Reform the UN
January 31, 2006
On Monday January 30th, the co-chairs of the consultations on development and ECOSOC reform convened an informal session of the GA to discuss the new Draft Resolution on ECOSOC Reform, released on January 26th. This draft complements the previous document released which covers "Possible elements for a UNGA Resolution on Development Follow-up." This document looks at various measures to build upon and improve current development efforts on implementation, coordination and integration such as follow-up on the major conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields.
The current draft resolution on ECOSOC reform, which is based on the views and proposals conveyed by member states in the previous discussions, outlines a number of recommendations and is largely focused on establishing a framework of high level dialogues to enhance ECOSOC's coordinating role in global economic affairs. This framework, as currently set out in the document, would be based upon a special High-Level Segment with the Bretton Woods Institutions, the World Trade Organization and UNCTAD. The segment, in alternating years, would consist of a biennial policy dialogue set around thematic discussions and a biennial high-level Development Cooperation Forum to review trends in international development cooperation (strategies, policies, financing, promoting greater coherence, strengthening links between normative and operational work, etc.) Furthermore, the segment would involve annual Ministerial-level substantive reviews to assess progress on follow-up of the outcomes of major UN conferences and summits on development issues. Additional provisions looked at eliminating duplication between the work of the GA and ECOSOC and enhancing UN operational activities and country presence.
During the consultations, member states welcomed the draft resolution while suggesting amendments and taking note of various omissions. Requests were made for a new phase of negotiations where member states could engage with each other directly. Various countries emphasized that these new dialogues should not interfere or overlap with the integrity of existing ECOSOC dialogues, such as the segment on humanitarian issues. Member states also expressed their support for a strong link between ECOSOC and the Peacebuilding Commission, particularly regarding ECOSOC's role in maintaining attention on the development components and facilitating transitions from relief to development. In this context, it was reiterated that the Peacebuilding Commission should take into account and build upon the work of the ad hoc advisory groups on Guinea Bissau, Burundi and Haiti.