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Archived Articles on Labor Rights and Labor Movements


Labor Rights and Labor Movements



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The Toxic Border (December 2004)

This article highlights the violation of labor rights and environmental protection standards in Mexico after the country's entry into the North American Free Trade Agreement and argues against future expansions of the agreement. The author points out that corporate-defined free trade runs contrary to expanded labor and environmental standards, as its prime focus is "creating conditions favorable to investment." (Foreign Policy in Focus)

Slavery is Not Dead, Just Less Recognizable (September 1, 2004)

Lack of labor rights combined with poverty and local corruption have produced a major increase in debt bondage slavery in poor countries. However, the fastest growing bondage in the world is human trafficking, which exists in many affluent countries. (Christian Science Monitor)

Making Mining Work: Bringing Poverty-Stricken, Small-Scale Miners into the Formal Private Sector (July 12, 2004)

Multilateral agencies and government institutions have historically argued that small-scale and artisinal mining (ASM), is unsustainable, dangerous, and exploitative of women and children. However, as ASM continues to grow and employ thousands of impoverished people, thereby becoming more integrated into local development, organizations are shifting their focus from ending the industry to reforming it. (International Development Research Center)

ILO Adopts Plan to Give Fair Deal to 86 Million Migrant Workers (June 16, 2004)

The International Labor Organization (ILO) confirmed a plan to protect "international labor standards" for one of the most vulnerable sectors of the global economy--migrant workers. Though it does not provide details about implementation, this press release outlines the ILO's recommendations for action and priorities for protecting migrants' rights. (ILO News)

El Salvador, Turning a Blind Eye: Hazardous Child Labor in El Salvador's Sugar Cane Cultivation (June 2004)

Children as young as eight years old work in El Salvador's sugar industry. Coca-Cola, one of the main purchasers of Salvadoran sugar, denies responsibility for conditions in the fields. This Human Rights Watch report outlines common human rights violations and makes recommendations to the Salvadoran government, the UN, and TNCs about how to stop these injustices. (Human Rights Watch)

Barren Justice (May 13, 2004)

Many of the pesticides used in produce cultivation cause extreme health consequences for field workers, including sterilization, cancers, and rashes. Yet no one is willing to take responsibility for protecting workers or compensating them when ailments do occur. Tens of thousands of farm workers in Latin America are seeking legal action, but results are slow and limited; the passage of CAFTA will only make them more so. (CorpWatch)

Always Wal-Mart (April 23, 2004)

In 2003, Wal-Mart made $256 billion in sales, and was the largest employer in the US. This article argues that Wal-Mart uses cost-cutting measures that hurt local retailers, pays their employees extremely low wages and squeezes their suppliers – all to keep their prices low and competitive, and to ensure that their consumers return. (TomPaine)

Unsafe Practices Kill Timorese Worker (March 31, 2004)

Union activists have claimed that the poor work practices of Perkins Shipping, an Australian company, has caused the death of an East Timorese dockworker at a Dili wharf. Labor activists are critical of Australian companies operating in East Timor that take advantage of the poor enforcement of labor laws. (Green Left Weekly)

CAFTA's Weak Labor Rights Protections: Why the Present Accord Should be Opposed (March 2004)

This Human Rights Watch briefing paper states that the finalized version of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) "fails to require compliance with even the most basic internationally recognized labor rights norms". The paper further argues that the participating governments need to re-draft CAFTA so that parties have more incentive to strengthen their poor labor laws and include overall better protection for workers' human rights. (Human Rights Watch)

India, US and ILO Join Forces to Fight Child Labour; New Project Targets Directly Some 80,000 Children in Hazardous Work (February 16, 2004)

The Indian Government, US Department of Labor and International Labor Organization have launched one of the biggest initiatives against child labor. Based in India, the project aims to remove children from working in hazardous sectors and, provide them with transitional education and economic security for their families. (International Labor Organization)

Trading Away Our Rights: Women Working In Global Supply Chains (February 8, 2004)

This new Oxfam study criticizes big brand companies such as Taco Bell, Tesco and Wal-mart for "driving down" employment conditions for millions of women workers around the world. The study argues that this denies women's fair share in the benefits of globalization, including its potential to "lift people out of poverty."


