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In July 1996, ECOSOC reviewed and expanded its arrangements for consultation with NGOs and recommended that the General Assembly examine the question of the "participation of NGOs in all areas of work of the UN". Thereafter, member states began negotiations but these soon stalled. The Secretary General wrote two reports. And nothing substantial has happened. NGOs have made some important informal advances but they have also suffered disappointing setbacks.
In this section, Global Policy Forum monitors the participation of NGOs at the UN. You will find information on the formal framework for NGOs at the UN as well as general analysis on NGOs and the UN. Also posted are documents on the relation of NGOs with main bodies of the UN such as the General Assembly and the Security Council, as well as the rest of the UN system.
Basic Information on NGOs at the UN
NGOs and UN Main Bodies
Relations between NGOs and the UN
NGO Access at the UN
Problematic NGOs at the UN