Global Policy Forum

Archived Conferences, Roundtables, Luncheons and Other Events





Corporate Accountability (November 28 - 29, 2005 - Berlin)
Terre des hommes, DGB Bildungswerk, Global Policy Forum Europe and World Economy, Ecology and Development Association (WEED) organized a two-day workshop on corporate accountability.


The Development and Peace Foundation (SEF) and United Nations Association Germany, in cooperation with GPF Europe, are organizing a seminar for journalists and experts in preparation to the UN Summit.


Alternative Perspectives for Democratic UN Reform: Challenges for the Millennium+5 Summit (June 22, 2005 - New York)
In conjunction with the UN General Assembly - NGO hearings for the Millennium+5 Summit, a group of NGOs organized a critical dialogue to examine to what extent current UN reform proposals can contribute to a stronger and more democratic UN, and promote a more just, peaceful and equitable world. The event also raised issues and concerns not adequately reflected in the reform process, but which have been on the peoples' agenda for long time. Organized by: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Global Policy Forum, International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations, Social Watch, Third World Institute, International Union of Students, All Africa Student Union, International Peoples Network for the United Nations, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, Southern Caucus of NGOs for Sustainable Development, Pan African Movement, Indigenous World Association, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Abolition 2000 New York.

Towards a Global Package Deal? (June 13 - 14, 2005 - Berlin)
In the lead up to the Millenium+5 Summit in September 2005, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Global Policy Forum Europe (GPF) invited stakeholders and experts from North and South, governments and civil society in a policy-oriented dialogue on how to strengthen the United Nations. The discussion focused on the UN Secretary General's report In Larger Freedom and assessed positions of governments and civil society in preparation for the Millennium+5 Summit.


The International Finance Facility (IFF) - Doubling Aid to Halve Poverty? (May 31, 2005 - Berlin)
This event was organized in cooperation with VENRO (Verband Entwicklungspolitik Deutscher Nichtregierungsorganisationen). Program in German

A panel of eminent speakers, including ministry, NGO representatives and academics will join Lord David Hanny, member of the UN High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change in a discussion of the High Level panel's 2004 report on UN reform. Participants will discuss some of the controversial recommendations made by the panel and will discuss which recommendations the UN will likely take into consideration. In short, the speakers will analyze and criticize the High Level Panel's "comprehensive vision of collective security." Organized by: The Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Institute for Development and Peace and GPF Europe



Globalisation and Tax Justice (December 6-7, 2004 - Bonn)
Working language of the conference is German.

1st European Social Watch Conference hosted by DGB Bildungswerk, terre des hommes, Global Policy Forum Europe and Eurostep

The year 2005 will mark the 10th anniversary of the Beijing Women's Conference and the Copenhagen Social Summit. It will also be the half way point between these events and the 2015 target dates. There will be a UN Summit in September 2005 on the implementation of the Millennium Declaration and the MDGs. This event provides an important opportunity for civil society organizations to work for more effective policies towards poverty eradication and social justice in North and South. Social Watch, a global network of more than 400 NGOs and citizens groups, plays and important role in this process.


Global Compact Counter Summit - Exploring Real Corporate Accountability in the UN System (June 23, 2004 - New York)On the day before the Global Compact Leaders Summit, an international group of NGOs held a "Counter-Summit," to critique the Compact and propose alternatives for real corporate accountability.
Sponsored by: EarthRights International, Global Policy Forum, Women's Environment and Development Organization, World Economy, Ecology and Development Association Co-sponsored by: Berne Declaration, Corporate Europe Observatory, Friends of the Earth International, Greenpeace International, Groundwork, Infact, International Center for Law in Development, Institute for Policy Studies, Tebtebba Foundation, Third World Network, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, World Federalist Movement

See the: Joint Civil Society Statement on the Global Compact and Corporate Accountability


Global Policy Forum's Tenth Anniversary Reception (May 5, 2004 - New York) In celebration of GPF's Tenth Anniversary, we hosted a reception that was attended by 175 friends and supporters, including NGO colleagues, diplomats, UN staff, donors and other friends.



