Global Policy Forum

Croatia Granted Admission To WTO

June 5, 2000

Croatia has received written confirmation from World Trade Organization negotiators that there were no more obstacles to its admission to the organization, the economy ministry spokeswoman said on Monday.

Croatia's admission to the WTO had been politically blocked during its years of nationalist government and it had also been caught between opposing American and French views on the liberalization of trade in audio and visual material.

"An agreement was reached for Croatia to be admitted in accordance with the so called 'Baltic formula'," Astrid Musura-Kaucic told Reuters.

She said that under that formula, Croatia would be granted the same rights in protecting national cultural tradition and identity as other European countries.

"This is the best deal under the circumstances," Musura-Kaucic said. Croatia asked the organization's ruling General Council to hold an extraordinary session to approve its admission before its own parliament breaks for the summer.

Croatia's parliament is discussing a package of changes on custom duties, which should put tariffs in line with WTO standards.

After admission to NATO's Partnership for Peace program last month, it is the latest in a series of foreign policy successes for the center-left government of Ivica Racan, whose coalition took over from nationalist HDZ earlier this year.

More Information on the World Trade Organization

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