The Work of Changing Minds (December 17, 2003)

This ZNet article describes the phenomenon of "recovered factories" in Argentina, where workers take control of the means of production in bankrupt factories. The movement began in 2000 in response to economic troubles directly linked to IMF policies, which led to the collapse of the economy in December of 2001. The author, a native to Buenos Aires, highlights how the movement breaks from the strict market mentality of capitalism to offer marginalized workers the opportunity to increase production.

When Chinese Workers Unite, the Bosses Often Run the Union (December 29, 2003)

In China's fast-growing export industry, foreign companies often disrespect Chinese labor law. They fail to allow workers to organize in unions. Moreover, Chinese migrant workers still do not enjoy basic labor rights. They receive less than the legal minimum pay and work overtime hours that greatly exceed regulated maximums. (New York Times)

Wal-Mart in China (December 8, 2003)

By expanding to China, Wal-Mart not only exported its selling format, but also its poor labor standards. As in the US, the company pays its 16,000 workers in China very low wages and prohibits unionization. In addition, the Chinese government pursues its desire for foreign investment and jobs and prefers allying with the big business instead of protecting workers' rights. (The Nation)

El Salvador: Government Ignores Widespread Labor Abuse (December 4, 2003)

This Human Rights Watch report denounces employers in El Salvador for systematically abusing workers' human rights, and particularly for hindering workers from organizing in unions. El Salvador's government disregards, or even facilitates, the abuses and fails to enforce existing workers' protection laws.

Pakistan: Focus on Child Labor in the Auto-Repair Industry (November 4, 2003)

Community programs achieved some progress in opposing child labor in Pakistan. Yet vast numbers of children continue to work in dangerous and difficult circumstances to supplement their families' income. (Integrated Regional Information Network)

A Watershed Strike (October 23, 2003)

US companies increasingly employ "Wal-Marting" as a favorite strategy. Part-time work, low wages without benefits, outsourcing, and weakening unions increasingly characterize labor relations in the United States. Yet, the strike of 70,000 Californian grocery workers protesting against their benefit cuts might signal the start of a nation-wide battle for renewed labor rights. (The Nation)

Labor Rights Protection in CAFTA (October 2003)

This Human Rights Watch paper argues that Central American labor laws fail to protect workers' rights. The Central American Free Trade Area (CAFTA) could therefore present an opportunity to ensure that governments amend their laws to comply with international standards. Yet, the labor rights provisions that the US proposes to include in the CAFTA agreement fall short of those standards and lack effective dispute settlement mechanisms.

Central American Migrants Take Action on Trade and Regional Integration (July 13, 2003)

The neo-liberal economic model of the proposed Central American Free Trade Area has already failed to create dignified economic opportunities for the majority of Central Americans, and has provoked many to emigrate North in search of employment. (America Program)

Overseas Labor: Mother's Milk for Poor Nations (July 13, 2003)

Remittances flowing home from Southern labor working in the North increase GDP and family income in poor countries; but the incentive to migrate also leads to "brain drain" and cultural estrangement. Is global migration good for the long-term development of communities? (Asian Times)

Exploding the Myth of Competitiveness (July 2, 2003)

Neo-liberal apologists justify low wages by proclaiming competitiveness as an essential component of free markets. According to author Michel Husson, "A simple way of increasing the celebrated competitiveness consists of reducing financial profits and reallocating them to wages and pensions." (ATTAC)

Redefining Social Responsibility (June 13, 2003)

To enhance public image among customers and labor rights organizations, companies have agreed to open their factory doors to the Fair Labor Association, an NGO that monitors and works with corporations to improve working conditions. (Christian Science Monitor)

ILO World Day Against Child Labor (June 10, 2003)

