Working Papers
Dr. Gary C. Hufbauer "The incidental Impact of Sanctions on Neighbouring Countries: A Methodological Note"
Prof. Margaret P. Doxey "Assistance to Non-Target States Affected by the Application of Multilateral Economic Sanctions: Problems and Proposals"
Background Documents
General Assembly resolutions 50/51 of 11 December 1995, 51/208 of 17 December 1996 and 52/162 of 15 December 1997 on the implementation of the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations related to assistance to third States affected by the application of sanctions.
General Assembly resolution 51/242 of 15 September 1997, entitled "Supplement to an Agenda for Peace" (see in particular, annex II thereof entitled "Question of Sanctions imposed by the United Nations")
Reports of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the provisions of the Charter of the united Nations related to assistance to third States affected by the application of sanctions (A/50/361, A/51/317 and 52/308)
Reports of the Secretary-General on economic assistance to Sates affected by the implementation of the Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (A/49/356, A/50/423, A/51/356 and A/52/535)
Report of the Secretary-General prepared pursuant to the statement by the President of the Security Council regarding the question of special economic problems of States as a result of sanctions imposed under Chapter VII of the Charter (A/48/573-S/26705)
The 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998 reports of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization (A/49/33, A/51/33, A/52/33 and A/53/33)
Other Reference Documents/Special Studies
David Cortright and George A. Lopez (eds.) "Economic Sanctions: Panacea or Peacebuilding in a Post-Cold War World?" Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1995 (see, in particular: chapter 5 "Factors Affecting the Success of Sanctions" by kimberly Ann Elliott and chapter 6 "The Problems and Promise of Sanctions" by William H. Kaempfer and Anton D. Lowenberg)
Margaret P. Doxey "International Sanctions in Contemporary Perspective," second edition, London, Macmillan/New York, St. Martin's Press, 1996 (see, in particular, chapter 4 "Costs and Burden-Sharing")
Margaret P. Doxey "United Nations Sanctions: Current Policy Issues," Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie university, Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 1997.
Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Jeffrey J. Schott and Kimberly Ann Elliot "Economic Sanctions Reconsidered: History and Current Policy," second edition, revised, Washington, D.C., Institute for International Economics, 1990 (see, in particular, Appendix A "Estimating the Cost of Sanctions: Methodology")
Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Kimberly Ann Elliott, Tess Cyrus, and Elizabeth Winston "US Economic Sanctions: Their Impact on Trade, Jobs, and Wages," Working paper, Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C., April 1997.
IMF "Dealing with the Unexpected: The IMF's Response to the Middle East Crisis" by David M. Cheney, External Relations Department, International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., August 1991.
IMF "Impact of Implementing the UN Sanctions Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro)" - International Monetary Fund: EBS/94/229, 2 December 1994.
Lisa L. Martin "Coercive Cooperation: Explainaing Multilateral Economic Sanctions," Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1992 (see, in particular, chapter 4 "Estimating Models of Cooperation").
Larry Minear, David Cortright, Julia Wagler, George A. Lopez and Thomas G. Weiss "Toward More Humane and Effective Sanctions Management: Enhyancing the Capacity of the United Nations System" Report commissioned by the United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs, October 1997 (see, in particular, chapter 2 "Methodology and Indicators for Preassessing and Monitoring Sanctions Impacts")