Global Policy Forum

Peacekeeping in Specific Countries

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Although the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan is not a UN peacekeeping operation, the development in the country is closely scrutinized and hotly debated in the UN Security Council.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Articles examining 'Africa's World War' and the UN peacekeeping mission, MONUC, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

East Timor

Articles on the UN's transitional administration in East Timor, and ongoing nation-building efforts in the new country. Archives examine the UN-run independence vote, and the violence that followed it.

Eritrea and Ethiopia

Articles on the implementation of UNMEE, the UN peacekeeping mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Older articles document the 1998 war between the two countries.


Articles on the 2004 coup in Haiti and the conflict and chaos that followed as well as the establishment and work of the UN peacekeeping mission, MINUSTAH.

India and Pakistan

Articles on the Kashmir conflict, on the role of the Security Council and the United Nations Military Observer Group (UNMOGIP).

Ivory Coast

Articles on the conflict in Ivory Coast, including the 2003 Linas-Marcoussis peace agreement, ceasefire violations, and the UN peacekeeping mission, UNOCI.


Articles examining the UN's administration mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, and the continuing ethnic tensions between ethnic Serbs and Albanians. Archives examine the Kosovo war in depth.


Articles on the conflict along the Lebanese-Israeli border and the role of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).


Articles on the situation in Liberia, including the problem of natural resources in conflict and sanctions. Also information on the UN peacekeeping force, UNMIL.

Sierra Leone

Articles on the situation in Sierra Leone: war, refugees, multinational military intervention, diamonds, and Liberia's connection to the conflict. Coverage of one of the UN's largest peacekeeping missions, UNAMSIL.


Articles on the conflict in Somalia, the Security Council's response, including the deployment of a peacekeeping force, the support to the transitional government and peace efforts. This page also provides analysis on UN and US intervention in the horn of Africa country and on the issue of failed state.


Articles on the North-South war and peace agreement in Sudan, the conflict in Darfur and the Security Council's response, including the deployment of a peacekeeping mission (UNMIS) and liaison with the African Union's mission in Darfur. This page also contains information on Sudan's conflict-fueling oil wealth as well as Council members' oil interests in the region.

Western Sahara

Articles on the referendum process, the negotiations with Polisario, the interests of oil companies, and the role of the UN Mission for a Referendum in the Western Sahara (MINURSO).

Other Peacekeeping Missions

There are sixteen active UN peacekeeping missions; the others are in Cyprus (UNFICYP), Georgia (UNOMIG), the Golan Heights (UNDOF), and the Middle East (UNTSO). We do not cover all of these missions in depth, but some articles may be found through a site search. See also the UN sites on current and past UN peacekeeping operations.



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