Breaking Out of the WTO Box (April 1, 2004)
In preparation for the UN Conference on Trade and Development in June 2004, NGOs drafted a proposal challenging the neo-liberal agenda of the WTO and suggested the UN as an alternative body to regulate global trade. (Utne)
Putting ECOSOC Back in the Loop (March 8, 2004)
This article argues that the UNs Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has sunk into obscurity. ECOSOC President Marjatta Rasi proposes that for the Council to reclaim its relevance it must improve cooperation with the Presidents of the General Assembly and the Security Council and work more closely with the Bretton Woods Institutions. (UN Wire)
The Future of Multilateralism after Monterrey and Johannesburg (October 2003)
This report, analyzes the barriers to the multilateralist approach to economic and social policy. It concludes that world politics are at a turning point, at which multilateralism can further democratic cooperation. Jens Martins of WEED offers policy reforms of UN Institutions and other global powers to realize these goals. (Dialogue on Globalization)
Higher Profile for UN Economic Talks (January-February 1999)
UN Development Update article discussing Annan's priority to bring UN's voice into world economic decision-making.
Chilean Ambassador Somavia's Farewell Address to ECOSOC (January 19, 1999)
Includes the Ambassador's reflections on various aspects of the UN, the global economy, civil society and human values.
Shaping a Shared Future (October 24, 1998)
UN reform should not consist of passing the UN's socioeconomic mandate on to the Bretton Woods institutions and the WTO. Conservative reform calls emphasize that the UN should limit itself to "what it does better than others, that is peace-keeping or, in other words, disciplining the developing countries." The South needs to stand together in the reform process of the UN if it wants to halt the advance of global capitalism. (Indian Express)
Proposals of the European Union for Reform of the United Nations System in the Economic and Social Areas; ECOSOC (January 28, 1997)
The European Union (EU) argues that ECOSOC has failed to guide development policy by UN member states. As part of the ECOSOC reform debate, the EU insists that ECOSOC must help the UN to work more closely with the Bretton Woods Institutions, and act as the overall coordinator of all UN development funds and programmes. (United Nations)
An Agenda for Peace and an Agenda for Development: the Security Council and the Economic & Social Council in the UN Reform Process (September 8, 1995)
According to this article, ECOSOC and the Security Council are two of the most essential components of the UN structure, yet each is fraught with flaws. ECOSOC has a broad mandate that cannot be fulfilled because of the lack of power it is given by member states. As a result, its overflowing agenda is left incomplete. Similarly, the Security Council is plagued by un-democratic practices of vote extortion and permanent memberships. (Erskine Childers)