The International Labor Organization (ILO) declares June 12th as "World Day Against Child Labor." The program for 2003 focuses on child trafficking, and its damaging effect on children, families, communities and countries. (One World)

An International Decent Work Strategy (June 4, 2003)

Global unemployment represents a serious problem in an increasingly wage-dependent world, but governments and international financial institutions have largely treated unemployment as a secondary concern. John Langmore of the International Labour Organisation discusses how governments, corporations, and communities can act to create "decent work" and boost income for millions of poor people. (Evatt Foundation)

Rights Make Might: Ensuring Worker's Rights as a Strategy for Economic Growth (April 9, 2003)

As the World Bank and the IMF grapple with sluggish global growth and increased financial instability, the institutions continue to ignore an important tool: worker rights. A growing body of evidence shows that worker rights increase productivity, lead to larger overall output, and stabilize strong local demand. (Economic Policy Institute)

Global Trade Unions State Position for WTO Cancun Meeting (April 4, 2003)

This statement from the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) calls for debt relief, democracy, environmental protection, poverty eradication and core labor standards as part of a wider WTO agenda to increase global growth and improve living standards. The ICFTU sets out clear goals and recommendations for the 2003 ministerial meeting in Cancun.

Serious Flaw in US-Singapore Trade Agreement Must Be Addressed (April, 2003)

A provision in the proposed US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement allows products produced on two small Indonesian islands to be treated as if they were of Singaporean origin, but does not require Indonesia to adhere to the labor and environmental standards in the agreement. If passed, the provision would seriously hinder labor rights progress in Indonesia. (Carnegie Council for International Peace)

As Bolivian Miners Die, Boys Are Left to Toil (March 24, 2003)

In Potosí­, Bolivia, boys as young as 10 risk their lives and ruin their health in the same mines that bankrolled Spanish military expansion centuries ago, but now poverty, not outright imperialism, drives child labor. (New York Times)

A Movement for Workplace Democracy? (March 11, 2003)

This ZNet article argues that the least democratic sphere in US society remains the workplace, where employees have little or no say over the conditions or nature of their work. The rate of unionization in the US continues to decline, falling last year to its current level of 13%.

Recognize and Revalue Women's Work (March 6, 2003)

Public Services International's (PSI) Equality and Rights Officer discusses what unions can do to address the global gender pay gap, particularly in the public sector where the majority of workers are women earning low wages. She suggests that gender-based campaigns would ultimately strengthen union membership and organization. (International Confederation of Free Trade Unions)

Jordan's Sweatshops: The Carrot or the Stick of US Policy? (February 26, 2003)

The 2001 free trade agreement between the United States and Jordan has led to an explosion of so-called "Qualified Industrial Zones," where workers in foreign owned factories produce US consumer goods for about $3.50 a day. Many Jordanians see the free trade agreement as politically motivated to increase US presence in the region. (CorpWatch)

Investor Dollars Versus Workers' Rights (February 21, 2003)

Recent strikes in Export Processing Zones (EPZs) in Kenya have raised questions about the Kenyan government's commitment to core labor standards versus its desire to attract, and maintain, foreign investment. A US sponsored report confirms that labor conditions in Kenyan EPZs are abysmal, but the government calls the strikes "hooliganism." (Nation (Nairobi))

Corporates Take Toll on Rights and Environment, Says Amnesty (February 21, 2003)

Amnesty International accuses the US of failing to protect local activists who reveal environmental or human rights abuses by US based corporations. In one case, the US State Department asked a federal judge to dismiss a case brought by Indonesian plaintiffs suing Exxon-Mobil for torture and killings by its security forces in Aceh province. (OneWorld US)

Trade is a Women's Issue (February 20, 2003)

Bama Athreya of the International Labor Rights Fund argues that women are central to global trade liberalization, but women's rights take a back seat in trade negotiations. 70%-90% of workers in export processing zones are women, who frequently suffer from abuse, harassment, and poor working conditions. (ATTAC)

