Workshop organized by Global Policy Forum, WEED and the Heinrich Boell Foundation

December 4, 2000
9.30am - 6.00pm
Heinrich-Boell-Foundation, Hackesche Hoefe, Rosenthaler Strasse 40/41,
Berlin, Germany
9:30 AM
Jens Martens, WEED
10:00 AM
Introductory Statement "The reality of aid 2000. Recent trends in development policy and the crisis of ODA"
Mirjam van Reisen, Brussels
11:00 AM Coffee Break
11.15 AM
Part I "Business and ODA. Aid untying, targeted procurement and the role of PPPs"
Louise Hilditch, ActionAid, UK
Comment: Frank Fass-Metz, Federal Ministry for Development
1.15 PM Lunch Break
2.15 PM
Part II "A Global Partnership Agreement? Proposals for an Anti-Poverty-Convention and Other initiatives for a binding North-South agreement"
Patricia Garce, Social Watch, Montevideo
Comment: Carola Donner-Reichle, Federal Ministry for Development
Martin Koehler, Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale
Comment: Adreas Beckermann, Federal Ministry for Development
5.00 PM
Closing Session "Conclusions for the FfD Conference - recommendations for political action"
James A. Paul, Global Policy Forum, New York
5.30 PM
Closing Remarks
Klaus Linsenmeier, Heinrich Boell Foundation
"Corporate Investments: Towards Accountable Development"
"Global taxes for Global Priorities"
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