17 May 1995
| Security Council |
GENERAL SC/ 1995/394
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its previous resolutions on the status of Jerusalem, including resolutions 252 (1968), 267 (1969), 271 (1969), 476 (1980), 478 (1980) and 672 (1990),
Expressing concern over the recent declaration of Israeli expropriation orders of 53 hectares of land in East Jerusalem,
Reaffirming the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 to all territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem,
Aware of the negative impact of the above-mentioned expropriation on the Middle East peace process, which started in Madrid in October 1991 on the basis of Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973),
Aware also that in the Declaration of Principles of 13 September 1993 Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization agreed to postpone negotiations on final status issues, including Jerusalem, until the second stage of the peace process,
Determined to provide the necessary backing to the Middle East peace process,
1. Confirms that the expropriation of land by Israel, the occupying Power, in East Jerusalem is invalid and in violation of relevant Security Council resolutions and provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949;
2. Calls upon the Government of Israel to rescind the expropriation orders and to refrain from such action in the future;
3. Expresses its full support for the Middle East peace process and its achievements, including the Declaration of Principles of 13 September 1993 as well as the following implementation agreements;
4. Urges the parties to adhere to the provisions of the agreements reached and to follow up with the full implementation of those agreements;
5. Decides to remain seized of the matter.