Luncheon and Informal Discussion on Iraq (April 4, 2003 - New York)
661 Committee experts, members of the NGO Working Group on Iraq, and key UN staff discussed Iraq's humanitarian needs, the delivery of humanitarian assistance through a modified Oil-for-Food Programme, humanitarian access during and immediately after the war, human rights dimensions and the role of the UN. Co-Sponsored by Global Policy Forum, the Quaker UN Office and the Mennonite Central Committee.




Memorial Meeting for Ruth Steinkraus-Cohen (November 7, 2002 - New York)
Memorial Meeting to honor the life of Ruth Steinkraus-Cohen (1920-2002), lifelong supporter of the United Nations, editor of the UN Calendar, organizer of hospitality towards UN and Mission staff, and active in the NGO movement for 60 years. Ruth was a board member of Global Policy Forum.


Luncheon and Informal Discussion on Iraq Sanctions (October 15, 2002 - New York)
661 Committee experts, members of the NGO Working Group on Iraq, and other sanctions policy experts will discuss Iraq's humanitarian needs, the Goods Review List measure, and the possibilities for future Security Council initiatives. Co-Sponsored by Global Policy Forum, the Quaker UN Office and Save the Children-UK.


Hans von Sponeck, former UN Assistant Secretary General and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq (May 20, 2002 - New York) Speaking on "Iraq Sanctions: the Humanitarian Crisis and What We Can Do About it." Organized by: Global Policy Forum in partnership with the NGO Working Group on Iraq, the Mennonite UN Office and the Quaker UN Office.





Luncheon and Informal Discussion on Iraq Sanctions (May 15, 2002 - New York)
661 Committee experts, members of the NGO Working Group on Iraq, and other sanctions policy experts discussed Iraq's humanitarian needs, the Goods Review List measure, and the possibilities for future Security Council initiatives. Co-Sponsored by: Global Policy Forum, the Quaker UN Office and Save the Children-UK




NGO Breakfast with German Parliamentary Delegation from the Green Party (October 26, 2001 - New York)
The German delegation included Christian Sterzing, MP (Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Parliament; European Affairs Spokesman and Political Coordinator Working Group IV: Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Disarmament of the parliamentary group), Joern Boehme (Coordinator Working Group IV: Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Disarmament), Helmut Breiderhoff (Advisor on North-South policy) Ulrich Fischer (Advisor on Human Rights policy), Andreas Koerner (Assistant to Winfried Nachtwei, MP, member of the Defense Committee), and Uta Stitz (Assistant to Rita Griesshaber, MP, member of the Foreign Affairs Commitee and Deputy Politcal Coordinator, Working Group IV).


NGO Strategy Workshop organized by the Henrich Bíll Foundation, World Economy, Ecology and Development Assoc. (WEED) and Global Policy Forum. Rainer Falk presented a paper entitled The Reform of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)


World Environment Day (June 5, 2001 - New York)
Event to honor the environmental legacy of Rene Jules Dubos (1901-1982) and to introduce "Vital Signs 2001: The Trends That Are Shaping Our Future". Organized by: Global Policy Forum, The United Nations Environment Programme, The Rene Dubos Center for Human Environments, and The Worldwatch Institute.


Organized by: World Economy, Ecology and Development Association (WEED), Heinrich Boell Foundation and Global Policy Forum. Background paper: Global taxes for Global Priorities


The Landmine Ban: Implications for Humanitarian Advocacy (March 27, 2001 - New York)
Luncheon and discussion with Don Hubert, the author of a recent study by the Humanitarianism and War Project on this topic. Most of the luncheon was devoted to a discussion among NGO representatives, delegates and UN officials, to consider the lessons to be drawn from the landmine experience and its implications for our future efforts.