Behind Roses' Beauty, Poor and Ill Workers (February 13, 2003)

Workers on Ecuador's world-famous rose farms suffer from exposure to high levels of toxic chemicals used to keep the roses fresh for export, resulting in chronic disease, headaches, and miscarriages. Rose farm workers have no labor protections and limited access to health care, but industry representatives refuse to acknowledge the problem. (New York Times)

World Bank Lends Support to Unions (February 12, 2003)

"Efforts by the World Bank to reinvent itself, in the face of mounting protests over globalisation, have seen it embrace an unlikely icon - the union movement," writes the BBC online. A Bank report "discovers" that unionized workers receive higher pay and better working conditions than non-unionized workers.

World Trade Body Ignores Union Appeals Over El Salvador's Treatment of Workers (February 6, 2003)

The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) submitted a recent report to the WTO exposing poor labor rights protections in El Salvador, particularly in Export Processing Zones. Ignoring the report altogether, the WTO praised El Salvador for its efforts to open its economy to trade and investment. (OneWorld US)

Anti-China Campaign Hides Maquiladora Wage Cuts (February 3, 2003)

Mexican maquiladoras justify low wages and poor working conditions by warning that companies would otherwise transfer production to China, where labor is comparatively cheap. This argument obscures maquiladoras' vulnerability to the US economic slump, this ZNet article argues.

Decent Work: For a Globalization with Decent Jobs (January 28, 2003)

The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) claims the current global economic model is unfair, undemocratic and unsustainable. Their proposed solution entails the enforcement of ‘decent work' regulations that promote peace and social justice around the globe. (ICFTU)

Trade and Labor Standards (2003)

This author argues that new trade initiatives in the US and EU to give preference to countries with higher labor standards create a strategic opportunity for smaller poor countries. By raising labor standards, poor countries could improve quality of life, fight income inequality, as well as increase access to markets in the US and Europe. (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)


Tactics of Chinese Government Frustrate Labor Organizers (December 30, 2002)

A labor movement in China seemed to be growing in March, 2002, when almost 30,000 people marched in the streets of Liaoyang, northeastern China. Since then, the Chinese government has imprisoned protest organizers and paid off workers, bringing the movement to a halt. (Washington Post)

Trade Unions Call for Equal Rights for Migrants (December 17, 2002)

The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions argues that migrant workers deserve the same rights and protections as non-migrant workers, and calls for stronger legal instruments to enforce migrant worker rights. The ICFTU released its statement to coincide with the International Day of Migrants on December 18.

Quest for Labour Standards in WTO (December 9, 2002)

This article in the Zimbabwe Herald highlights the flaws in the International Labour Organization and labor rights groups' campaigns to integrate labor standards into the WTO's trade laws. The article presents a common argument against labor standards: that cheap labor represents poor countries' sole comparative advantage in the global market.

Lighting Labor's Fire (December 5, 2002)

Barbara Ehrenreich and Thomas Geoghegan argue that "to bring a real labor movement back, we may need a more individualist, even libertarian approach, one that finally brings the ‘rights revolution' to American workers, regardless of gender or race." They propose several steps labor advocates can take to revitalize the movement. (The Nation)

Mexican Officials Promoting Prison Factories to US Companies Looking to Cut Costs (December 4, 2002)

Prison officials in Mexico's northern states are offering to provide prison labor to US companies, allowing them to cut down on health insurance, retirement, and other costs. Clint Hough of Texas is the first businessman to take up the offer, despite US labor laws banning the practice. (Associated Press)

It Will Be A Tragedy If The Firefighters Are Crushed (November 27, 2002)

The Fire Brigade Union strike in England is likely to end in "humiliation" for firefighters, who will be "forced to trail back to work defeated." This Guardian opinion article warns that the firefighters' defeat will represent a blow to the labor movement in England.

Five Countries Named For Labor Violations (November 21, 2002)

The International Labor Organization's Committee on Freedom of Association released a report censuring Belarus, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Zimbabwe for serious labor rights violations.

