Global Policy Forum

The WTO's Fourth Ministerial Conference


Doha, Qatar
November 9 to 13, 2001


Articles | Links

Articles and Documents

Doha WTO Ministerial Declaration (November 14, 2001)
The World Trade Organization adopted this declaration at the 2001 Fouth Ministerial Conference in Doha, Qatar, to assist developing countries in implementing WTO agreements, covering issues related to agriculture, services, industrial tariffs, investment, trade and competition policy. (WTO)

African States Won't Compromise on Development in Doha (October 20, 2008)
Leaders of rich countries are exerting pressure on poor countries to complete the WTO Doha round before the end of 2008. But African countries oppose an agreement which allows rich countries to subsidize their agricultural sector. As it stands, the Doha round is unfavorable for developing countries. (Inter Press Service)

Main Development from WTO Talks is a Fine Line in Hypocrisy (August 26, 2002)
Doha's development round resulted in "the development of rich country self-interest and corporate profit - and it will reinforce a pattern of globalization that is perpetuating mass poverty and extreme inequality," says Kevin Watkins, Senior policy adviser at Oxfam.(Guardian)

Doha to Johannesburg (December, 2001)
"By declaring itself the forum for determining the relationship between conflicting international agreements on trade and environment, the Doha agenda throws down a direct challenge to preparations for the August 2002 United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg, South Africa." (Focus on Trade)

Doha: Saving WTO, Killing Democracy (December 4, 2001)
The "success" of the World Trade Organization implies the loss of power for people, civil society, and democratic elected representatives. Since Doha, the need for a new democracy movement seem more important then ever. (Znet)

Dispatch From Doha (November 26, 2001)
The World Trade Organization's meeting in Doha faces several big obstacles in trying to reach a trade agreement. The biggest obstacle might be the global economy itself and the recession, which due to the interlocking of economies seems to be contagious. (Nation)

Doha Spells Disaster for Development (November 18, 2001)
This article argues that more than one international economic system is possible. The author tries to promote alternatives in the interest of wider equity, security and raise living standards for everyone. (Observer)

Developing Countries Flex Their Muscles (November 16, 2001)
The developed world can no longer bully and control negotiations to obtain maximum advantage. By forming alliances, developing countries push through deals and take advantage of their numerical superiority. The meeting in Doha can therefore, hopefully, be seen as a turning point and shift in power balance. (Guardian)

Developing Countries Face Uphill Struggle After Doha (November 16, 2001)
The World Trade Organization's meeting in Doha marks the starting point of a new trade round, starting in 2002 and finishing in 2005. This implies negotiation burdens on developing countries in new and complex areas. (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development)

Lifting Trade Barriers Will Help Bring Prosperity to the World's Poor (November 15, 2001)
The Independent summarizes the World Trade Organization's fourth ministerial meeting, laying the foundations for a new trade liberalization round. Although, the question of success should remain open.

Analysis of the Final Declaration of WTO Conference in Doha (November 14, 2001)
The World Development Movement gives a critical and informative briefing on the outcome of the World Trade Organization's meeting in Doha. It concludes that the developing countries were pressured into acceptance and that there has been little change in power balance. (World Development Movement)

Ministerial Declaration (November 14, 2001)
The World Trade Organization's Ministerial Declaration 2001 includes objectives and timetables for current or possible negotiations. It covers issues related to agriculture, services, industrial tariffs, investment, trade and competition policy, and their implementation. (WTO)

Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and public health (November 14, 2001)
The declaration on intellectual property (TRIPS) and public health includes the recognition of various flexibilities given to governments to deal with health problems. It also states specific responsibilities for the World Trade Organization's TRIPS Council. (WTO)

Negotiators Extend WTO Conference (November 14, 2001)
The World Trade Organization extends its negotiations in Doha to avoid embarrassment like the one in Seattle, in 1999. Even though the European Union accepted a compromise on agriculture, India's refusal to back down on key-issues to the developing world kept the agreement out of reach. (Associated Press)

WTO Confirms Drugs Deal (November 13, 2001)
The World Trade Organization agrees on drug deal, making it easier for poor countries to break patents on drugs needed to treat some of the world's most severe health problems. (BBC)

Deeply Divided WTO Faces Moment of Truth (November 12, 2001)
The World Trade Organization finds itself deeply divided. If it once again tries to set new levels of undemocratic and non-transparent processes to proclaim consensus, it will certainly damage the organization and the trading system. (South-North Development Monitor )

Time for the West to Put Up or Shut Up (November 12, 2001)
This article argues that developed nations should end their hypocrisy with a rhetoric praising free trade while pursuing mercantilist actions. If this pattern does not change, the author encourages the developing nations to walk away. (Guardian)

The WTO's Hidden Agenda (November 9, 2001)
CorpWatch reports that government officials share confidential negotiating documents and inside information with corporate leaders. Documents show how the two parties met to set the pro-business agenda for the World Trade Organization talks in Doha.