Organized by: World Economy, Ecology and Development Assoc. (WEED), Heinrich Boell Foundation and Global Policy Forum.


Organized by: World Economy, Ecology and Development Assoc. (WEED), Heinrich Boell Foundation and Global Policy Forum.


Luncheon with Delegates on Iraq Sanctions (November 3, 2000 - New York)
Co-Sponsored by Global Policy Forum and the Quaker UN Office


The Millennium Forum (May 22-26, 2000 - New York)
"The occasion of the third millennium presents a timely opportunity for the only global organization, in terms of its membership as much as of its areas of work, to identify the challenges that it will face in the future and to engage in an imaginative exercise to enhance and strengthen a unique institution". Secretary-General Kofi Annan. As a companion event, and further to the Secretary-General's recommendation, civil society organizations organized and held the Forum at United Nations Headquarters. Global Policy Forum's Executive Director, Dr James Paul spoke at this event and chaired a session on Strengthening and Democratizing the UN.




Worldwide events to protest the United Nations financial crisis


Humanitarian Crisis of Iraq Sanctions (March 11, 1999 - New York)
Denis Halliday, former UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq speaking on Iraqi sanctions. Presented by NGO Peace Caucus & Global Policy Forum




Third Worldwide Vigil on the UN Financial Crisis (October 23, 1998)


Democracy and Development, a meeting on the Bretton Woods Institutions, the United Nations and Finance for Development (July 31, 1998)
An informal consultation among NGOs working on the World Bank, the IMF and the UN. Co-sponsored by: Amnesty International UN Office, WEDO. List of participants


"A Hard Look at Sanctions" (May 28, 1998 - New York)
Public Meeting to Discuss How Sanctions are Used, How they Hurt, What are the Alternatives? Co-Sponsored with: the Peace Caucus. Speakers: Joseph Stephanides, Deputy Director, Security Council Affairs, UN Secretariat; Antonio Patriota, Counsellor, Mission of Brazil to the UN; Kathy Bergen, Middle East Education Program, American Friends Service Committee; James Paul, Executive Director, Global Policy Forum, Sonya Ostram, Peace Action.


Consultation on "Innovative Financing for Development: global taxes, fees and charges" (April 29, 1998 - New York)
Organized by: ISMUN. Speakers: Amb. Hans Dahlgren (PR of Sweden), James Paul (GPF), Kevin Baumert (GPF), Jan Lonn (ISMUN)



Held in forty-five cities, including twenty-three in the United States.


Luncheon in Honor of Andrew Clapham, UN Representative, Amnesty International (September 10, 1997)


Roundtable on Social and Economic Rights (May 2, 1997 - Columbia University, New York)
Organized by: Global Policy Forum together with The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH). A meeting of leading practitioners and theorists in the emerging field of social and economic rights to develop joint strategies and coordinate action, with particular emphasis on the United Nations. Thirty-five participants tackled a day-long agenda. See summary of the discussions and photos.




Global Policy Forum organized this vigil, in partnership with the World Federation of United Nations Associations and the World Federalist Movement. CONGO, the DPI-NGO Executive Committee and dozens of other NGOs organized and participated. Vigils and related events took place in thirty-two cities around the world. The link provides extensive additional information.


Discussion Group on "The UN Financial Crisis" (September 11, 1996 - New York)
DPI NGO Conference


Luncheon in honor of Amb. Colin Keating of New Zealand (July 31, 1996 - New York)
Organized by: Global Policy Forum, the World Federalist Movement, the Lawyers' Committee for Nuclear Policy and the International Federation of Human Rights


NGO Emergency Meeting on the Financial Crisis (April 22, 1996 - New York)
Speaker: Susan Mills, Director, UN Office of Financial Management. Organized by: Global Policy Forum, the World Federalist Movement and the DPI/NGO Executive Committee.


Conference on "The Fate of Democracy in the Era of Globalization" (March 14-16, 1996 - Wellesley College)


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