Gap Hit By 'Sweatshop' Protests (November 21, 2002)

In a New York press conference, workers from Indonesia, El Salvador, and Lesotho exposed the low wages, health risks, and poor working conditions they endure at Gap clothing factories. However, a recent poll shows that most young people in the US "turn a blind eye to political and ethical malpractices" in their consumer choices. (BBC)

Central American Free Trade Agreement Must Include Workers' Rights (November 19, 2002)

The Lawyers Committee for Human Rights calls on US officials to ensure that labor rights provisions are included in the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) negotiations. The Lawyers Committee argues that CAFTA has the potential to improve or worsen the situation for workers in countries with documented labor rights abuses.

Lawmakers Move Toward Compromise Curbing Worker Rights in New Department (November 11, 2002)

The US Congress is crafting a proposal for a Homeland Security Department that would allow the administration to "exempt unionized workers from collective bargaining agreements in the name of national security." The American Federation of Government Employees calls the "compromise" proposal "completely unacceptable." (New York Times)

Forced Labor of Public Employees in the United States: A Note from the 2002 International Labor Conference (October 31, 2002)

The International Labor Organization (ILO) is investigating the United States for violating one of the only ILO conventions it has ratified. The convention prohibits "forced or compulsory labor as a punishment for having participated in strikes."

Employees, Unions Want Say in Bank Merger, Acquisition (October 23, 2002)

The National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) demands that banks confer with unions and employees before going forward with a merger. NUBE argues that mergers can "lead to oligopoly and limited banking service for the poorer sectors of society." (BusinessWorld (Philippines))

In China, Labor Unions Offer Little Protection (October 16, 2002)

Workers in China were once regarded as "masters of the communist state." However, in China's rapidly liberalizing economy, workers now have few rights or protections from exploitation and abuse. (Washington Post)

Discrimination and Limited Trade Union Rights on the Menu for Australia's Workers (September 23, 2002)

The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) reveals in a report that Australian federal government legislation "significantly undermine(s) the application of international labor standards." The report also shows that working conditions and wages for women and indigenous people have worsened.

What If We Didn't Need Labor Day? (September 3, 2002)

The United States claims to promote democracy worldwide, but ignores its own domestic workplace. The author suggests that an emphasis on labor rights would transform the workplace as well as much of US society. (CommonDreams)

Human Rights are Union Rights (September, 2002)

Since the 1960s civil rights movement spurred the US to integrate multicultural and gender rights into national law, the push for "union solidarity" to protect the rights of individual workers has lost momentum. This article warns that a waning labor movement could weaken the ability for workers to demand their rights without fear of retribution. (Project-Syndicate)

ILO Annual Conference Adopts New Measures to Tackle the Challenges of Globalization (June 20, 2002)

In light of globalization's effects on employment, the ILO has taken steps toward improving the plight of workers. Focusing on the protection of workers in the informal economy and need for cooperatives, among other things, the ILO is adopting strategies conducive to globalization's harmful effects. (International Labor Organization)

Globalization's Inability to Create Jobs Fuels Mass Migration: ILO Chief (June 12, 2002)

This article underlines a two- tiered effect of globalization on unemployment. The Director-General of ILO, argues that "the present form of globalization has not produced enough jobs[…] in the places where they are most needed." This has led to mass migration of mainly unskilled workers, who ultimately remain at the bottom level of the host country. (Tehran Times)

Our Fruit, Their Labor and Global Reality (June 2, 2002)

"If globalization is to benefit all, why are the big banana companies so comfortable with the use of child labor, with violations of workers' rights and with substandard wages?" The Washington Post reports on the situation in Ecuador and proposes workers' unionization as a way to improve their plight.

