World Diamond Council Press Release
September 8, 2000
The World Diamond Council (WDC), the international body chartered by the diamond industry to eradicate the trade in conflict diamonds, held its inaugural meeting in Tel Aviv on Thursday, September 7 to begin implementing the plan it drafted at the World Diamond Congress in July 2000.
The main features of the plan include:
The WDC called upon the governments of those countries involved in diamond trade to enact and enforce these measures described above, offering its expertise and assistance to governments in drafting appropriate legislation.
In addition, the WDC asked that all relevant governments and the United Nations (UN) initiate an international embargo on the trade in weapons that provide rebel forces with the means to wage war.
The WDC invites the UN, governments, and NGO's, in the pursuit of international peace and security, to examine the role of other natural resources and, most importantly, the arms trade, in perpetuating the conflict.
Mr. Eli Izhakoff, Chairman, said, "The World Diamond Council, representing the entire international diamond industry, pledges to continue to work in a spirit of cooperation with governments, civil societies and the United Nations to eliminate the trade in conflict diamonds."