Nations. Despite all the changes of recent years, this fundamental role of the UN has not changed. This common property of the world community needs a careful attitude. This idea has been clearly stated in the speech at the summit by the Russian leader: "Let us not forget, that the Organization belongs to all of us and to nobody in particular. And let us have enough wisdom to save it up for further generations".
As to priorities in the UN activity, in our opinion, the task number one is the struggle against terrorism which, as President V.V.Putin said, "represents today the main danger to the rights and freedoms of mankind, to steady development of states and peoples". It is up to the UN and the Security Council to be the central coordinating body of the international cooperation in fighting terror, as an ideological heir to Nazism. Russia is going to increase its participation both in the international crisis reaction, and in assistance to development and progress.
About the Author: A.G.Doulian Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Rwanda.
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