Critical WTO Meet Begins Today Amid Ominous Policy Rows, Security Fears (November 9, 2001)
The World Trade Organization opens its meeting in Doha. The meeting has to combat several big obstacles such as intensified security concerns after a shooting incident, the war on terrorism and dissatisfaction among developing countries with the draft ministerial statement.(Agence France-Presse

Doha, the Economic Frontline (November 8, 2001)
Naomi Klein relates religious fanatics to US trade negotiators. She argues that growth is the only god these negotiators know. Now, the war on terrorism constitutes just another opportunity for leverage and the developing world's needs become sacrificed to this effort. (Guardian)

WTO: Shrink or Sink (November, 2001)
The anti-corporate movement demands that governments take into account the principles of democratic control of resources, ecological sustainability, equity, cooperation and precaution at the Doha meeting.(Attac)

Rich Picking (November 7, 2001)
The World Trade Organization meeting in Qatar aims to a new round of negotiation for more liberalization and more freedom for corporations. Despite the limited number of representatives of non-governmental organization allowed, the globalization movement will defend citizens' interests against those of corporations.(Guardian)

At WTO Talks, Protesters Will Be Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind (November 2, 2001)
Although Qatar prevents street protests from taking place, the demands of the globalization movement will not be lessen, as it is an essential part of democracy. (Wall Street Journal)

Priced out of Reach (October 29, 2001)
This Oxfam report stresses the importance of changing global patent rules so that vital medicines can become accessible to poor people. The World Trade Organization meeting in Doha offers an opportunity for patent change and poverty reduction.

Second WTO Draft Declaration (October 27, 2001)
The World Trade Organization's second draft for the fourth ministerial conference in Doha represents months of discussions and expects to be handed to ministers at the meeting.


The Charge of the Trade Brigade (October 2001)
The World Trade Organization's meeting in Doha does not face the same threats as in Seattle. Protesters seem hampered and EU-US foresee their grievances. The North–South dispute remains, but weakened by the war against terrorism. (Znet)

Doha: A Shade Worse Than Seattle? (October, 2001)
The second ministerial draft for the World Trade Organization's meeting in Doha upsets diplomats from developing countries. The draft resembles the one in Seattle but with very limited options, and tilts the balance even more in favor of the few major trading nations. (South Centre)

Doha Is Coming: Further Briefing on the GATS (October 24, 2001)
The World Trade Organization has extensive legislative and judicial powers. However, the public remains largely unaware of its nature. This article outlines the organization's fundamentals as well as its implications. (Attac )

The Fourth Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization - An Analysis (October 16, 2001)
This paper critically analyses the proposed draft of the WTO meeting in November 2001. It discusses the drafting as well as the text and its consequences for people around the world. (Council of Canadians)

'New Development Agenda' in Doha? (October 15, 2001)
The forthcoming World Trade Organization meeting can result in a "new development agenda" instead of a "new trade round". However, a new title is not enough, "there has to be a change in substance". (Inter Press Service)

Threat of Terrorism Leaves Trade Summit Plans in Doubt (October 15, 2001)
The World Trade Organization meeting, scheduled for November 9th to 13th, might be moved. Both Singapore and Geneva are considered as alternatives to Doha, Qatar. US trade representatives state that the meeting will take place anyway, the question remains where. (New York Times)

A 'Crisis Of Legitimacy' Facing World Trade Meeting (October 12, 2001)
Several NGOs insist on a comprehensive institutional reform of the World Trade Organization. The NGOs express concern for lack of transparency, problems with consistency and neutrality, and weak representation of developing countries within the secretariat. (Inter Press Service)

Clean Text for WTO Ministerial; Dirty Slap in Face of Africans (October 9, 2001)
The World Trade Organization has nearly ignored all demands by the Zanzibar declaration. The author argues that the WTO draft is a trap for developing countries to give up their primary issues for illusory short term gains. (Attac)

In Trade, Business as Usual Won't Do (October 5, 2001)
A new trade round, like the ones envisaged by the West, would likely result in an even more unbalanced and inequitable outcome. Not only do World Trade Organization rules fail to deliver economic benefits to developing countries but tensions within and across countries are also growing. (International Herald Tribune)

WTO Chief Insists Doha Ministerial Talks Still On (September 14, 2001)
Despite the catastrophic events that have taken place in the US, World Trade Organization director-general Mike Moore remains unshaken in his determination to hold the ministerial conference as scheduled. (Agence France Presse)



Links and Resources

World Trade Organization
The WTO's own website. Here you can find information about the organization, publications and news.

A multilingual site of an international organization called Action pour une Association pour une Taxation des Transactions financií¨res pour l'Aide aux Citoyens/Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens, which has taken the lead on the issue. The site includes archives of ATTAC's weekly newsletter, a large variety of Tobin tax resources , and the World Trade Organization.

WTO Watch
WTO Watch's web site informs on the World Trade Organization's daily events in Doha through an updated calendar of events along with live and archived multimedia reporting from delegates, officials, community leaders and activists throughout the Ministerial.

Global Exchange WTO News Updates
Global Exchange's web site provides regular news updates on events and campaigns about the World Trade Organization and the Doha meeting.

Campaign Updates for the Upcoming World Trade Organization Meeting in Doha provides updates and links for various campaigns related to the WTO meeting in Doha in Novemeber 2001.

BRIDGES Weekly Trade News Digest
A weekly publication of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development. It provides articles and information relevant to sustainable development and trade.

Public Citizen on the World Trade Oganization's Meeting in Doha
Public Citizen and Global Trade Watch's web site provides many additional resources.

Peoples' Global Action Against "Free" Trade and the WTO (PGA)
A worldwide alliance that includes representation of people from the Global South. PGA advocates non-violent civil disobedience as a means to resist against unfair practices of the global market. PGA's web site is multilingual.

Third World Network
This non-profit international organization provides you with the latest news and updates on the World Trade Organization's fourth ministerial meeting in Doha.



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