Global Policy Forum

1,500 Palestinians Protest

Agence France Presse
July 15, 2002

Some 1,500 jobless Palestinians, many waving empty pots, staged a demonstration against the Israeli army blockade and corruption in the Palestinian Authority here Monday.

The protestors gathered in front of the offices of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) and chanted slogans demanding that the international community force Israel to stop its "aggression," lift its blockade and allow Palestinians to return to their jobs. The also urged Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority (PA), which is under heavy Israeli and US pressure to reform and let a new generation of leaders take over, to implement reforms and rid itself of widespread corruption.

"We want reforms in all the (PA) ministries, since those who steal money from our people are a wound in the side of Palestine," one of the organizers, Khaled Charkh, said in a speech to the protestors, who also handed a message to the head of UNRWA, Peter Hansen, asking for "urgent" action on the job front and more aid.

UNRWA called early this month for an extra 55.7 million dollars from donor countries on top of an initial appeal for 117 million dollars due to Israel's military operations in the West Bank, where it has reoccupied most towns.

The Palestinian economy has been devastated by Israeli closures and curfews during the 21-month intifada, or uprising.

Palestinian labour minister Ghassan al-Khatib said in Geneva on Friday that about 78 percent of the Palestinian labour force was now unable to work.

He said the unemployment rate measured to international standards was about 45 percent of the 811,000 workforce, but in real terms the closures prevent many more from reaching their jobs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, or in Israel.

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