A Trade Union Guide to Globalization (March 26, 2002)

This report discusses the practical implications of globalization for individual workers and organized labor groups. A strengthened role for international trade unions, particularly in relations with multinational corporations, would "enable workers…to create a democratic framework" for the global economy. (International Confederation of Free Trade Unions)

Agoa Panacea for Africa? (February 20, 2002)

A Tanzanian journalist depicts the reality of Agoa – an African-US market access agreement – as benefiting private profiteers alone, throwing doubt on its ability to raise Africa out of poverty through trade. Rather, publicly owned co-operatives are the way to impart benefits to the ordinary citizen. (TOMRIC)


A New Giant Sucking Sound (December 31, 2001)

China defines the new bottom in the competition among low-wage countries, with a manufacturing wage on 20-25 cents, in comparison to US$ 1.5 in Mexico. As production moves on, labor stays behind, resulting in destructive qualities, exploitation of labor and repeated crises. (Nation)

Market Economy Failed to Generate Jobs (December 10, 2001)

A UN agency (ECLAC) reports on failures of market-oriented economic models in Latin America during the 1990s. Instead of generating jobs, the models contributed to low quality jobs and increases in inequality. (Inter Press Service)

Forced Labor in the 21st Century (November, 2001)

This report shows how forced labor affects millions of people through bonded labor, child labor, and trafficking. It argues that tackling forced labor, regarded as an international criminal offence, needs to focus on eliminating poverty and discrimination. (International Confederation of Free Trade Unions)

Repression Against Trade Unionists on the Increase World Wide (October 8, 2001)

ICFTU 2001 Survey discloses the heavy price paid by trade unionists around the world. The right to strike has suffered particularly heavily from the negative consequences of globalization, not only in the developing world. (ICFTU)

Against the Workers: How IMF and World Bank Policies Undermine Labor Power and Rights (September, 2001)

The IMF imposes loan requirements that strip away legal protections for workersand massively cut government expenditures. These, in turn, often widen the wage gap as well as undermine prospects for economic growth. (Multinational Monitor)

Coke is It (August 8, 2001)

Steelworkers in Columbia are suing the Coca-Cola Company for collaborating with paramilitary death squads to threaten, kidnap and murder union leaders at its Colombian bottling plants. (In These Times)

The Bondage of Poverty That Produces Chocolate (July 29, 2001)

This New York Times article reveals a "closed-eyes" reality of child labor in the West and Central Africa. Some children who fall into the hands of smugglers end up exploited, if not in outright slavery.

The Crimson to Use Labor in Third World (July 24, 2001)

The Harvard Crimson, the US's oldest college newspaper, is turning to low-cost Cambodian typists in an effort to archive its 128-year history. A supporter of campus labor rights activism, the Crimson, has stirred some controversy among student leaders nationwide for its willingness to outsource to cheap labor. (Boston Globe)

90 Feared Dead After Blast in Chinese Mine (July 24, 2001)

China feared that more than 90 coal miners died in the latest of a series of industrial calamities which exposed a serious flaw in China's industrial management. "Beancurd construction," as the Chinese Prime Minister warned more than two years ago, needs to be inspected and reconstructed in saving the lives of potential victims. (Guardian)

Toxic Drift: Monsanto and the Drug War in Columbia (June 21, 2001)

During Columbia's 24 year-long drug war, the US sprayed tons of Roundup and Roundup Ultra, herbicide produced by the St. Louis-based chemical and biotechnology giant, Monsanto. Local residents say it makes them sick and destroys their crops. (Corp Watch)

International Labor Norms and Codes of Conduct for TNCs (May 5, 2001)

This article criticizes the poor record of TNCs' codes of conduct which have adverse implications for labor rights (PDF version, CETIM). (Centre Europe Tiers Monde CETIM)

Brazil's MST: Taking Back the Land (February, 2001)

The "Movimento dos Trabalhadores sem Terra" (Landless Workers Movement) is 'the' prime example of what an anti-corporate globalization citizen group symbolizes. Not only does it fight for Brazilian agrarian reform, but it also creates a vast 'informal public sector' to replace government in ensuring basic social rights. (Multinational Monitor)

