December 18, 2001
A battalion-strength contingent of New Zealand peacekeepers will stay in East Timor until November. Defence Minister Mark Burton yesterday said the United Nations had accepted an offer from New Zealand to provide another group of peacekeepers, who would serve from May to November.
Since East Timor's first democratic elections in August, the UN has wanted to gradually cut its military involvement there. But it has asked New Zealand to maintain its presence.
"I think it's fair to say that the UN request ... is an acknowledgement of the outstanding job our servicemen and women have done in bringing peace and stability in East Timor, particularly to that devastated border region," Mr Burton said.
The troops had an unequalled reputation for professionalism and their work had helped to rebuild communities.
Air Force Iroquois helicopters would continue to support the soldiers. Mr Burton said it would be the last battalion-sized group of peacekeepers to go to East Timor, although New Zealand would continue military help for East Timor's new defence force.
The Government agreed last week to extend the deployment of eight Defence Force staff who provided small-arms training.
Two Defence Force driving instructors and two communications instructors would join an Anzac training team.
"New Zealand is making a major contribution to East Timor," Mr Burton said.
"This is by far the largest of the 13 or so deployments we're involved in around the world, and I think all of us can have some considerable pride in the achievements and the overall sense of professionalism that our personnel have brought to this task."
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