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While there are a number of national and international laws that regulate the use of private armies, existing legislation was not created with modern private security contractors in mind.
International efforts to regulate the use of PMSCs have failed to effectively deal with many of the issues related to their use. The International Convention on the use of Mercenaries, ratified under the Geneva Convention, does not appropriately address the issue, mainly because its definition of “mercenary” is unworkable. The UN Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries from 1989 faces the same problem, as its definition of a mercenary is hardly applicable to current situations. The Montreux Document created in 2008 is the most recent international effort to regulate the private security industry, which was endorsed by 17 states with input from civil society organizations. While it is more robust than previous attempts to rein in the industry, the document is non-binding, which means parties have no obligation to follow the set of guiding principles it lays out.
National efforts intended to manage the use of PMSC, although commendable, are largely inadequate because of definitional discrepancies between countries. They also face a number of challenges due to the globalized nature of the industry. Private security firms are often created, dissolved, branched, merged and moved from one location to another in order to make them more difficult to track down and regulate.
The private security sector has put forward Self-regulation as an alternative. Groups such as the British Association of Private Security Companies (BAPSC) and the US-based International Stability Operations Association (ISOA) claim that they seek increased harmonization of industry standards through voluntary codes of conduct. However, the ultimate punishment for any company found to have violated the code of conduct is expulsion, which is a weak deterrent to prevent abuse.
Montreux Document (October 8, 2008)
International Initiatives
Charity slams conduct code for private military and securtiy companies - a War on Want statement (September 20, 2013)
War on Want has issued a press release about a conduct code for private military and security companies issued in Geneva. It warns that the privatization of war continues as a measure of profit seeking as the code issued is voluntary and allows non-participation.
United Nations' Unions call for action ahead of the 2013 General Assembly about the credibility of mercenaries being used to carry out security and peacekeeping work. Their call is based on a report published by the United Nations’ Working Group on the use of mercenaries, which reveals that the UN is increasingly outsourcing contracts for armed guards, convoy security, security advice, risk assessment and transport services. This report is supported by Global Policy Forum’s report on the use of Private Military and Security Companies by the United Nations.
Switzerland Checks Mercenaries, Partially (February 18, 2013)
The Swiss government is taking steps to regulate private military companies operating under its jurisdiction. The effort to pass domestic legislation coincides with Switzerland’s recent attempts to facilitate an international code of conduct for private security companies. Critics argue that the domestic legislation being proposed fails to adequately regulate the industry, leaving many ambiguities that could be exploited by contractors engaged in ethically objectionable activities. The Swiss government has been eager to establish a regulatory framework for the private military and security industry both within Switzerland and internationally. However, some observers fear that these efforts could simultaneously provide too much legitimacy and not enough accountability for this industry. (IPS)
A Global Compact for Mercenaries? (February 18, 2013)
The Private Military and Security sector has been a contentious topic in recent years. Some policymakers and civil society groups have sought to establish stricter regulations for this burgeoning industry. Others have rejected the legitimacy of the industry entirely, arguing that regulation would lend unwarranted legitimacy to mercenary activities that should not be permitted at all. In 2010, an international code of conduct was established and has been championed by the Swiss government as part of the Montreux process aimed at regulating PMCs. Negotiations in Montreux between industry, governments, and civil society will endeavor to establish an oversight mechanism to provide the code of conduct with some limited enforcement capacities. This article discusses the Montreux process, highlights a number of contentious issues, and critiques some of the possible shortcomings of this regulatory initiative. (Laws of Rule)
Lawbreakers at War: How Responsible are They?