Labor Leaders to Publicize ILO's Worker Rights List (February 14, 2001)

'Ethical corporations' will have a freshly prepared ILO worker right's list to occupy their accountants. (World Exploitatio


Global Firms' Investment in Human Rights is Nothing to Crow Over (December 29, 2000)

Efforts by transnational corporations to uphold human and labor rights is yet to convince monitors of global corporate behavior that significant change is taking place. Inter Press Service

A Setback for Global Capital (December 29, 2000)

This article from the Mail & Guardian examines how preferential treatment in trade agreements among others could permit rapid economic expansion and subsequently benefit labor in developing countries

Yes to Globalization, But Protect the Poor (December 21, 2000)

A letter in the (International Herald Tribune ) argues that, the benefits of globalization (in this case, increase trade) should be shared by both companies and workers whose rights are most often abused.

Adidas Abuses Workers Rights in Indonesia (November 23, 2000)

Is Adidas really breaching its own code of conduct? (Guardian Unlimited)

International Labor Organizations (September 18, 2000)

In this extensive paper for the Columbia University Labor Seminar, Sumner Rosen details the global history of labor rights, from the first inter-union cooperations and Communist Internationals to the recent developments within the ILO. An excellent introduction to the topic!

Thousands of People Targeted for Trade Union Activities Worldwide (September 13, 2000)

An annual report by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICTFU) details the worldwide abuse of labor rights. Colombia was identified as the most dangerous place for union activities in 1999 with 76 assassinations or disappearances of labor rights activists.

Workers' Rights 'Abused in US' (Augst 30, 2000)

The US economic miracle of the late 90s is based on weak labor standards in the country, the Guardian reports. Workers are often denied the right to unionize – the story of Microsoft's ‘perma-temps' is cited as a case in point.

A Good Taste in the Mouth (July 16, 2000)

You can eat chocolate without feeling guilty about your growing belly. Day Chocolate Company is one of the "fair" and socially responsible firms that takes into consideration the interest of cocoa suppliers in the developing world. (The Independent (London) )

ILO Report Says Globalization Causes Job Losses (June 21, 2000)

According to an ILO study, globalization and growing economic liberalization have resulted in job losses and less secure work arrangements. (World Bank Development News)

ILO Conference Approves Maternity Rights Treaty (June 15, 2000)

Approval of the Maternity Rights Treaty means reconciliation between concerns for family life and working life. This Treaty has had overwhelming success and was approved by a vast majority of the world's employers, labor unions as well as national governments. (Inter Press Service)

Protests, General Strike Paralyze Argentine Capital (June 9, 2000)

Workers in Buenos Aires took to the streets and protested against the government austerity program. Under the program, public employee wages will be reduced by as much as 12% in order for the IMF to agree to a loan of 7.3 billion dollars. (Agence France-Presse)

For Cruise Ship Workers, Voyages Are No Vacations (May 30, 2000)

Lured by earning higher income than at home, workers from developing nations are enduring extreme low pay and Spartan conditions to work as cruise ship workers, while ship owners say the jobs provide opportunities to the poor.(Los Angeles Times)

China Official Presents Plan to Protect Agricultural Sector from WTO Membership (May 30, 2000)

China is a prime example in demonstrating the effects of accession to the WTO. One issue to be tackled is the vulnerable Chinese agricultural industry.(China Online)

'We Are Not Ready for WTO' (May 25, 2000)

Despite overwhelming support among Chinese media to the country's accession to the WTO, a Chinese academic wrote a book about the negative impacts of free trade. He suggests trade protections are crucial for the nation to survive.(China Online)

Annual Trade Review Promotes Minimum Standards For Workers (April 5, 2000)

An intelligent argument for continuing to have annual congressional review of China's trading privileges. (Los Angeles Times)

The Debate on Labour Standards: Myth and Reality (April 2, 2000)

An article from the Independant (Bangladesh) takes a close look at the facts behind labour standards, how and by who they are determined.

