An informal consultation, organized by the Permanent Mission of Canada, was held for Thursday, 3 December 1998, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Conference Room 6 to follow-up on the report of the Secretary-General on arrangements and practices (A/53/170).
The following is the draft resolution which was discussed.
Draft resolution
Preambular paragraph 1
Recalling the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, in particular Article 71, GA decision 52/435 entitled "Non-governmental organizations", as well as ECOSOC resolution 1995/31 and decision 1996/297, both of 25 July 1996, and the interpretative statement read out by the President of the Council upon adoption of the decision 1996/297,
Operative paragraph 1
Welcomes the report of the Secretary General entitled "Arrangements and practices for the interaction of non-governmental organizations in all activities of the United Nations system" (A/53/170);
Operative paragraph 2
Invites States, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, to submit their comments on the Secretary General's report and the recommendations contained therein;
Operative paragraph 3
Requests the Secretary General to submit a report to the 54th session of the General Assembly, taking into account the submissions received;
Operative paragraph 4
Decides to continue consideration of this question under agenda item "Strengthening the UN system" during the fifty-fourth session of the General Assembly.