Private Military and Security Companies in Somalia Need Regulation, Says UN Expert Group (December 18, 2012)
The increasing privatization of Somalia’s security might drastically harm an already fragile state, especially if private military and security companies are not bound by strict operating regulations. The South African personnel of Sterling Corporate Services, a PMSC registered in Dubai that was found to have violated the UN arms embargo, has trained the Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPC) to fight piracy in the region. Yet, the PMPC is reportedly operating outside the Constitutional framework for security institutions in Somalia while being involved in operations unrelated to piracy. Faiza Patel, the Chairperson of the UN Working Group on the use of Mercenaries warns that “as Somalia rebuilds its security institutions, the Government should ensure that private security forces are properly regulated and do not become a substitute for competent and accountable police.” (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights)
The Challenges of Maritime Private Security Oversight (December 2012)
The Explosion of Private Militaries and Mercenaries, Post-Iraq (September 25, 2012)
A Humanitarian Perspective on the Privatization of Warfare (September 14, 2012)
Ex-Navy Officers Take on Pirates (September 12, 2012)
Australian Accused of Funding Private Somali Army (September 4, 2012)
What Now for the World's Biggest Security Company and Its Critics? (August 24,2012)
PMSCs and the Arab Spring (August 27, 2012)
UN Embroiled in Private Security Controversy (August 17, 2012)
Reining in Private Security Faces Regulatory Thicket (August 14, 2012)
The Role of Private Military and Security Companies in Modern Warfare – Impacts on Human Rights (August 11, 2012)
Profit and Security at the London Olympics (July 17, 2012)
Militarizing the Olympics(July 13,2012)
New Study Notes Rise of Private Security Firms in Haiti Since Quake (July 9, 2012)
After an earthquake and a cholera outbreak, Haiti is now suffering from a rise in private security firms. The UN and other international NGO’s in Haiti make up most of the market for these firms. The dearth in Haiti’s national police force, with only 10,000 police in a country of 10 million, has left a vacuum filled by these companies. The rapid increase of private security firms in Haiti is a part of a larger, global trend that could prove to be dangerous in an already fragile county. (Associated Press)
Outsourcing Charity – The G4S Way ( 28 June, 2012)
How G4S is 'Securing your World' (June 20,2012)
Shooting to Kill Pirates Risks Blackwater Moment (May 8, 2012)
There is a rising demand for private guards to board merchant vessels and deter attacks from Somali pirates. But a lack of rules governing the use of weapons by private actors on the high seas complicates the matter. In 2011, the UN’s International Maritime Organization issued weak, non-binding guidelines for private armed guards, stating that they should use no more force than what is strictly necessary. It is often difficult to differentiate between fisherman and pirates on the high seas, and a void in international maritime law has created “shoot-first” situations that risk innocent lives. (Bloomberg)
Cheap Help from Uganda (May 2012)
By 2008, US private military companies, including Torres, DynCorp, Triple Canopy, Sabre, and SOC, had hired 10,000 Ugandans for work in Iraq. But Ugandans were paid less on average $700 dollars a month, while US workers were paid up to $10,000 dollars a month. Ugandans were often forced to work 15 hours a day under bad conditions with no job security. Many Ugandans couldn’t afford to complain or quit due to inflation back home. Some Ugandan workers referred to their situation as modern slavery. In this article, the author examines how the lack of regulation and oversight of private military companies operating in war-torn areas have led to labor-related abuses of hired third world nationals. (Le Monde Diplomatique)
What’s in a Name? That Which We Call a Roseatte PMSC (March 15, 2012)
Private military and security companies (PMSCs) who provide “armed guards” do not want to be confused with colonial-era mercenaries, even if they offer similar services. Most don’t even refer to themselves as “PMSCs”. The largest US trade organization to support PMSCs describes the work their companies do as “international stability operations.” But there are economic incentives for PMSCs to avoid classification. PMSCs are often divisions of much larger corporations that have enough financial resources to hire people with skills to do just about everything. Corporatization of PMSCs also allows them to change names for public relations liability. Blackwater, for example, changed its name to “Xe” after “Blackwater” killed 17 Iraqi civilians in Tahrir Square. (Huffington Post)
State or Nonstate: Ay, There’s the Rub (February 14, 2012)
Even though PMSCs perform a public service, their actions fall outside of international law, for international law generally uses states as its basic unit of accounting. David Isenberg calls this dilemma an “accountability gap.” In this article, Isenberg explores the idea of making PMSCs an extension of the state that hires it if PMSCs meet certain standards. But the reason many states hire PMSCs in the first place is because the states themselves are not responsible for any of the PMSCs’ actions. It is unlikely that either actor will want otherwise. (Huffington Post)
US Control of Contractors in Iraq is Vital (February 1, 2012)