Globalisation: The Plight Of Billions Stressed (March 30, 2000)

Article from Business Day (South Africa) discusses a report released by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions: "Globalising Social Justice - Trade Unionism in the 21st Century" which emphasizes the need to address widening inequalities as part of a broader strategy by unions in dealing with the effects of globalisation.

Women's Labor: A Key Factor in Globalization (March 20, 2000)

Article discusses the undervalued role of women's labor in the globalization process and overall "success" of free market strategies. It questions why women are not entitled to the fullness of their rights: the right to work, the right to social protection, the right to bodily integrity, etc. (Economic Justice News)

The Littlest Laborers: Child Labor Thrives in the Developing World (March 16, 2000)

An article from the Washington Post describes the rising number of children who work in extremely dangerous conditions around the world. The article also includes a US Department of Labor report on child labor.

WTO No Help To Chinese Workers (March 10, 2000)

An article arguing that China's entry into the WTO will lead to a greater disparity between rich and poor, booster the power of the communist party, and most significantly hurt the poorest people of China. (Baltimore Sun)

French to Boost Women's Wages (March 8, 2000)

French Members of Parliament began debating new legislation that would force companies to pay women and men the same wage for the same job. The average pay gap between women and men for the same job is 27%. (Guardian, London)

ILO Chief in Bangkok Knocks Globalization (February 15, 2000)

The head of the International Labour Organization, Juan Somavia, echoed protestors concerns, stating that the gains of globalization were not reaching enough people.

Private Enterprise could save China from Crippling Joblessness (February 4, 2000)

An in depth article from Asia Week posing one potential solution to the concern over the increase in unemployment which is predicted to accompany China's entry into the WTO.

Democratic Development as the Fruits of Labor (January 24, 2000)

After criticizing the IMF and World Bank for inaccurately evaluating development, former World Bank Chief Economist, Joseph Stiglitz stresses the need for a more democratic policy making team, to incorporate specifically the working class, i.e. labor unions into the discussion of development strategy.

In China, No Workers' Paradise (January 20, 2000)

Chinese workers rights are increasingly "sacrificed to the altar of economic development", some of the factories with the worst working conditions are those contracted by foreign multinational corporations. (Washington Post)

World Bank Dissident Invokes Asian Workers' Woes (January 10, 2000)

Outgoing World Bank Chief Economist, Joseph Stiglitz, charges that the IMF, the World Bank and the US Treasury helped investors at the expense of workers in the Asian economic crises. (Interpress Service)

Labor's New Internationalism (January/February 2000)

An in-depth article discussing the emergance of a global voice for the working class. (Journal of Foreign Affairs)

Humanity at Mercy of Corporate Spirit (January 2, 2000)

A commentary by Jim Wright, a former speaker of the US House of Representatives, about corporations lack of accountability to workers.(Contra Costa News)

Unions Say Globalisation's Worst Is Yet to Come (June 15, 1999)

An InterPress Service article that details some of the abuses that labor has come to associate with the process of globalization.

Who's to Blame for Negative Impacts of Globalization? (September 8, 1998)

Article on the impact of globalization on African labor standards.

Labor, Industry and the Bank in Indonesia (September 7, 1998)

Jeff Ballinger looks at the suppression of worker rights and labor practices in Asian economics

Labor Rights Set Back 100 Years in Duty-Free Zones (May 20,1999)

An article which looks at the effects of "duty-free zones" on working conditions and labor rights in Central America and the Caribbean.

Jobs and Labor "Flexibility": the UK mirage (April 1998)

Article by Anne-Cecile Roberts in Le Monde Diplomatique (English) examines the claim that the UK-US neoliberal approach to labor policy is the answer to Europe's employment woes.

"Globalization Must Include Social Justice for all Workers" (June 1997)

An interview with Guy Ryder of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.

Global Crisis of Unemployment and Income Inequality (Fall 1996)

Articles from ILO magazine discuss the results of the annual report on employment.

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