Global Policy Forum

Security Council Issues

Picture Credit: Gruban

The UN Charter gives the Security Council "primary responsibility" for international peace and security. Since 1990, the Council has dramatically increased its activity. It dispatches peacekeeping operations, imposes economic sanctions, mandates arms inspections, and more. This section monitors the issues on the agenda of the Council. The countries listed are either currently on the Security Council agenda or have been previously. Each page contains background and analysis on the country's situation when it came on the Security Council's agenda. The council also deals with implementing sanctions, and peacekeeping, which are discussed here. The 1267 Committee, which deals with sanctions against individuals and entities suspected of being linked to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, also has its own section as the review process by the Ombudsperson is gaining prominence. As countries or issues are no longer being adressed by the council, the material will remain available in this section though it will not be updated as regularly.


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