US diplomatic personnel in Iraq are protected by 5,000 private security contractors. In a 2008 survey, almost half of the US State Department personnel who interacted with private security contractors thought the contractors acted insensitively towards Iraqis and their culture. Contractors threw water bottles and other objects at civilians to clear them off roadways. This article published on The Hill questions the ability of private security contractors to properly protect US diplomats, and calls for US policymakers to increase oversight of PMSCs in Iraq. (The Hill)
You’re Nicked: Arrest on the High Seas (January 18, 2012)
New policies in the UK, US, and Denmark allow the use of private security guards aboard ships to help defend against pirates. UK Prime Minister David Cameron says that armed ships have a lower chance of being hijacked, and that Private Military and Security Companies provide a way to fight piracy. But there has been little guidance from the UN regarding the legal status of maritime PMSCs. Pirates are civilians under international law. PMSCs do not have the power to hold, arrest, or detain pirates like police officers, coast guards, and naval officers do, let alone use lethal force against them. (The Interpreter)
Private Military and Security Firms and Erosion of the State Monopoly on the Use of Force (January 29, 2009)
In 2009 the Council of Europe raised concerns relating to the growing use of Private Military Security Companies (PMSCs). PMSCs are generally formed as profit seeking companies with vested interests in the outbreak and maintenance of conflicts. States and international organizations (such as the United Nations) are increasingly using PMSCs undermining the traditional position that States (acting independently or together) are the only actors legitimately permitted to use force. The Council of Europe recommended creating increased political control over PMSCs. This is difficult, however, as PMSCs operate internationally and their activities have transnational aspects and consequences, necessitating regulation at an international level. (Council of Europe, Recommendation 1858)
Amnesty International Public Statement on the Montreux Document (October 14, 2008)
States Clarify Rules for Security Contractors (September 17, 2008)
Seventeen countries including Afghanistan, China, Iraq, the UK and the US signed the Montreux document that outlines international humanitarian and human rights law, binding private military companies and the countries that hire them. Governments that use security contractors abroad wanted to clarify the rules for private military companies, especially after the Blackwater scandal where US security contractors killed 17 Iraqi civilians. (The Star)2007
It All Makes Sense Now, Blackwater and the ICC (October 1, 2007)
In this article, the author speculates whether the US opposition to the International Criminal Court (ICC) was part of a long term plan to provide immunity to contractors working for or on behalf of the US in Iraq. The Hague Invasion Act was passed by the US Congress in 2002, prior to the invasion of Iraq, and prohibits US courts from extraditing any person to the ICC. The author cites numerous atrocities committed by private security contractors working in Iraq including Blackwater USA, to demonstrate how these firms operate without any accountability to the ICC. (Tonic Blotter)National Initiatives
IPCC Call for Powers to Investigate Private Security Firms (April 24)
The Independent Police Complaints Comission (IPCC) of England and Wales called for the UK government to allow them to investigate private security companies that carry out police duties. In 2012, the UK awarded their first contract for a private police station to G4S, a private security company with a questionable human rights record. The private police station operates in Lincolnshire, and appears to be the first of many. While new methods are necessary to hold private police companies accountable, the UK’s current climate of deregulation hints against government oversight. (Info4Security)
Are Private Contractors Undermining the Intelligence Community? (September 22, 2011)
Bad Business: Billions of Taxpayers Dollars Wasted on Hiring Contractors (September 13, 2011)
Blackwater Indicted for Violating Federal Firearms Laws (April 16, 2010)
KBR on Trial - At Last (March 29, 2010)
US 'Failing' to Oversee Contractors (June 11, 2009)
Blackwater: We Will Leave Iraq if US Orders it (January 30, 2009)
State Department: Drop Blackwater in Iraq (December 17, 2008)
A report by the US State Department's Inspector General may recommend that Blackwater should lose its license in Iraq after the trial of six Blackwater officials for the killing of 17 civilians in Baghdad in 2007. US investigators say Blackwater guards were involved in 70 shooting incidents involving civilians before the 2007 shooting.Iraq Case Sheds Light on Secret Contractors (July 17, 2008)
House OKs Bill to Prosecute Contractors (October 4, 2007)
The US House of Representatives passed a bill in which all private contractors working in Iraq and other combat zones will be subject to prosecution by US courts. In a statement, the White House criticizes the bill as having intolerable consequences for crucial and necessary national security activities and operations. Despite opposition from the White House, the legislation signals a shift away from the immunity enjoyed by US contractors for crimes committed in Iraq.Iraq to End Contractor 'Immunity' (September 25, 2007)
Security Firm Faces Criminal Charges in Iraq (September 23, 2007)
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