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Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group)
ETC Group is an international NGO dedicated to the conservation and sustainable improvement of agricultural biodiversity, and to the socially responsible development of technologies useful to rural societies. The site includes information on biopiracy, and papers and publications from ETC Group. (English, Spanish)
Cartagena Protocal on Biosafety
A UN treaty to protect biodiversity against the risk of genetically modified organisms, requiring that traders clearly label GMO products when exporting to those countries partied to the Protocal.
CIEL is a public interest, not-for-profit environmental law firm that promotes the development of international and comparative environmental law, policy, and management around the world.
Earth Council Alliance
Founded by Maurice Strong, the controversial leading figure of the 1992 Rio Conference, the Earth Council Alliance promotes sustainable development by facilitating cooperation and communication among environmental advocacy groups.
Earth Island Institute
EII, founded in 1982 by environmentalist David Brower, fosters environmental efforts by providing organizational support in developing projects for the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the global environment.
Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Earth Negotiations Bulletin provides summaries of environment and development negotiations. It demonstrates the partnerships between governments and NGOs in facilitating negotiations; contributes to transparency in international negotiations; disseminates information on the activities of governments, NGOs and the United Nations at international meetings.
The Ecologist
Journal published in England. Covers worldwide environmental issues and conducts campaigns.
The Environment Directory
The largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web, with thousands of sites from over one hundred countries.
An online environmental community with regular news stories on environmental issues.
Environmental Defense
EDF posts information on recycling, global warming and ocean ecosystems, as well as texts from its membership publication "EDF Letter." EDF is more market-oriented and corporate-friendly than many environmental organizations. It has produced important studies and has taken the lead in big international issues like global warming and ozone depletion.
Environmental Security Database
Maintained by the Peace & Conflict Studies Program at the University of Toronto, this database has potential as a powerful research tool for those studying the relationships between environmental stress and violent conflict in developing countries. The database contains information on (but not the text of) over 20,000 items, including books, journal articles, papers, and newspaper clippings.
Friends of the Earth International
A federation of autonomous environmental organisations from more than 50 countries. Conducts campaigns on urgent environmental and social issues, while simultaneously catalysing a shift toward sustainable societies.
Friends of the Earth USA
Site by the United States branch of FOE, posting information about economics and politics of the environment. Includes action alerts and basic information about FOE's programs on trade & the environment, multilateral development bank reform, water quality, rivers, ozone and more. FOE seeks to cut US federal spending in programs that damage the environment.
Global Environmental Information Center (GEIC)
GEIC was established in October 1996 by the UN University and Japan Environment Agency. Its aim is to provide information to small civil groups and individuals. In its project section, it promotes non-governmental inputs in global and national processes, currently focusing on climate change.
An international organization for environmental activism, respected for taking on even the toughest and most "political" issues, such as nuclear testing. This site provides information on Greenpeace's latest campaigns and position papers, which often have an impact on global debates about environmental policy.
International Rivers Network
An organization that links human rights and environmental protection. The site provides information on IRN's work to protect rivers and stop river-damaging projects such as large dams. It includes criticism of UNDP for its support for dam-building. There is also an excellent section on international finance.
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
170 participants from 60 countries attended the Preparatory Conference for the Foundation of an International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), hosted by the German government in Berlin from 9-11 April, 2008. Participants discussed the possible objectives, activities, organization and finance of an IRENA.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Composed by scientists from UN agencies, NGOs, and the private sector, this work program evaluates the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being. It also provides options for responding to those changes. Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan launched the program in June 2001 in order to provide decisions makers and the public with scientific information on environmental change.
National Audubon Society
The Audubon Society is dedicated to the conservation and restoration of ecosystems, with a special focus on birds. Its website provides information on scientific, educational, and advocacy programs.
Natural Resources Defense Council
The website of a major US organization featuring in-depth information on a range of issues from global warming to nuclear arms. It also offers a search directory, a newsletter, and a magazine.
One Planet Many People
This Atlas of the Changing Environment provides visual evidence of global environmental changes through satellite imagery, comparing images of the past few decades with contemporary ones. The Atlas is a publication of the United Nations Environment Program.
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
This non-profit organization releases information about climate change. Multinational companies sit on the Center's Business Environmental Leadership Council. Ironically, the Pew Charitable Trust, based on stock in the Sun Oil Company, funds the research.
Rainforest Action Network (RAN)
The Rainforest Action Network uses market activism to promote protection of endangered forests, human rights, and sustainable finance. The website offers information on RAN campaigns and how to get involved.
A site by working climate scientists aiming to provide the scientific context, without political bias, that is sometimes missing in mainstream discussions on climate change.
Rocky Mountain Institute
A leader in the field of energy, RMI leader Amory Lovins coined the term "negawats" to help persuade energy companies that they could make more profits by producing less energy. RMI does a lot of corporate consulting and (unlike many other environmental groups) it believes in market approaches to energy sustainability. The site contains a variety of interesting information and analysis.
Sierra Club
An influential grassroots organization which promotes environmental education, exploration, and conservation. The website offers information on a range of issues from responsible trade to climate trade.
Sustainable Energy and Economy Network
SEEN works with international citizens groups on environment, human rights and development issues such as climate change and economic inequality. The website focuses on the link between these issues and global security.
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Link to the UNFCCC site, in session from May 31-June 11, 1999 in Bonn, Germany.
UN Site on Sustainable Development
United Nations System-Wide Web Site on National Implementation of the Rio Commitments.
UNEP Geneva Executive Center/Environment Secretariats
Links to all of the United Nations Environment Programme Secretariats that are located in Geneva, Switzerland, including those for biodiversity, the ozone, and climate change. These provide basic information for the general public as well as more technical documents that may be of interest to experts.
Union of Concerned Scientists
A non-profit alliance of scientists and citizens. The site addresses a range of topics, mostly on the environment, including energy, resource use, transportation, biodiversity, climate change and ozone depletion.
World Conservation Union (IUCN)
A conservation network based in Gland, Switzerland that brings together states, non-governmental organizations, and scientists from around the world.
World Economy, Ecology and Development Organization (WEED)
A German research group that is a leader in global environmental and governance issues.
World Resources Institute
The World Resources Institute is an environmental think tank focusing on the development of practical ways to protect the Earth. The website includes the annual World Resources report, as well as links and information on a variety of environmental issues.
World Watch Institute (WWI)
WWI conducts extensive research projects focusing on how global economics and governmental policies affect environmental health and sustainability. Its State of the World annual is justly famous as an overview of big picture environmental issues.
World Wildlife Fund
One of the world's largest environmental organizations, with international headquarters in Switzerland. The site posts information about the protection of the environment and focuses on a range of environmental issues, including climate change, deforestation, and sustainability.