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Although the UN Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries has been extremely critical of private security contractors, the UN is increasingly turning to PMSCs in its missions abroad. Private contractors have not been used in combat roles, but UN reliance on these firms is growing as its personnel become increasingly targeted in zones of conflict. In countries like Afghanistan and Somalia, the UN is weary of relying on local police forces, and therefore resorts to private contractors to protect its personnel and facilities. Legitimate concerns have been raised that the use of PMSCs to provide protection for UN staff may create conditions where personnel are more vulnerable to attack. Nevertheless, this trend has grown over recent years and is a cause for concern. This trend could eventually challenge the perceived neutrality of UN field operations around the globe.
The industry itself is Lobbying for a bigger role in UN peacekeeping operations. Doug Brooks, the President of the ISOA (International Stability Operations Association), claims that using PMSCs for humanitarian intervention and peacekeeping would be, “faster, cheaper, and better.” Advocates argue that private security could solve the current peacekeeping crisis by providing easily available, well-trained and well-equipped personnel. These proposals ignore the risk associated with the use of private firms for peacekeeping, including the hijacking of the UN mission and loss of public faith in UN institutions.
UN Efforts to Regulate PMSCs
Private Firm Flouts UN Embargo in Somalia (February 26, 2012)
The PMSC Saracen International is training a private army in Somalia, disregarding a UN arms embargo of that area. Saracen’s operation in Somalia is headed by a senior manager from the defunct Executive Outcomes. The operation is shrouded in secrecy, and its funding has been linked to Blackwater founder, Erik Dean Prince, as well as a former CIA officer. Saracen was contracted by the semi-autonomous Puntland State of Somalia and has now created the largest army in Somalia apart from UN peacekeeping troops. While Saracen claims to fight piracy, it has been accused of using force to pave the way for oil drilling in Puntland against the local population’s wishes. In spite of this record, the UN contracted Saracen Uganda, an affiliate of Saracen International between August 2010 and July 2011. (IOL News)
UN Seeks Controls on Private Armies (July 12, 2011)
Recommendations for Overseeing Government Contractors (July 7, 2011)
Journalist Pratap Chaterjee gave testimony at a meeting of the UN Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries on July 7, 2011. In his testimony, Chatterjee provides examples of abuses committed by Private Military Security Companies (PMSCs) in Iraq and Afghanistan, stating that such examples do not constitute the exception. He also underlines that “men with guns” are not solely responsible for these abuses. Contractors hired for translation and interrogation are often unqualified and ill-trained in human rights standards. Many people are imprisoned, in large part because of poor translation. Chaterjee suggests a number of recommendations that he feels the UN Working Group on Mercenaries should adopt to try and provide “best practice” guides and to “name and shame” PMSCs that violate international law. (UN Working Group on Mercenaries)
UN on the Offensive Against Iraq Mercenaries (July 13, 2007)
UN Mission Probes Private Security Groups (February 7, 2007)
Use of PMSCs by the UN
GPF Perspectives
Open Democracy, an independent digital commons website championing human rights, has published a thought-provoking interview with Global Policy Forum Policy Adviser, Lou Pingeot, on private military and security companies. Private military and security companies (PMSCs) have become a relevant topic in international relations and in academic literature during the last decades: the case of Executive Outcomes in the 90s, the well-known actions of Blackwater in Iraq, and G4S controversial practices are good examples of this. The controversial collaboration of these companies with the United Nations has rarely been an open discussion, neither in the public sphere nor in academia. However, in recent years, several studies have attempted to illuminate this relationship, including the work of Lou Pingeot, whose interview with David Torres on the topic can be read below.
Contracting Insecurity – Private military and security companies and the future of the United Nations (February 2014)
Global Policy Forum and the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office publish a new report on recent developments and practices of the security outsourcing of the UN. GPF's Lou Pingeot discusses the increasing use of private military and security companies (PMSCs), the shifting understanding of their role and activities, and how this influences the perception of the UN by other actors. The report discusses the UN’s attempt to increase transparency and accountability in their selection processes of PMSCs. Finally, Pingeot calls on the UN, member states, and civil society to adopt a more ambitious and radical approach to PMSCs.
Should the UN Use PMSCs? Pro/Against (September 2012)
Dangerous Partnership: Private Military and Security Companies and the UN (June 2012)
GPF’s investigative report examines how the UN has dramatically increased its use of these companies in recent years, hiring them for a wide array of “security services” and giving them considerable influence over its security policies. An executive summary of the report is also available here. For more information on the report’s reception, including responses from PMSCs and the UN, click here.War and/or Peace: How the Private Military and Security Industry is Trying to Rebrand Itself as a Humanitarian Actor (February 29, 2012)
The Use of Private Security Providers and Services in Humanitarian Operations (October 2008)
Commercial Security in Humanitarian and Post-Conflict Settings: An Exploratory Study (March 2006)
Humanitarian Action and Private Security Companies: Opening the Debate (2002)
GPF Podcast: Private Security Contractors and the UN (May 19, 2010)
UN embraces private military contractors (January 17, 2010)
Peacekeeping, Inc?
Peacekeeping, Inc. (June, 2003)
The UN often uses PMSCs to protect their diplomats and humanitarian actors. It has also considered outsourcing peacekeeping to PMSCs when no state is willing to send troops. But according to Peter W. Singer, “the profit motive clouds the fog of war.” Profit maximalization encourages PMSCs to hide failures, overcharge, and prolong conflicts. PMSCs have the option to break contracts when the job becomes too difficult or non-profitable without fear of military or international law. Hiring PMSCs to stop conflict in a weak state does not built the legitimacy of the state’s public authority. The underlying problems will remain, conflicts will reignite, and PMSCs will continue to profit. (Brookings)
The Privatization of Peacekeeping: Prospects and Realities (2000)
This UNIDIR article explores the idea of using PMSCs for UN peacekeeping, and it examines how the UN has come to consider PMSCs in the first place. In international conflicts, powerful governments are reluctant to volunteer their own national troops to multilateral peacekeeping missions unless their own key interests are at stake. PMSCs, on the other hand, are able to act quickly without political agenda. But PMSCs are often too small to deal with serious conflicts, and the UN International Convention condemns the use of mercenaries. While the UN needs to address a number of challenges if they are to respond effectively to crises, outsourcing peacekeeping to PMSCs is not the solution. (UNIDIR)
The PMSC Perils of Peacekeeping (February 15, 2012)
The “market efficiency” argument for the use of PMSC in peacekeeping refers to PMSCs alleged willingness to serve UN mandates and their readiness to respond. The authors argue, however, that in order for the UN to use PMSCs, much more UN directed training to improve coherence and effectiveness would be needed. But are the resources and efforts required for creating a profit-driven army worth the outcome? (Huffington Post)
Outsourcing Peacekeeping (February 29, 2009)
After the genocide in Rwanda, then Undersecretary-General Kofi Annan considered hiring DSL, a private military and security company (PMSC), to separate Hutu perpetrators from refugees in camps in Zaire (Congo). Ultimately, he decided not to, arguing that the world may not be ready to privatize peace. While the world may not be ready to completely privatize peace, the world is ready to subcontract peace. Military experts argue that the UN charter (under Chapter 7, Article 29) allows the UN to hire “accountable” and “cost-efficient” PMSCs to establish an agile UN Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) that would carry out UN Security Council resolutions. While a PMSC backed RRF may strengthen UN international policing, its legitimacy as the world’s moral agent for international peacekeeping would surely be questioned. (Cato Institute)