Tied Aid Debate Tests Donor Ambitions Before Busan Summit (November 1, 2011)
Civil Society Urges G20 to Focus on Rights at Financial and Climate Negotiations (October 28, 2011)
Carving Out a New Aid Order at Busan (October 4, 2011)
NGOs Must Play Key Role in Rio+20 Summit on Sustainable Development (August 26, 2011)
In this IPS Terraviva interview, Michael Renner of the Worldwatch Institute emphasizes the important role of NGOs in the lead up to the Rio+ 20 conference in Brazil 2012. Renner highlights that NGOs need to hold governments accountable for not following through on commitments to sustainable development. According to Renner, “if the public cannot hold governments and corporations accountable, then commitments may never properly be translated into action.” Renner correctly identifies the need for a strong grassroots presence that advocates for and represents a non-governmental perspective at global conferences.
Islamic Civil Society Organizations Form Humanitarian Forum (October 29, 2005)
African Civil Society and the African Union: Time for Self-Organization? (June 16, 2005)
At the 2005 African Union (AU) Heads of State Summit, the AU opted, without explanation, not to sponsor a parallel civil society summit for African NGOs. Pambazuka questions why "at a time when rock musicians and pop stars across the West can claim to have influence on the future of Africa," African NGOs have been silenced on the issues most pertinent to their existence. In order to deflect the risk of obsolescence, African NGOs must organize quickly to coordinate their own, independent meeting.
NGOs and the OECD (June 2003)