Statement by A. Granovsky, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations at the meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on equitable representation on and expansion of the Security Council, unofficial translation
It is satisfying that the agenda and organization of the current session of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) fully reflect the established "package" nature of the activity of the group to implement the mandate, issued by the General Assembly. The contents of the mandate clearly proves that no agreement or progress made on one of the clusters is final unless it is in parallel with adequate progress on another.
It is understandable that quite a few delegations tend to reach an agreement on additional measures to enhance openness and transparency of the Security Council as soon as possible. However, maintenance and improvement of the effectiveness of the Security Council coupled with adequate evaluation of numerous important measures already approved by the Security Council and joint endeavor to increase their practical output remain a major criterion for the efficiency of the actions towards this goal. While debating over the wording one should not ever forget this basic principle and prerequisite for the sought-after rational improvement of the working methods and procedures of the Security Council. Otherwise drafting of document CPR.3 or any other document of the second cluster will inevitably come up against acute divergence of views of principle.
Mr. President,
No matter how perfect the working methods of the Security Council were, they could not guarantee the effectiveness of the Security Council unless all the members of the Security Council and the UN with no exception strictly fulfill their obligations under the UN Charter and respect the Security Council as the organ entrusted with primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.
Illegal military action of NATO against Yugoslavia carried out in flagrant violation of the UN Charter and norms of international law through bypassing the Security Council has clearly demonstrated that any disregard of these norms will not only be fraught with marginalization of the Security Council and the United Nations on the whole, but will also undermine the entire international system grounded on primacy of law, and will lead to chaos and revival of a unilateral dictate in the world affairs. Any pattern of the Security Council re-structuring could not avert such a destructive course of events for the interests of the overwhelming majority of states.
We hope [they will settle the matter by] political means in the Kosovo crisis settlement under the aegis of the UN and with the central role of the Security Council, achieved with great difficulty will help to learn appropriate lessons from the past and restore the relevant role and prestige of the Council. Finding a truly viable formula of Security Council enlargement which is based on the broadest possible agreement, including support on the part of all five permanent members of the Security Council is to serve this purpose.
An important factor for the enhancement of the Security Council's efficiency is to ensure its more balanced and representative make-up. While proceeding firmly from the point that the enlarged Security Council should not exceed 20-21 members, we confirm our principal position that the major precondition for a just fulfillment of this task is to ensure adequate representation of the Latin America, Africa and Asia in the enlarged Security Council being endowed with status equal to that of other new members of the Security Council. In view of this, for instance the Russian Federation considers India a strong and worthy candidate for a Permanent membership seat in the Security Council should it be decided to enlarge the Council in both categories.
The Russian Federation will continue to make a constructive contribution into the search for agreement on all aspects of the OEWG's mandate to come up with a qualitative decision on the enlargement of the Security Council which can withstand the test of time.
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