May 2000The General Assembly,
Recalling the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, in particular Article 10, which indicates that recommendations of the Economic and Social Council fall within the competence of the General Assembly, and Article 71, which empowers the Economic and Social Council to make suitable arrangements for consultation between the United Nations and non-governmental organizations;
Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31 of 25 July 1996, which defines the nature and modalities of consultative relations between the United Nations and non-governmental organizations, setting forth arrangements for consultations with the Economic and Social Council, its commissions and other subsidiary organs, arrangements for participation of non-governmental organizations in international conferences convened by the United Nations and their preparatory process, and the principles to be applied regarding the establishment and the nature of consultative relations; and which further calls for "appropriate seating arrangements and facilities for obtaining documents during public meetings of the General Assembly dealing with matters in the economic, social and related fields;"
Recalling Economic and Social Council decision 1996/297 of 25 July 1996, which calls upon the General Assembly to examine the question of the participation of non-governmental organizations in all areas of the work of the United Nations, in light of the experience gained through the arrangements for consultation between non-governmental organizations and the Economic and Social Council; as well as the interpretative statement read by the President of the Council upon the adoption of the decision;
Recalling General Assembly decision 52/453, which, recalling ECOSOC resolution 1996/31 and ECOSOC decision 1996/297, calls upon the Secretary-General to prepare and circulate for the General Assembly a report on existing arrangements and practices for the interaction of non-governmental organizations in all activities of the United Nations system; and General Assembly decision 53/452, which requests the Secretary-General to seek the views of Member States, members of the specialized agencies, observers and intergovernmental organizations, as well as the views of non-governmental organizations on his report;
Recalling the report of the Secretary-General on arrangements and practices for the interaction of non-governmental organizations in all activities of the United Nations system (A/53/170), and the views of members states, members of the specialized agencies, observers, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations from all regions on the report of the Secretary-General (A/54/329), in which the importance of the contribution by non-governmental organizations to many areas of the work of the United Nations is recognized;
Recalling the procedures established for NGO participation in General Assembly special sessions devoted to follow-up to the United Nations World Conferences, inter alia, follow-up to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (A/51/467), to the World Summit for Social Development (A/54/23), to the International Conference on Population and Development (A/53/183) and to the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/53/189);
Recognizing the importance of the contribution by non-governmental organizations to the General Assembly, while maintaining the integrity of intergovernmental decision-making;
1. Decides, in light of the experience gained through the arrangements for consultation between non-governmental organizations and the Economic and Social Council, to invite non-governmental organizations to participate in its work and in the work of its Main Committees, Special Sessions and, as appropriate, subsidiary and ad hoc bodies in accordance with the procedures set forth in the annex;
2. Decides that Part VII of ECOSOC resolution 1996/31 shall apply to special sessions of the General Assembly, unless otherwise decided;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure appropriate seating arrangements and facilities for obtaining official United Nations documentation for non-governmental organizations during open meetings of the General Assembly and of its Main Committees, Special Sessions and, as appropriate, subsidiary and ad hoc bodies, and to make provisions for non-governmental organizations at open meetings to make available their written contributions;
4. Encourages its Main Committees, Special Sessions and subsidiary and ad hoc Bodies to develop further ways and means to improve their substantive interaction with non-governmental organizations, inter alia, through consultations, dialogues, panel discussions, and, as appropriate, oral and written statements by NGOs;
5. And requests the Secretary-General to continue to explore ways and means of encouraging and facilitating the participation in its work of non-governmental organizations from all regions, particularly from the developing countries.
Procedures by which NGOs shall be granted consultative status to the General Assembly, its Main Committees, Special Sessions and Subsidiary and Ad Hoc Bodies
NGOs eligible for consultative status with the General Assembly:
1. Upon adoption of this resolution, non-governmental organizations in general and special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and those on the Roster shall be granted consultative status with the General Assembly, without prejudice to the formalization of procedures for granting consultative status with the General Assembly.
2. For other non-governmental organizations, the General Assembly shall establish procedures, taking into account those set forth in Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31, to review new applications and to monitor consultative status with the General Assembly.
International NGO Task Group on Legal and Institutional Matters
777 UN Plaza, 12th Floor
New York, New York 10017Tel. 212 599-1320
Fax. 212 599 1332Wm R. Pace, Chair
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