Global Policy Forum

Members of the NGO Working Group on the Security Council

Former Members of the NGO Working Group

Membership as of June 2013

Simon Adams
Executive Director
Global Centre on the Responsibility to Protect

Philippe Bolopion
UN Advocacy Director
Human Rights Watch

Michelle Brown
Senior Advocate
Refugees International

John Burroughs
Executive Director
Lawyers' Committee for Nuclear Policy

Jose Luis Diaz

Director and UN Representative
Amnesty International

Joseph Cornelius Donnelly
Permanent Delegate to the UN
CARITAS Internationalis

Fabien Dubuet
UN Representative
Médecins Sans Frontieres

Bani Dugal
Principal Representative
Bahá'í International Community to the United Nations

Mel Duncan
Executive Director
Nonviolent Peaceforce

Tatiana Dwyer
Executive for Global Justice
The United Methodist Church

Michelle Evans
Program Advisor
International Service for Human Rights

Dennis Frado
Lutheran Office for World Community

Felice Gaer

UN Representative
Jacob Blaustein Institute for Human Rights

Margareta Grape
UN Representative
CCIA/World Council of Churches

Fabienne Hara
International Crisis Group

Doug Hostetter

Director and UN Representative
Mennonite Central Committee

Andrew Hudson
Crisis Action

Kate Hunt

UN Representative
CARE International

Debra Jones
UN Representative
Save the Children

Michelle Kissenkoetter
Representative to the United Nations
International Federation for Human Rights

Mark Koenig
Director for UN Mission
Presbyterian Church (USA)

Stephen Arthur Lamony

Africa Outreach Liaison & Situations Adviser
Coalition for the International Criminal Court

Gerald Martone

Director of UN Relations
International Rescue Committee
Jelena Pia-Comella
Director of Programs
Coalition for the International Criminal Court

Hiro Sakurai
NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace & Security

Michael Shaikh
Civilians In Conflict

Eva Smets
Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict

Andrew Tomlinson
Quaker UN Office

Joanna Weschler
Deputy Executive Director
Security Council Report

Frank Williams
Director and UN Representative
World Vision

Surendrini Wijeyaratne
Oxfam International - New York

Helena Gronberg 
Program Manager
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders

Sarah Taylor 
Executive Coordinator
NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security

Marie Dennis 
Pax Christi International 


Noelle Baroldy
NGO Working Group on the Security Council


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