on 17 January, 1990
(Draft Resolution distributed 16 January, 2000)
| Security Council |
Ethiopia, Malaysia and Zaire: draft resolution
The Security Council,
Taking into account the statements made by the delegations of Nicaragua and the United States on the events that occurred on 29 December 1989, at the residence of the Ambassador of Nicaragua in the republic of Panama,
Recalling the principles of independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and sovereign equality of states,
Considering the obligation of States to respect fully the privileges and immunities granted to diplomatic missions and agents by international law, as codified in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961, especially with regard to the inviolability of the premises and residences of diplomatic missions and the immunity, safety and personal integrity of diplomatic agents,
Recalling that the Havana Convention of 20 February 1928, on Diplomatic Officers, provides that "Diplomatic officers shall be inviolate as to their persons, their residence, private or official and their property",
Reaffirming the need to comply with the obligations assumed by States in the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations, a swell as in other international legal instruments, as a contribution to the preservation of international peace and security and friendly relations among states,
Taking note of the letters, dated 4 and 5 January 1990, from the Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the President of the Security Council, regretting the search of the residence of the Ambassador of Nicaragua in Panama by United States military forces, and indicating that the United States has taken steps to prevent the recurrence of such actions,
1. Declare that the serious events that took place are, as has been acknowledged, a violation of the privileges and immunities recognized under international law and codified in the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations;
2. Expresses its deep concern over any measure or action that restricts free communication and prevents the functioning of diplomatic missions in Panama in accordance with international law, and calls upon those concerned to take the appropriate steps to avoid the recurrence of such measures or actions;
3. Demands the full respect for the rules of international law that guarantee the immunity of diplomatic officers and the inviolability of the premises of diplomatic misisons, an essential condition for the normal development of their activities.