Global Policy Forum

Proposals of the European Union for Reform of the United Nations System in the Economic and Social Areas; ECOSOC (January 28, 1997)

United Nations
January 28, 1997

46. The Intergovernmental machinery must form an integral part of the reform process. Reform and change in this area should progress in tandem with reforms at the organisational and managerial level and should be mutually supportive. The European Union believes that an integral dimension of achieving effective levels of performance by the UN system in the field of development requires a capacity for provision of overall guidance on policy and operational matters by UN Member States.

ECOSOC was envisaged by the Charter as the framework for such a role. We do not believe it has so succeeded to date. We have welcomed Resolution 50/227 as strengthening in some important respects the role of ECOSOC and stress the need for its implementation. We how look forward to further discussions on ways forward to further strengthen the role of ECOSOC, building upon the agreements reached in Resolution 50/227.

47. The European Union believes ECOSOC must perform several core functions:

* Consideration, in the high level segment with Ministerial participation, of major issues relating to international cooperation in the economic, social end related fields. The outcome of these discussions should normally take the form of agreed conclusions to be followed up by all relevant bodies and organisations of the UN system .The Union would wish to see further discussion among Member States on how to make the high-level segment more politically meaningful and relevant. One Option in this regard might be to consider holding the high-level segment as a separate 2-3 day self standing annual meeting focusing on one or two topical themes:

* Enhance interaction between the UN, the BWIs and the World Trade Organision (WT0):

* Promote a coordinated and integrated follow up to and implementation of major UN Conferences through a review of cross cutting themes emanating from such conferences and identification of clear priorities in order to make recommendations for a coordinated UN systemwide response:

* Ensure an action-oriented review of the activities, reports and recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of ECOSOC, focusing especially on major policy issues that require a concerted response from the UN system as a whole:

* Fully exercise its role as the overall coordinating body of all UN development funds and programmes. This should include providing guidance to the Boards of the funds and programmes and in establishing objectives, priorities and strategies in the implementation of policies formulated by the General Assembly.

48. In a wider policy sense, the EU wishes to highlight the following points:

* ECOSOC has an important role to play on economic, social or environmental issues of overriding importance. The EU believes that ECOSOC should provide clear guidance to the UN system on policy issues and operational issues:

* Resolution 50/227 (para 41) states that "the Council may convene special sessions to address urgent developments". This, together with the shortened session (para 401, strengthened coordination role (para 39), better preparations and a more active bureau (paras 46-52), would seem to provide a basis for a more active and better functioning ECOSOC. It is important that these provisions be speedily implemented. The Union would see value in an early assessment, building on 50/227, of making ECOSOCs agenda as relevant as possible, for example by more regular substantive sessions at "working level". The Union also favours due attention be given to reflection/assessment of the Council work conclusions at the end of each substantive session:

* The EU believes that ECOSOC should be convened in a more flexible manner, when necessary to address urgent developments. The bureau would determine when this is the case and make necessary preparations for the sessions, assisted by the USG for development issues, in the capacity of executive secretary for ECOSOC:

* The EU also wishes to emphasize the importance of avoiding duplication between ECOSOC and the General Assembly (Resolution 50/227, paras 21-23). ECOSOCs role as a main forum for reports, Resolutions and discussion topics should be strengthened and substantive discussions should, in this context, not be duplicated in the General Assembly.

49. The EU believes that the Under Secretary General responsible for development issues should also be Executive Secretary of ECOSOC. This would involve, inter alia:

* Overseeing implementation of the decisions of the Council

* USG to report to ECOSOC on ACC assessment of coordination issues and performance of his/her role in drawing attention of governing bodies of funds, programmes and Specialised Agencies of any conflicts (policy or operational) in activities:

* USG to report to ECOSOC on execution of responsibilities of new Department Of Economic and Social Cooperation and development issues:

The new merged department we have outlined would act as Secretariat for ECOSOC and the USG would make recommendations on UN development policy across the range of issues, including follow up to UN conferences and economic and social analysis. The USG would also oversee review of mandates, composition, functions and working methods of Functional Commissions and expert groups.



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